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Inheritance and Selection

Learn about inheritance and selection in this KS3 unit. Understand the process of getting characteristics from parents, choosing animals or plants to breed, DNA, genes, variation, selective breeding, pollen, hormones, evolution, environment, habitat, chromosomes, traits, continuous and discrete variations.

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Inheritance and Selection

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Inheritance and Selection KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  2. Q1. What do we call getting characteristics from our parents? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  3. A1. Inheritance KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  4. Q2. What do we call the process of choosing particular animals or plants to breed? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  5. A2. Selection KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  6. Q3. Name a long molecule that contains all the information needed to make a plant or animal KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  7. A3. DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  8. Q4. What do we call a section of DNA that contains the information about a particular trait? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  9. A4. A gene KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  10. Q5. What do we call differences in characteristics within a particular species? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  11. A5. Variation KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  12. Q6. Name a domestic pet originally selectively bred from wolves KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  13. A6. Dog KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  14. Q7. Name a farm animal selectively bred for efficient meat or milk production KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  15. A7. Cattle KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  16. Q8. Name the fine powder produced by flowering plants that contains male reproductive cells and causes hay-fever. KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  17. A8. Pollen KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  18. Q9. What do we call a chemical made in a plant or animal that regulates growth and development? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  19. A9. A hormone KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  20. Q10. What do we call a single stage in the evolutionary descent of a group of animals or plants? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  21. A10. A generation KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  22. Q11. What do we call the surroundings in which all animals and plants live? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  23. A11. The environment KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  24. Q12. What do we call the natural home of a particular plant or animal? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  25. A12. The habitat KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  26. Q13. What do we call the X shaped structures in a cell nucleus made up of coiled up DNA? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  27. A13. Chromosomes KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  28. Q14. What do we call a genetically determined inherited characteristic? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  29. A14. A trait KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  30. Q15. What do we call variations that can take any value, like height or weight? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  31. A15. Continuous KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  32. Q16. What do we call variations that can only take certain values like eye colour or number of fingers? KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  33. A16. Discrete KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

  34. Well Done!Now check your score KS3 Unit 9a – Inheritance and selection

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