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CIA. KGB. Sources. CIA vs. KGB. By Mike Matjasko. CIA. Methods of spying/defense. Origin and Training. Punishments for capture. KGB. Origin and Training. Methods of spying/Defense. Punishment for capture. CIA Origin & Training. Origin Successor of OSS (Office of Strategic Services)

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  1. CIA KGB Sources CIA vs. KGB By Mike Matjasko

  2. CIA Methods of spying/defense Origin and Training Punishments for capture

  3. KGB Origin and Training Methods of spying/Defense Punishment for capture

  4. CIA Origin & Training • Origin • Successor of OSS (Office of Strategic Services) • Established through the 1947 “National Security Act” • Services included • Sabotage • Anti-Sabotage • Evacuation Measures • Aid of anti-communist countries • Gathered information of other countries • Training • John Mulholland wrote a magic book for $3,000 • Click for more • Helpful to be a scientist • Sign up in college • Agents go through rigorous physical and mental training

  5. CIA: Spying & Defense • Methods of Spying • high altitude plane (Lockheed U-2) • Took pictures of gov’t buildings, weapons factories, and testing facilites • CIA agents could really never infiltrate the Russian high control (stuck to planes and few spies who could) • During early cold war, spent only $4.7 million on spying • Three years later, they spent $82 million • Attempted to put spies into Russia, but most were killed or captured • Video!!! • Defense • CIA deployed submarines to patrol pacific in case of attack • Missile defense systems built at west coast • Created National Reconnaissance Office to listen to Russian High Command

  6. CIA: Punishment for capture/Abuse of authority • Abuse • Ex-CIA agents helped with the “Watergate Scandal” • “Family Jewels” – Illegal activities the CIA was involved in • Assassinated foreign leaders, & conducted illegal surveillance of 7,000+ anti-war protesters • Experimented on humans with LSD and other drugs • Punishment for capture • Not nearly as terrible as Soviet punishments • Usually were discharged if they weren’t killed by Russians • Prisoners • Cold Cell – strapped to table naked in a freezing room • Water Boarding – Simulated Downing • Standing cells – forced to stand straight up for a week

  7. KGB: Origin & Training • Origin • Designated as a state committee attached to the Council of Ministers • Changed in 1978 so that KGB officials were part of the council by law • They are the Russian CIA • Training • KGB soldiers, the Spetsnaz were trained much like the Navy SEALS or Army Rangers • Taught to not talk • Heightened pain resistance, given cyanide if captured

  8. KGB: Spying & Defense • Spying Methods • Usually captured and interrogated • Infiltrated US top secret projects • Defense Methods • Showed off atomic weapons testing to show “supremacy” • Had submarines patrolling pacific

  9. KGB: Punishment for Capture • Spies captured in the US were traded for spies the USSR captured • Once they returned they were fired, disciplined or even killed for being caught • Most spies were double agents and only got fired because they might be useful in months or years to come

  10. Sources • "CIA Mind Control." Web • Nuutinen, Joni. "CIA during Cold War." . . Cold war in the News. 25 Feb. 2010 <http://cloudworth.com/coldwar/cia.php>. • . "Central Intelligence Agency." . April 2009. Wikipedia. 24 Feb. 2010 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA>. • Darius Rejali. The history of CIA torture. 17 Mar. 2009. 22 Feb. 2010 <http://www.slate.com/id/2213959/>. • http://www.systemaspetsnaz.com/psychology.htm • Quirk, James. "How to Become a CIA Agent." . 25 Feb. 2010. . 25 Feb. 2010 <http://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-CIA-Agent>.

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