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A Discussion About S tudent A ssessment of G rowth and E xcellence

A Discussion About S tudent A ssessment of G rowth and E xcellence. Hal Sanderson, Ph.D. Director, Research & Assessment. Canyons Board of Education February 4, 2014. LEARNING TOPICS. Why SAGE? What is the SAGE assessment? What d oes it look like? What is our implementation of SAGE?

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A Discussion About S tudent A ssessment of G rowth and E xcellence

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  1. A Discussion AboutStudent Assessment of Growth andExcellence Hal Sanderson, Ph.D. Director, Research & Assessment Canyons Board of Education February 4, 2014

  2. LEARNING TOPICS • Why SAGE? • What is the SAGE assessment? • What does it look like? • What is our implementation of SAGE? • Can we compare SAGE to previous tests?

  3. Why SAGE? • The state needed an assessment system to measure Utah’s new core standards in Math and English Language Arts • The new standards were approved by the State Board of Education in August 2010

  4. Why SAGE? • The Criterion-Referenced Tests (CRTs) no longer match these new standards • New assessment: Student Assessmentfor Growthand Excellence

  5. SAGE is a CuSTOM-Built TEST • November 2012: American Institutes for Research awarded state contract • Fall 2013: Utah educators helped develop test questions • Fall 2013: Utah parents reviewed test questions Developing SAGE Test Questions in Utah

  6. What is the SAGE Assessment? • SAGE is an online adaptive test that will measure the full range of grade-level knowledge and skills. • Each question a student receives is dependent on the correctness of answers to previous questions. Therefore, the order of test questions and specific questions posed are unique to each student. • Although questions answered may differ between students, SAGE will assess all students on all core standards equally.

  7. What is the SAGE Assessment? • SAGE is more than a multiple-choice test • With SAGE, students will be writing, constructing math equations, building graphs, and conducting experiments on the computer • SAGE practice-training test: www.sageportal.org

  8. SAGE DEMOwww.sageportal.org

  9. PLANNING For SAGE • SAGE is a major project for Canyons District and the state • SAGE preparation includes more than 10 Canyons departments • Thanks to the hard work of these groups, we will be ready to administer SAGE in April and May 2014

  10. Canyons SAGE Implementation

  11. Next Steps in IMPLEMENTATION

  12. Can SAGE be compared to the core crts? • Results are not comparable • SAGE serves as a new baseline for students, teachers and schools Old Core Standards ≠ New Core Standards

  13. Can SAGE be compared to the core crts? • New state standards are more rigorous • Performance benchmarks not yet set • Coming in July 2014

  14. A Discussion AboutStudent Assessment of Growth andExcellence

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