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Frases / oraciones phrases / sentences

Frases / oraciones phrases / sentences. Noun phrase: consists of a noun and all of its modifiers, which can include other phrases(like prepositional) the beautiful woman from the shop Traduction : English-Spanish Frase nominal La mujer bella de la tienda Frase adjetival

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Frases / oraciones phrases / sentences

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  1. Frases / oracionesphrases/sentences

  2. Noun phrase: consists of a noun and all of its modifiers, which can include other phrases(like prepositional) the beautiful woman from the shop Traduction: English-Spanish Frase nominal La mujerbella de la tienda Frase adjetival (ii) La bellamujer de la tienda Traducción: Español –Inglés [literal] (i)* the women beautiful of/from the shop (ii) The beautiful woman from the shop Note Prepositions: Of = expressing the relationship between a direction and a point of reference. From= indicating sour or provenance

  3. Sentences: are grammatical units that are syntactically independent and has a subject that is expressed and a predicate that contains at least one finite verb. John lent mehisbicycle Traduction: English- Spanish (i)Juan me prestó su bicicleta. (ii)Juan me prestó la bicicleta de él. (iii)A mí me prestó Juan su bicicleta. (iiii)Fue Juan el que me prestó su bicicleta. [In sentence Nuclear, the mobility seems to be a preferred device for sentence focusing inEnglish. In Spanish, on the other hand, a more common procedure to highlightwords in the sentence is carried out by lexical and syntactic means, changing word order or by adding other words to the sentences]. Traducción: Español-Inglés (ii)*John lent me the bicycle of his. (iii) John lent his bicycle to me. (iiii)It was John who lent me his bicycle.

  4. peliculas The title in this movie is a prepositional phrase when translating them, they both remain the same structure. [subject + prepositional phrase] Alice + in wonderland Alicia + en el pais de las maravillas

  5. In these movies, we can see that their structure changes. -The first title is a prepositional phrase. But, when translated it turn into two noun phrase joined with conjunction. -The second title are two noun phrase joined with a conjunction. These both remain the same structure when translated.

  6. series la obra cinematográfica es la que se encarga de traducir las películas y modificar sus nombres. La traducción depende del impacto que le dará a la cultura y autorizar la traducción también es parte de los derechos del autor. Es por eso que muchas veces los títulos son muy diferentes al original, causando que la frases u oraciones cambien de estructura o orden.

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