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Vocabulary 2

Vocabulary 2. PELLUCID Adjective Very clear; transparent; clear and simple in style. SAVORY Adjective Appetizing to the taste or smell. CIRCUMSCRIBE Verb To draw a line around; hence to restrict or limit. EGOTIST Noun

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Vocabulary 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary 2

  2. PELLUCID Adjective Very clear; transparent; clear and simple in style

  3. SAVORY Adjective Appetizing to the taste or smell

  4. CIRCUMSCRIBE Verb To draw a line around; hence to restrict or limit

  5. EGOTIST Noun A person known for being excessively concerned with himself/herself; one who is supercilious

  6. ECCENTRIC Adjective A bit odd, weird, or peculiar

  7. Approbation Noun Official approval or permission

  8. AMENABLE Adjective Willing to agree; responsive; cooperative

  9. MAGNATE Noun A person known for having great power

  10. CORROBORATE Verb To support with evidence; confirm a claim

  11. AMELIORATE Verb To make better; to improve

  12. DUTY Noun A tax on imports

  13. BRANDISH Verb To shake or wave in a menacing manner

  14. SPENDTHRIFT Noun A person known for spending money unwisely

  15. CIRCUITOUS Adjective Following a circular or winding path; indirect or roundabout

  16. BLANCH Verb To drain of color; become pale

  17. HEINOUS Adjective Abhorrent; appalling; very repulsive; horrible in an extreme way

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