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Properties of Collaborative User Interfaces

Properties of Collaborative User Interfaces. Prasun Dewan Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill dewan@cs.unc.edu. COLLABORATIVE APPLICATION. A user’s output can be influenced by the input of at least one other user. Application.

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Properties of Collaborative User Interfaces

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  1. Properties of Collaborative User Interfaces Prasun Dewan Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill dewan@cs.unc.edu

  2. COLLABORATIVE APPLICATION A user’s output can be influenced by the input of at least one other user Application User inputs “draw red circle” Or a user’s input can influence the output of at least one other user U1 U2 U3 Coupling Coupling

  3. Mandatory and Optional Properties Interactive Multi-view Distributed Multiuser Collaborative Optional but typical properties User Awareness Real-time Collaboration

  4. Single-View

  5. Multi-View: Horizontal Input

  6. Multi View: Vertical Input

  7. Console Feedback Simplex because Architecture Feedback only in console

  8. Multi View: Input in any UI

  9. Changes all User Interfaces Distributed? Change in UI?

  10. Distributed UI Server Client

  11. Distributed UI Server Client Multi-user?

  12. Multi-User Interface: Alice Types

  13. Multi-User Interface: Alice Feedback

  14. Multi-User Interface: Bob Types

  15. Multi-User Interface: Bob Feedback Collaborative? Non real time?

  16. Collaborative Interface: Alice Types

  17. Collaborative Interface: Alice Feedback

  18. Bob Joins No latecomer support

  19. Alice Types Again

  20. Alice Feedback

  21. Bob Types

  22. Bob Feedback Real-time Collaborative?

  23. Real-Time Collaborative: Alice Types

  24. Real-Time Collaborative: Feedbacks

  25. Bob Types

  26. Local and Remote Response User awareness?

  27. Super collaborative: Tele-pointer, Awareness Features in the Collaborative UI that did not exist in the 1-user UI

  28. Programming Constraints Interactive It should be possible to create each kind of user interface Multi-view Distributed There should be reuse Multiuser Reuse should be layered Collaborative User Awareness Real-time Collaboration

  29. Layering/Awareness User Awareness Real-time Collaboration Collaborative Real-time, user-awareness unaware Multiuser Coupling unaware Multi-view Distributed Multi-User unaware Single-View Distribution, view, unaware A layer is unaware of layers above A layer should be designed to be reused by higher layers

  30. Summary • By definition, real-time and user-awareness implies collaborative, which implies, multi-user, which implies multi-view • Typically multi-user applications implies distributed • These fundamental and typical implications can be used to create a set of logical layers, with a logical layer stacked on top of layers it implies • An implementation goal should be to create actual physical layers that mirror these logical layers, that is, each logical layer should be mapped to one or more separate software layers

  31. Summary • Real-time does not imply user awareness though in this example we added it on top of user awareness • Imagine a counter shared among multiple users that does not give indication of who changed it.

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