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First-Future Webs C

First-Future Webs C. N. S. K. A. A. M. A. L. A. A. M. U. A. G. M. These constitute the inner sacred space of the 16 squares. A. K. N. S. M. A. L. A. A. M. A. U. M. A. G.

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First-Future Webs C

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  1. First-Future Webs C

  2. N S K A A M A L A A M U A G M These constitute the inner sacred space of the 16 squares.

  3. A K N S M A L A A M A U M A G Stage 4 is AUM. In the creation process 7/8 of these 4 squares remain Eternal and beyond time. Creation occurs in the bottom right triangle.

  4. The creation process entails changing 1) scales2) orientation (by shifts of 45 degrees).

  5. One way of looking at this in metaphysical terms is that the inner 4 squares change orientation by 45 degrees and in perceived scale.

  6. 1 3 2 5 4 6 9 7 8 10 This modern diagram adds names and can be related to the Sephiroth. http://www.aiwaz.net/kabbalah/sephiroth/sephiroth.htmwww.crystalinks.com/ tarot2.html

  7. So creation takes place in the yellow triangle which is the only piece beyond ANAM, AGAM, ALAKSHA and AUM.

  8. A N S K M A L A A M A U A G M In the creation process 7/8 of these 4 squares remain Eternal and beyond time. Creation takes place through the Purusha (Cosmic Man, Creator).

  9. P A A U M The central AUM now leads to a much bigger picture that begins with the PU of PURUSA that defines the beginning point and marks 1 axis.

  10. P R A B A U M Next comes the RU of PURUSA that defines the turning point in the weekly cycle defined by the B of Budha and defines a 2nd axis.

  11. P R A A S U M Next comes the SA of PURUSA, where S is the Milky Way, SA of SARASVATI, who also defines the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

  12. T P R A A A A Between the P and the R is the T of Tula. PA, TA and RA are the 3 fathers.. PA is sometimes called PI and thus the PATARA become the PITARAU or PITRS.

  13. The Matrix in Sanskrit We now need to explore how India used the matrix for its own language.

  14. A U M Initially the 4 squares are united by 3 letters A (creator: Brahma); U (preserver: Vishnu) and M (destroyer: Siva).

  15. A N N A The simplest sounds require one square. Here AN is mirrored to become NA.

  16. This generates simple two letter sounds, e.g. AM AN AB AP AU UM UN UR UZ

  17. A N U A M Next Triangles can serve to create combinations such as ANU, UMA.

  18. This generates simple three letter sounds, e.g. AMA ANA ABA APA AUM UMA UZI

  19. A N N A These sounds then combine to produce: AN+NA = ANNA = mystical name for food.

  20. N A N A AN+NA = ANNA = mystical name for food. 1) Divine A descends.

  21. N A N A AN+NA = ANNA = mystical name for food. 2) Divine N descends 1st ½.

  22. N A N A AN+NA = ANNA = mystical name for food. 3) Divine N descends 2nd ½.

  23. N A A N AN+NA = ANNA = mystical name for food. 4) Divine A ascends back to heaven in thanks.

  24. N A N A AN+NA = ANNA = mystical name for food and bread. 5) Reduced to essentials this is a link between Heaven and Earth.It i also letter 14 in the Greek Alphabet = Xi.

  25. A M Similarly we can begin with MA.

  26. I A D M Similarly we can begin with MA. Then add DI.

  27. I A R A D M Similarly we can begin with MA. Then add DI. Then add RA and we have MADIRA the goddess of Wine. Cf Kanji for Earth, Saturday.

  28. A N I A R N A A D M So in India the sacrifice of bread and wine (ANNA and MADIRA) goes back to the time of creation.

  29. D I A A R I A D M IDA becomes a mountain and a goddess who drinks M ADI RA.

  30. As a result each new combination is a larger word and means something different: A Prime Force (God the Father) AN Second Prime Force ANA Breath ANNA Mystical Food

  31. Each new combination is a larger word and means something different: P As in Purusa PU Purify PUR Abundance PURNA Complete to the Fill, Cornucopia

  32. A N N P U R N A A M These are then combined: ANNA + PURNA Food Cornucopia of

  33. ANNAPURNA is linked with another Mountain:= Sister Goddess of the Earth who Gives Food or Bestower of Plentiful Food Immovable Goddess-Protector of Bulls Mother Goddess of the World= Jomo Miyo Lang Sangma.= Chomolunga= Mountain Everest

  34. MIYO = Mount Everest is one of 5 Sisters:Miyo Plentiful foodTashi Tseringma Long LifeTekar Dosangma LuckChopen Dinsangma WealthThingri Shelsangma Psychic Powers.

  35. This is very important because it means that our story is not just about India. The peoples of Nepal, Tibet the Pamir region and China had a coherent world of symbolism that became a wellspring for imagery worldwide.

  36. In Greece, these 5 Sisters become:Miyo DemeterTashi Tseringma DaphneTekar Dosangma Tyche Chopen Dinsangma ArtemisThingri Shelsangma Hecate

  37. A N U M A Y Next two squares generate 3x 2 combinations: e.g. YA+MU +NA = YAMUNA

  38. A V Night K Noon A Λ Dawn Λ ANAM entails a flame that points up in the morning, sideway at noon and down at night.

  39. A N K A M In language, the AKA of ANAM and of 1 becomes a pole for generating sounds such as KAMA and KANA.

  40. A Pa Ka La Ma A At the next stage the central Ka of Aka now divides into 3: Kapa, Kala and Kama.

  41. In language this generates four letter sounds, e.g. KALA = Time KAPA = Class of Deities KAPHA = Water KAMA = Love MAHA MAYA MAGA MALA MATA

  42. This same process generates the names of the gods and goddesses. SI + VA = SIVA SA + TI = SATI (first wife)SI + TA = SITA (next wife) PAR + VA + TI =PARVATI (main wife)

  43. D P U N A The central Point now becomes a U or a Y and generates new words.

  44. Level 5 generates five letter sounds, e.g. PANDU = Father of The Pandavas PANKU = Primaeval Man (China) PANGU = “ ”

  45. Level 6 generates six letter sounds, e.g.VARUNA VAHANA YAMUNA Level 7 generates seven letter sounds, e.g.AGASTYA VASISHTA

  46. The Nectar of Immortality is associated with the: Great God = DEVA Heaven = DIVA The rules re: the Nectar are written in sacred books called the VEDAS. DEVA mirrored = VEDA DIVA mirrored = VIDA = Knowledge, Discovery, Man

  47. A D D E V V A I V V E I A A D D Hence, DEVA and DIVA lead to VEDA and VIDA.

  48. This leads not just to sacred threads but also to a Mount Meru as 511 combinations of sounds as a Pascal Binomial Triangle 1800 years avant la lettre. Note that this implies a 9 x 9 set of squares.

  49. So the 81 squares of the Mandala = 81 squares of sounds = Mount Meru. http://www.gosai.com/chaitanya/saranagati/html/nmj_articles/sacred_architecture/vastu-shastra-2.html

  50. As an example of the principles involved weshall explore two words:ALAKSHA = ETHERandMAYA= Illusionand suggest how they take us to the big picture.

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