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BSCCo Draft Business Plan 2012-2013: Customer Workshop 9 January 2012

BSCCo Draft Business Plan 2012-2013: Customer Workshop 9 January 2012. Agenda. Timetable. 1. 3. 6. 8. 10. Note Process & Key Themes. Request to vary timetable. Consider comments & revisions. Strategy approval. Review draft Strategy. Panel. 7. 9. 2. 11. Consider

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BSCCo Draft Business Plan 2012-2013: Customer Workshop 9 January 2012

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  1. BSCCo Draft Business Plan 2012-2013:Customer Workshop 9 January 2012

  2. Agenda

  3. Timetable 1 3 6 8 10 Note Process & Key Themes Request to vary timetable Consider comments & revisions Strategy approval Review draft Strategy Panel 7 9 2 11 Consider comments & revisions Review Budget & Strategy Consider Panel comments Approve Budget Board 5 Workshop Parties Issue for comment 4 Governance Consultation/Decision

  4. Governance • In parallel • Ofgem consultation on governance • Consultation closed 6 January • Modification P281 - Change of BSCCo Board of Directors & Chairman • Today is about BSCCo Strategic Priorities • These are relevant under any Governance

  5. WelcomePeter Haigh9 January 2012

  6. Where are we now?

  7. Where are we now? Percentage of customers rating ELEXON 8-10 out of 10 Overall satisfaction ratings

  8. Support the best strategic outcomes for the evolving industry by pursuing our vision Key Theme – Continuity of the mission and vision Maintain and build upon our previous achievements to fulfil our mission • “To be a leader in the efficient transformation of energy markets by providing shared solutions to address common industry problems” “To deliver the BSC effectively, efficiently and economically, to the benefit of our customers” • We’ve come a long way – but we ‘re only part way along the journey we embarked upon in our 2011-12 Business Plan

  9. Strategic Priorities Continuation from 2011-2012

  10. Priorities 1-3Mark Couldrick 9 January 2012

  11. Legal Services Structure SMART SMART Financial Services Change BSC Operations Market Developments Market Developments Commercial Management & Procurement Market Operations Customer Services Service/Agent Management Industry Insight Industry Insight Human Resources PMO / Design Authority /IT Internal Audit Strategic Account Management Comms Key BSC Operations Facilities Support Services Strategy & Development

  12. Key Deliverables

  13. The Eggheads SMART Market Developments Industry Insight • Supporting the SCR • Europe • SMART Impacts

  14. Priority 1: Actively manage, and continually improve, BSC services to ensure that we deliver in an efficient, effective and economic way • Supporting the SCR • Europe • SMART Impacts • Consultations • Consultations • Consultations BSC Operations “To deliver the BSC effectively, efficiently and economically, to the benefit of our Customers”

  15. Priority 1: Actively manage, and continually improve, BSC services to ensure that we deliver in an efficient, effective and economic way • Application Strategy • Ageing systems • Technology Strategy • Expensive technology • Data Services

  16. Central Data Collection • Number of CDCA Outstation Channels (March 2011) • 25,404 • Number of Readings collected per night, 7 days a week, 365 days a year • 1,219,392 • At the end of each day the meters are read, processed and validated, then distributed by 13:00 the next day to our customers • The average success rate over the past year has been 98.2%, and that’s 98.2% the after day, not over a settlement reconciliation life cycle. • Number of Readings Per Annum • 445,078,080 • The readings are obtained using a number of technologies through infrastructure contracts Logica have in place with 3rd Parties on our behalf. Source – Logica Status Report June 2011

  17. BMReports • 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011 • Number of Page Views • High Grade BMRS – 9,737,615 • Low Grade BMRS – 353,841,209 • Includes a high volume of data scripting/scraping • One of the major inputs to the calculations is the Bid Offer Acceptances (BOAs are instructions given by National Grid to Parties to balance the system) • 722,123 Source – BMRS Page Views - Logica Status Reports April 2010 – March 2011 – BOA’s – Roger Harris – TOMAS Extract 22 July 2011

  18. Settlement Administration Agent • The BSC allows Parties and P114 Licence Holders to receive Sub-flow 2 data as well, and ELEXON also uses it in TOMAS • It’s the same 882,790,000 rows of data, but by the time we’ve distributed it to everyone who has requested it that’s 21,186,960,000 rows per/annum for just 1 data flow Source – Copies of data received by ELEXON – Details of other Parties and P114 Licence Holders – Mark Gribble Logica

  19. Priority 2: Drive efficiencies and savings in our operational business BSC Audit Qualification TAA Market Monitoring

  20. Priority 3: Improve the customer experience and develop richer customer relationships Customer Relationship Mgmt & OSM Service We take huge pride in the Customer Service we deliver and that’s reflected in the results we achieve More of the same = BETTER Further Web Developments Streamline & enhance services through our web-channels More self-service and on-line services More customer engagement Sharing Knowledge & Expertise To be a leader in the efficient transformation of energy markets – by providing shared solutions to address common industry problems. Getting Customers Involved It’s good to talk!

