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Alliteration. The repetition of consonant sounds in sequence of words. Ex: Peter,Packer,Picker,Pepper etc…. Allusion. A brief reference to a person, place, thing, or idea in history or literature. Ex: Bible, Greek Myth, and Shakespeare. Analogy. Extended Comparison of Relationships

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alliteration • The repetition of consonant sounds in sequence of words. • Ex: Peter,Packer,Picker,Pepper etc…..

  2. Allusion • A brief reference to a person, place, thing, or idea in history or literature. • Ex: Bible, Greek Myth, and Shakespeare

  3. Analogy • Extended Comparison of Relationships • Ex: A Captain is to his ship as a Quarter Back is to his team.

  4. Antagonist • The to person who struggles against or attempts to block the protagonist. • Ex: In the movie Friday “Big Worm” was the antagonist to Ice Cube and Chris Tucker

  5. Apostrophe • Addressing an absent person or inanimate object. • A Cup, Remote, or A pen

  6. Assonance • The Repetition of vowel sounds • Ex: The Constant Choking of your own Caesar.

  7. Atmosphere • The Mood or feeling created in a piece if writing. • It was a Dark and Stormy night; the rain fell in torrents.

  8. Ballad • A Song or poem that tells a story & presents a dramatic or exciting episode. • “Ballata 5” by Guido Cavalcanti

  9. Blank Verse • Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter

  10. Caesura • A break or pause in a line of poetry

  11. Catalog • A list of related events, people, or things

  12. Character • Static-Doesn’t change much • Flat-Few personality traits • Dynamic-changes in some important way • Round-Complex like real people

  13. Cliché • Anything that has become trite or commonplace through overuse • Ex:

  14. Climax • The Great moment of suspense or emotional intensity in a narrative

  15. Concrete Poem • A Poem in which the words are arranged to give a visual representation of the subject.

  16. Connotation • The feelings or emotional overtones that have become attached to a word.

  17. Consonance • The repetition of consonant sounds within or at the end of words. • tick/tock & sing/song

  18. Cadence • The Natural rhythmic rise & fall of language as it is normally spoken

  19. Denouement • The Conclusion or resolution of a story

  20. Dialect • The way of speaking that is characteristic of a group of people who live in a certain geographical region.

  21. Diction • Choice of words-may be formal, informal, full of slang, poetry etc….

  22. Elegy • A Poem of mourning usually about one who is deceased.

  23. End Rhyme • Rhyme that comes at the end of lines.

  24. Epic • A long Narrative poem that recounts the deeds of a hero who embodies the values of a particular society.

  25. Flashback • A scene that interrupts the normal chronological sequence of events in a story to depict something that has happened at an earlier time.

  26. Foil • A character whose traits are in contrast with another character’s traits.

  27. Foreshadowing • A hint or clue to suggest what will happen later.

  28. Hyperbole • Is a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement, often used in a comic effect. • Ex: “I called you a thousand times”

  29. Haiku • 3 lines and 17 Syllables

  30. Idiom • An Expression that means something different from the different definition of its parts. • Ex: Falling in love & losing my head

  31. Imagery • The use of language that appeals to the senses and creates a mental picture.

  32. Irony • The discrepancy between appearance an reality

  33. Verbal Irony • When one says one thing but means the opposite.

  34. Dramatic Irony • When readers know what a character in a story doesn’t know.

  35. Situational Irony • When the outcome or situation is the opposite of what is expected.

  36. Lyric Poem • A poem that expresses personal feelings.

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