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On page 33, answer the following question:

On page 33, answer the following question:.

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On page 33, answer the following question:

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  1. On page 33, answer the following question: • Imagine that you are going to attend school in a foreign country. You don’t know the language, the school building, or any of the school traditions. Write a paragraph about what this experience would be like. What challenges would you face? How would you meet those challenges?

  2. Whisper Read Alternating Paragraphs With your partner, WRAP section 6.1 What do you expect this chapter to be about? Why?

  3. With your partner, WRAP section 6.2 Be prepared to share key information with the class

  4. Why did people move to Roanoke? The English wanted to establish a colony in the New World; the Spanish had gained riches and land in South America, English thought they would find the same in North America What hardships did these settlers face? Lack of food, lack of experience and lack of supplies How did the Native Americans in the area treat these first settlers? The natives were hostile, refused to provide food or shelter and eventually fought with the 2nd group of explorers; colonists were fearful of them Why did the leader return to England and why didn’t he return as promised? Capt John White left because the colonies ran out of supplies; England and Spain were at war, which delayed his return. When he came back, he found the colony abandoned, his granddaughter, Virginia Dare, the first white European born in North America, was among them What do some think happened to the people who settled here? No one knows; but some theories include: disease, hurricane, attack by natives, or settlers left to move farther inland Why do you think the settlement failed? Lack of experience, lack of planning, lack of respect for native populations What do you think the people could have done to make the settlement successful? Worked WITH the natives, brought more supplies and workers

  5. Prepare your partner for the Act-it-out To prepare for the Roanoke act-it-out, follow these steps: Step 1: discuss the questions below and make sure everyone can answer each question. Why did people move to Roanoke? What hardships did these settlers face? How did the Native Americans in the area treat these first settlers? What do you think happened to the people who settled here? Why did Capt. White leave and not return as promised? Why do you think the settlement failed? What do you think the people could have done to make the settlement successful? Step 2: Discuss how the person who is chosen to perform can make the character come alive. Use visual and written information to make your presentation of the character realistic. Collect simple props that you can use during the act-it-out. You will have 5 minutes to prepare your actor

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