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ISO 14048 for industrial needs. Markus Erlandsson Raul Carlson Chalmers University of Technology Industrial Environmental Informatics September 15, 2005 Naples, Italy. Contents of presentation. Life Cycle Assessment – LCA, the Context and Application domain of ISO/TS 14048
ISO 14048 for industrial needs Markus Erlandsson Raul Carlson Chalmers University of Technology Industrial Environmental Informatics September 15, 2005Naples, Italy
Contents of presentation Life Cycle Assessment – LCA, the Context and Application domain of ISO/TS 14048 LCA: Industrial application and needs ISO/TS 14048 – meets the needs Status of the work with ISO/TS 14048 Reflections from introducing ISO/TS 14048
Industrial environmental informatics - IMI • Industry-applied research group at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden • IMI conducts academic research, develops and maintains information management systems for industrial environmental applications. Focus: Environmental data for industry applications • IMI is based on results from joint academic and industrial research since 1993. Resumé includes joint projects with ABB, Bombardier, Electrolux, Ericsson, SAAB, SCA, Stora Enso, Volvo, Vattenfall etc • The work with the standardised data documentation format for LCA data has been important for IMI and IMI’s industrial collaboration partners
Life Cycle Assessment – LCA, the Context and Application domain of ISO/TS 14048
Life cycle assessment (LCA) Process/product system Function of product system Environmental impact Impact categories/category indicators
Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Process/product system Function of product system Environmental impact SCOPE of ISO/TS 14048 Impact categories/category indicators
The performance of an LCA for a process or a product system require data from different phases of the life cycle, but also data from the nature system and the social system LCA require data Data needed to make an LCA
LCA is applied within the industry when acquiring information for decisions, and as LCA is used for many types of decisions, LCAs are performed from many different perspectives. Examples of such perspectives are: Product Product development Process Improvements of processes Logistics Efficient transportation of goods with low emissions Scenario Would the building of a new plant producing X in China be OK according to our environmental policy? … Same kind of information from different perspectives put requirements on the data Qualitative data is needed to make the quantitative data relevant LCA from different perspectives
Experiences within the industry driven competence centre CPM (Center for Environmental Assessment of Product and Material Systems)show that The usage of environmental assessment results for decisions with major economic values require transparent and well documented data where the assessment results can be verified. This means that the same quality requirements are applied for the environmental data as for any other industrial data Transparent and well documented data makes the data independent of person which smoothes the progress of introducing new colleagues facilitates reuse of information Business value in working with qualitative data that describes and provides relevance to the quantitative data Requirements for use of LCA results for decisions
LCA is substantial data work: data selection read documentation to select appropriate data data collection acquire and format data into LCA study mathematical aggregation calculate quantities to LCI profile data documentation write report about data treatment interpretation read documentation to understand data and LCI validation read documentation and check quantities critical review read to check data documentation, and methods and data used A data documentation format facilitates LCA data work. A data documentation format facilitates LCA data work
A common data format is needed for efficient communication of information and data with colleagues The industry needs a common data format (1)
A common data format is needed to communicate efficiently with other actors throughout the supply chain or the life cycle of a product or process A common data format reduces costs to make environmental assessments The industry needs a common data format (2)
There are several databases containing general LCA data A common data format is needed to make the data retrieval from different data sources efficient for the LCA practitioners The industry needs a common data format (3)
Standardised format for LCA data, in paper-based or electronic media. It outlines and specifies a form for users to report LCA data, whether within industries, institutes, consultancy agencies etc. Supports transparent reporting, interpretation and review of data collection, data calculation, data quality and data reporting, as well as facilitates data exchange. Can be used as a template for standard compliant and compatible designs of e.g. data forms, questionnaires, database systems and electronic communication systems. Developed for life cycle assessment, but can also be used to support environmental data management when applying other standards in the ISO 14000 series. ISO/TS 14048 in short
ISO 14048 – defines the language when communicating LCA data
ISO 14048 – a translation bridge between formats Examples of how the ISO 14048 data documentation format facilitates data exchange and data acquisition
ISO/TS 14048 was adopted as a Technical Specification 2001 after a long consensus process ISO/TS 14048 was voted to be lifted to standard in 2004 (18 votes yes and 6 no): But to prepare the work and broaden the consensus, a TF was assigned to follow an SC 5 resolution at TC 207/SC 5 plenary meeting in Buenos Aires 2004. Expected outcome of the meeting in ISO/TC 207/SC 5/TF 14048 in Madrid (which is concurrent to this workshop) The consensus work needed to lift 14048 to standard will start This work will probably result in minor modifications of the specification in terms of Specification of which fields that are most important Addition of fields e.g. on the process description Removal of some seldomly used fields Easier to read the specification Status of the work with ISO/TS 14048
Since 2001 the interest in LCA data formats has increased, and ISO/TS 14048 has been widely applied. Some examples: EcoSpold is compliant with ISO/TS 14048 Frischknecht, R. et al 'The ecoinvent Database: Overview and Methodological Framework', Intl. Journal of LCA 10 LCA (1) 3-9 (2005) JRC European database is developed partly on basis of ISO/TS 14048European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment, European Commission DG JRC, IES, Ispra (VA), Italy Swedish national database SPINE is translated into ISO/TS 14048http://www.imi.chalmers.se/Projects/ISO_TS_Info_Resources.htm The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory LCI databasehttp://hpb-1a.nrel.gov/lci 2005-09-01 The Danish LCA Food databasehttp://lcafood.dk (http://www.lcafood.dk/about.htm 2005-09-01) UNEP/SETAC LC Initiative incorporates ISO/TS 14048LCI Database Characteristics and Quality (TF LCI 2) Norris G.A. et al “Draft Final Report of the LCI Definition Study”, Life Cycle Inventory Program of The Life Cycle Initiative, September, 2003 The European CASCADE projectBridges ISO/TS 14048, ISO 10303, ISO 13584, and ISO 15926 standards ISO/TS 14048 is proposed for further standardisation in ISO/TC 184/SC 4 – liason with ISO/TC 207/SC 5 is being developedhttp://www.iso.ch/iso/en/stdsdevelopment/tc/tclist/TechnicalCommitteeDetailPage.TechnicalCommitteeDetail?COMMID=4299 ISO/TS 14048 is widely applied
Different implementations of ISO/TS 14048 looks different Not within the scope of the work performed within TC 207 to define software specific implementation details There is a need for further standardisation of data format for LCA data within TC 184 The work which was initiated within CASCADE should continue, with a close cooperation between TC 184 and TC 207 ISO 14048 needs a relation to TC 184
LCA is performed from different perspectives and is typically performed on already existing systems Qualitative descriptive data is needed to make the quantitative data relevant The industry needs standardised data documentation format for LCA data For efficient communication of information and data with colleagues For efficient communication with other actors throughout the supply chain or the life cycle of a product or process For efficient retrieval of data from different public databases Fill the gap between LCA definition and different data formats for LCA data Cost-saver as a data documentation format facilitates LCA data work ISO 14048 meets these needs There is a need for further standardisation of data format for LCA data within TC 184 Summary