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Incident Management Format Hazmat Incident – Inspectors Promotional Program Entry Test

Incident Management Format Hazmat Incident – Inspectors Promotional Program Entry Test. Fire & Rescue New South Wales. Version 1 Feb 2012. Important Information. This document is a guideline to the Incident Management structure.

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Incident Management Format Hazmat Incident – Inspectors Promotional Program Entry Test

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  1. Incident Management Format Hazmat Incident – Inspectors Promotional ProgramEntry Test Fire & Rescue New South Wales Command Leadership & Management Section Version 1 Feb 2012

  2. Important Information This document is a guideline to the Incident Management structure. Each incident will need to be addressed specific to the actual question. Information supplied are examples only. For the purposes of the incident you will be the Initial I/C and control the incident until the conclusion Command Leadership & Management Section

  3. Arrival Actions Site appliance considering: • Uphill / Upwind • Traffic / Fend Off Position • Power lines • Vapour Clouds • Location of water supply • Responding resources, Hazmat, Ambulance, Police etc. • Clear of spilled product • Clear view Command Leadership & Management Section

  4. Arrival Message The First on scene Officer will : Transmit an arrival message: Code 3 Confirmation of Address Brief Description of the Incident E.G. MVA involving a truck and van with a spill of LPG from a 20000 litre tanker. Two persons collapsed near spill assessing scene P1 S/O is IC. Command Leadership & Management Section

  5. Tasking 1 • S/O - Assume command - Eliminate ignition sources (Confirm this to crew) - Don Tabard, HHT - Liaise with on site personnel/Gather on scene information - Initial RIT, Detail location of hot & warm zones • Crew - SCBA/appropriate level of protection for the product, HHT, - 1 X 38 enter from the Alpha side Snatch & Grab persons collapsed, remove, emergency decontaminate & handover to triage. • M/D - 2 x 70mm Hydrant Jones St - Set Up BACO, Triage, set up warm & hot zones - Initial RIT • Tasks must be SPECIFIC to the incident at hand especially the level of protection and consider the safety of firefighters. Command Leadership & Management Section

  6. Size Up The Incident Controller must conduct a Size- Up of the incident which will include consideration of the following for a Structure fire: B/V – Building or Vehicle E - Exposures L – Location of Spill E – Extinguishment/Decontamination A – Assistance – Internal & External Command Leadership & Management Section

  7. Size Up • Building/Vehicle/Container • You will be required to expand the B for building into a sub-section using the acronym COCFEAF. C - Consideration of Pre incident plans O - Occupancy, name & product involved (E.G. Meat Wholesalers, Brown Brothers, Ammonia or Chemical transporters, ELGAS, LPG) C - Construction building or vehicle & container (brick/iron, metal, plastic) Dimensions of building or vehicle & Container involved (levels, approx size m x m or litres). F - Fire protection (Building- bund walls, drains to separation tanks, Vehicle – DCP, spill kits, compartmentation of tanks etc.) E - Egress for occupants (best for wind direction and spill location) A - Access for F/Fs (best for wind direction and spill location) F – Fire/Spill potential (contents, low/med/high). Command Leadership & Management Section

  8. Size Up • Exposures: I - Internal - Life risk, factors affecting spill spread/access problems. E - External – Mention all adjoining premises/areas on all sides of the spill. Nominate the main exposure/s risk. • You must COCFEAF the main exposure risk E - Environment - Run off to drains, vapour plume direction, waterways. Command Leadership & Management Section

  9. Location • Location of spill/leak • Where is the spill – provide a specific location e.g. Production area, roadway, loading dock. • You will be required to expand the L for Location into a sub-section using the acronym PREEMS. • P - Protection of F/Fs (E.G. Appropriate level of PPE, Decontamination zone, SO, RIK ) • R - Risk of spill/leak spread (dependent on on-site facilities e.g. bunding etc) • E - Effects of spill/leak on the contents (e.g. contamination of other products in area) • E- Effects of spill/leak on site access & egress (e.g. due to spill location loading bay door inaccessible) • M - Magnitude (% of spill/leak involved) • S – Spread direction (e.g. to drains, waterways etc). Command Leadership & Management Section

  10. Size Up • Extinguishment/Decontamination M - Method - Hose lines (number and size), pumps used, Hazmat Bins, shovels, shut off leak, etc. M - Medium – Water mains, appropriate absorbent material, water,CO2, foam, dry agent, etc. Command Leadership & Management Section

  11. Size Up • Assistance I - Internal - Alarm Response Level required - Hazmat, FIRU, additional specialist Appliances, etc. E - External - Police, Ambulance, Gas, Electricity, OEH, Council. - Whatever is required specific to the incident. Command Leadership & Management Section

  12. Risks & Control Measures All risks must be specific to the incident. You will require a minimum of 10 risks with 3 control measures for each Examples below: Command Leadership & Management Section

  13. Incident Action Plan The Incident Controller must develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) based on the critical factors identified during the size-up The IAP will include : • Objectives • Strategies • Tactics Command Leadership & Management Section

