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Leonard Low Canberra Institute of Technology mlearningblogs

Leonard Low Canberra Institute of Technology http://mlearning.edublogs.org leonard.low@cit.act.edu.au. Progress… In Pictures! Capturing and Sharing Learning and Process using Photos, Videos, and Moblogs. It is sometimes said…. “…a picture is worth a thousand words ”.

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Leonard Low Canberra Institute of Technology mlearningblogs

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  1. Leonard Low Canberra Institute of Technology http://mlearning.edublogs.org leonard.low@cit.act.edu.au Progress… In Pictures!Capturing and Sharing Learning and Process using Photos, Videos, and Moblogs

  2. It is sometimes said… “…a picture is worth a thousand words” “Canberra Technical College” – 1950’s http://flickr.com/photos/cit_canberra/1573227330

  3. in education? …but how do we apply this wisdom “Homework” http://simonswritingroom.blogspot.com

  4. …but how do we apply this wisdom in education? Picture? 1000 words? “Homework” http://simonswritingroom.blogspot.com

  5. Process. Pictures can show… Canberra Technical College First Aid Student – 1970’s http://flickr.com/photos/cit_canberra

  6. Progress. Pictures can show… CIT Automotive Students – from Skills to Supercars http://flickr.com/photos/cit_canberra

  7. Learning. Pictures can show… Food & Beverage Preparation & Service by CIT Students http://flickr.com/photos/cit_canberra

  8. Pictures can show… Achievement. CIT Graduation, Env. Design Exhibition, and Fashion Show http://flickr.com/photos/cit_canberra/page105

  9. And there's never been a better time to use media for teaching and learning. (Please go over to the Whiteboard tab to participate in this activity)‏ 10 Years Ago... Today! Film cameras: expensive Digital cameras: free film and processing ; every imaging with unlimited reprint cost $$$! copying and sharing! (add your thoughts on how media creation and sharing has changedin the last 10 years!)‏

  10. Now it's Show Time! I have a couple of cool tools you – or your students – might like to try as ways to share your images: Moblogs:a way of capturing and sharing photos using a mobile phone camera; and, if we have time... Animoto : an online site that takes a collection of your images, and turns them into a professionally-presented video show

  11. Um.. Whatblogs? A “moblog” is a “mobile weblog” A website you own, control, and customise, Where you can post stuff you create, From your cellphone, PDA, or other connected mobile device: anytime and anywhere! Let’s have a look at one!

  12. http://moblog.co.uk/blog/mobilelearning My testing and demonstration moblog…

  13. Wanna Try It? mb-developingus-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/developingus Yaay, of course you do! • Email a photo, video, or sound file (as an attachment) to: • mb-developingus-mb@moblg.net • And you’ll see it appear here: • http://moblog.co.uk/blog/developingus • You can add a text comment and a title in your message • You can email from your mobile phone or your computer • I’ll put this information on the rest of this session’s slides • – add something anytime!

  14. So… Why Moblog? Moblogging can be used as a fun and effective: Individual learning activity Formative assessment activity Way to document ANY process over time Group resource-gathering and sharing activity Summative assessment activity …and much more… mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips

  15. So… Why Moblog? Instead of making notes like this: mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Your students could moblog like this:

  16. They could share images, sounds, & videos they create… mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips So… Why Moblog? …with other learners and experts everywhere…

  17. …using tools they enjoy… mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips So… Why Moblog? …to get instant feedback...

  18. …any time… mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips So… Why Moblog? …and anywhere.

  19. Here’s just one example. This is Darren. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips

  20. Darren is studying advertising & marketing at CIT. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Here’s just one example.

  21. This semester, he’s been asked to moblog examples of advertising and marketing that he comes across. It’s an eye opening assignment. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Here’s just one example.

  22. For the first time, Darren walks down the street, noticing how advertising works in his own world. How advertising works on him. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Here’s just one example.

  23. That’s just one of the many things he reflects on, in his moblog. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Here’s just one example.

  24. His classmates have their opinions too… mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Here’s just one example.

  25. …and of course, moblogs of their own … mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Here’s just one example.

  26. …so there’s plenty to talk about. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Here’s just one example.

  27. (Even before industry professionals find the moblogs, and add even more ideas.)‏ mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Here’s just one example.

  28. Are yougetting the picture? mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips (and there’s more than just pictures: you can also moblog with videos and sounds.)‏

  29. Create & Share,Anytime & Anywhere. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Moblogging is a way to make students reflect on howtheir area of study is part of their life generally. It can also be used as a means of documentinga specific activity, such as a creative process or an assessment. Pedagogically speaking, moblogging favours situatedand exploratory learning in a social constructivist framework.

  30. Perhaps that’s why education everywhere is moblogging! Singapore’s educational moblogging community: http://www.campusmoblog.com.sg 14202 users. 1057 (educational) groups: (http://www.campusmoblog.com.sg/main/group_blogger.asp). Wow. Oh, sorry… only mobile-enabled for Singaporean residents. Sigh. But couldn’t we replicate this for Australian VET??? mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips

  31. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips A group moblog: http://ICJYS1.campusmoblog.com.sg In this moblog, a class of 13-year olds is documenting their development and production of a video on “Managing and Respecting Intellectual Property”. Wow.

  32. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips A group moblog: http://ICJYS1.campusmoblog.com.sg Each photo represents a file uploaded instantly from a mobile phone. These “posts” are organised with the most recent addition first. Videos as well as photos are supported. On this moblogging site, there is also a mobile-enabled chat facility. Group members can chat using either their web browsers or their mobile phones.

  33. Yes, moblogging is cool. Everyone’s going mobile. Sites you probably already know and use – sites that used to be “web based” - are now offering mobile services which effectively make them moblogs… Sites like these: mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips

  34. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Yes, (for example), flickr. It’s a moblog. • The picture-sharing Web 2.0 site, flickr, is a blogging tool. Each “photo blog,” collects and displays picture entries in reverse chronological order. • It’s also mobile-capable - you can upload pictures directly from your mobile device.

  35. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Mobile flickr. You can upload photos to flickr from your mobile phone: • Using simple e-mail. Each account has a unique email address for uploading photos to it, and most mobile phones can send emails. • Using the mobile web version of flickr, located at http://m.flickr.com • Using a photo uploader program which can be installed on most phones.

  36. mb-etoolsntips-mb@moblg.net > http://moblog.co.uk/blog/etoolsntips Moblogging: amazing tools in the palm of your hand… “Phenomenal cosmic power!Itty bitty living space.” – Genie, “Aladdin” (1992)‏ Old way New way

  37. Animoto http://animoto.com Upload or import your images; choose or provide music; select a “mood”, and...

  38. Animoto http://animoto.com BAM!

  39. Animoto http://animoto.com The resulting videos are embeddable, downloadable, and funky! Head over to the Media tab now to see one...

  40. Any Questions? Leonard Low Centre for Education Excellence leonard.low@cit.act.edu.au Photos from http://flickr.com/photos/cit_canberra

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