  21. Legal Services Where are we now? SMART Financial Services Change BSC Operations Market Developments Commercial Management & Procurement Market Operations Customer Services Service/Agent Management Industry Insight Human Resources PMO / Design Authority /IT Internal Audit Comms Strategic Account Management Key BSC Operations Facilities Support Services Strategy & Development

  22. Priority 4 – Develop our services and adapt our business to address industry challenges Chris Rowell & David Osborne 9 January 2012

  23. Industry Transformation Implemented as a BSC Change Regulators Government EU Government Industry Delivered within the BSC Priority 4 Several Years Issue Identification Policy Design Establish Framework Implement Framework Operate Framework Delivered outside the BSC • Key activities include: • Reviewing the transformation landscape & consultations • Identifying possible impacts on BSC – analysis & modelling • Providing insight from our BSC experience • Providing expert (industry) support to programmes • Providing education on the BSC to policy makers • Providing information to BSC Parties Possible consequential BSC Changes? Using: ELEXON staff (backfilled where required), external experts Socialised through: consultation responses, conferences, thought pieces, ELEXON communications, committee briefings

  24. The Industry Challenges “In these matters the only certainty is that nothing is certain” Pliny the Elder Security Electricity Market Reform ? EU Initiatives Smart (metering – markets – grids) Sustainability Affordability Efficient, Effective & Economic BSC Delivery

  25. Changing our governance and vires Changing our governance and vires Recognition that ELEXON has the skills and capabilities to undertake a wider role – but this will require changes to our governance and vires Await the outcome of Ofgem’s consultation with interest Continue to support Ofgem and industry in developing its thinking We will know more when Ofgem has determined the way forward

  26. Electricity Market Reform “ ELEXON has a strong track record of calculating and managing complex payments and settlements in a way that minimises the credit risk and impacts for both suppliers and generators ” FIT contract for differences Capacity Mechanism Source: DECC Technical Update on Electricity Market Reform (15 Dec 2011)

  27. EU Initiatives Third Package (Single European Market) Balancing, Settlement, Market Coupling, & Data Exchange MiFID II Exemption (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) Settlement Payments Network Codes (Analysis of Framework Guidelines) REMIT (Regulation on Energy Market Integrity & Transparency) BMRS (data reporter) Comitology Guidelines (Data Transparency) etc Settlement

  28. Smart Metering: Activities Pursuing opportunities Supporting the SMIP Evolving the BSC • Data & Communications Company ? • Smart Energy Code Secretariat ? • DCC Service Provider (Data & Comms) X • Consequential changes to BSC framework • Advice on the Smart Energy Code framework • Commissioned work (e.g. BPM) ? • Implementation of any changes to BSC systems & processes • Evolving NHH settlement (profiling) • Evolving the Assurance Framework (meter > bank)

  29. Revised SMIP Delivery Plan Revised Plan impacts the BSC budget but not strategy Source: DECC Delivery Plan – 21 December 2011

  30. Smart Metering: BSC Challenges Business Plan Period • The future of the NHH Market • Managing Profile drift • Application of correction • NHH v HH • Centralised Data Registration • Maintaining data quality • Revised CoS processes? • Managing non Smart? • Settling the ‘rump’ Start of Mass Rollout Registration to DCC Mass Rollout completes 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Full SEC • Optimised BSC - SEC • Metering CoPs etc • E2E Performance Assurance • Data Collection & Aggregation? • NHH ported software • The future of the Supplier Hub • Maintaining Data Quality • Issues revealed by meter churn • Risk of rapid loss of ‘legacy’ staff

  31. Smarter Markets: Propositions Enabling Retail Market Development Time of use tariffs (to reduce consumption) Demand-side response (to reduce costs) Energy Services (to increase consumer benefits) Payment Methods (increased options) Improving Market processes Settlement Arrangements (HH settlement) Change of Supplier process (next day) Data Processing & aggregation (central) Code Consolidation (SEC to form retail code) 7 Mar Source: Ofgem Consultation - Promoting Smarter Energy Markets (15 Dec 2011)

  32. Smarter Markets: Timetable Scoping Phase Policy Development Implementation Evidence Gathering Develop & Consult Start work programme Implement Reforms Apr 2011 Summer 2012 2013 onwards? Dec 2011 Source: Ofgem Presentation – Smart Metering Forum (1 Dec 2011)

  33. Smart Grids: Activities GB ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECT …. an open forum to share ideas and information and develop thinking on how smart grid can be achieved • The project aims to: • evaluate and understand the potential GB electricity demand-side resource • evaluate the key customer, commercial, regulatory and policy issues and interactions SMART GRID FORUM • The project aims to: • Identify future challenges for electricity networks and system balancing, including current and potential barriers to efficient deployment of smart grids; • Guide the actions that DECC/Ofgem are taking to address future challenges, • • Identify actions that DECC/Ofgem, the industry or other parties could be taking to facilitate the deployment of smart grids …… The projects aim to: • tackle real and immediate issues facing the industry • share the information and expertise built up through the trials across the industry • produce solutions to ensure the best value from future investment.

  34. Market Development Budget Budget ≠ Commitment to spend No provision for ELEXON ‘vires’ activities Includes ‘bid’ provision External Expenditure 12/13 Budget held BUT scope expanded Source: Table 7, Page 27

  35. Priority 5: Invest in our people for the benefit of our industryPeter Haigh9 January 2012

  36. Priority 5: Invest in our people for the benefit of our industry Our people are our key assets Staff Survey Good for ELEXON Good for Industry Invest in Future Leaders Staff policy Review Retention & Recruitment Knowledge Share & Self Development Great Place to Work & One ELEXON Days

  37. BudgetNigel Smith9 January 2012

  38. Budget

  39. Budget

  40. Round Table Discussion

  41. Wrap up – thank you foryour support and feedback 1 3 6 8 10 Request to vary timetable Consider comments & revisions Note Process & Key Themes Panel Review draft Strategy Strategy approval 7 9 2 11 Consider comments & revisions Review Budget & Strategy Consider Panel comments Approve Budget Board 5 Issue for comment Parties Workshop 4 Governance Consultation/Decision

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