  14. Objectives • What are the objectives required to bring incident to a safe conclusion. You must mention minimum of 8 • E.G. • Secure the scene • Set up fire protection • Isolate ignition sources • Remove 2 persons near the spill • Evacuate exposures affected by potential explosion risk • Contain the spill • Monitor drains for product • Set up Decontamination and decontaminate persons affected • Render area safe • Above objectives are examples only – all objectives must be specific to the incident at hand. Command Leadership & Management Section

  15. Strategies • Offensive • Defensive • Marginal State the one in use Command Leadership & Management Section

  16. Tactics The acronym RECEOS is used to determine how you achieve your objectives : R - Rescue – Crew in FE remove 2 persons affected decontaminate, 1 x 38. E - Exposures – How will you protect all the exposures at risk from spill/leak and vapour plume. How will you lessen the damage to the environment?E.G. Crews FE, SCBA to evacuate residents from Bravo side & confirm with head count, Crew to stop runoff into Cooks river with booms. C - Contain – How will you try to contain spill to AOO. E.G. Crews, FE, SCBA boom drain on the Charlie side. E - Extinguish – No. of pumps used, No. and size of hose lines used, No. of specialist appliances used and how product neutralised & decontamination method used. O - Overhaul – How will you ensure all areas are checked for traces of the product? How will you protect and preserve the scene? S - Salvage - Detail Salvage operations - how & where V - Ventilation - Detail ventilation operations - how & where. Command Leadership & Management Section

  17. First sit rep (Red/Blue)CAATDESCC C……Call sign A……Assistance required (alarm level) outside resources required and reason why? A……Address T……Type of incident: We Have spill of (product involved) C: Construction (container/vehicle) O: Occupancy (name company) D: Dimensions (container/vehicle) S: Specials (mixed load, etc) D……Description of incident… The Spill/leak L: Location A: Amount % involved P: Persons reported D: Direction spreading to. Command Leadership & Management Section

  18. First sit rep (Red/Blue)CAATDESCC (cont) E….Exposures….Only mention the exposure(s) at risk Bravo side Residential Units in blast zone, Delta side product entered Duck creek S….Strategy in use and Crew tasking and actions being undertaken C…Channels in operation (500) and requested for use (600) C…Control point name, location and confirm who is the IC Command Leadership & Management Section

  19. Tasking 2 • Assign Crews and individuals to specific tasks, • You will need to mention level of PPE, for crews in these taskings • Appoint ICS Commanders, Safety Officers, etc as required as the size of the Incident escalates, NOTE – Examples only!! Pump 2 S/O- Decontamination Officer, manage Decon zone, liaise with IC Crew - Establish Decon zone, Splash suits, WO,& WA 1x38. MD- Establish Decon zone Splash gloves & Boots, DA. Pump 3 S/O- Sector Commander Bravo, liaise with building manager use EWIS to evacuate residents, confirm number of persons Crew- Crew SCBA assist residents to evacuate, report on any evac problems MD – Water in to P2 be PO for Decon, remain in cold zone. Look to task Police, Ambulance, Gas, Energy, Council, OEH and any other specialist agency you may have called for in your alarm response. Command Leadership & Management Section

  20. SISIACMR • This page is to show how you would safely manage the incident using this acronym. • S - Safe approach – e.g. upwind, upgrade, etc • I - Incident command – e.g. conduct DRA, develop IAP, etc • S - Scene security – e.g. establish 3 zones, hot, warm, cold, remove persons from combat area, etc • I - Identify substance – e.g. MSDS, specialist advice, Hazchem code, etc • A - Assess potential harm - e.g. flammability, explosion risk, waterways contamination, etc • C - Call in resources - e.g. specialists, engineers, etc • M - Monitor information – e.g. request weather updates, atmospheric monitoring, etc • R - Render safe and decontaminate - e.g. neutralise hazard, shut off leak, decontaminate personnel & equipment Command Leadership & Management Section

  21. Regular Situation Report (Blue)CADEAAS C……Control point name A……Additional assistance required D……Update on incident conditions and persons located E……Exposures update on any evacuations and/or increased risks A……Active ICS appointments A……Actions currently being taken S……Safety Measures in place Command Leadership & Management Section

  22. Tasking 3 • Review Strategy to ensure objectives are being met. • Continue to task responded appliances. • Task all external agencies requested. • Consider tasks for ICMS, Full RIT, Spill clean up, etc. • Crews need to be rotated and back up crews in place at all times. • Crews may be re-tasked. Command Leadership & Management Section

  23. Regular Situation Report (Blue)CADEAAS C……Control point name A……Additional assistance required D……Update on incident conditions and persons located E……Exposures update on any evacuations and/or increased risks A……Active ICS appointments A……Actions currently being taken S……Safety Measures in place CommandLeadership & Management Section

  24. Tasking 4 • Review Strategy to ensure objectives are being met. • Continue to task responded appliances. • Task all external agencies requested. • Consider tasks for ICMS, Full RIT, Spill clean up, etc. • Crews need to be rotated and back up crews in place at all times. • Crews may be re-tasked. Command Leadership & Management Section

  25. Stop (Green) MessageCADCODDIESERF C...Control point A...Address D…Dimensions (as per Red message) C…Construction (as per Red message) O…Occupancy (as per Red message) D…Amount/% of spilled product D…Degree/% of damage to structure or vehicle or containers and exposures I…Injuries number? E…Evacuations number? S…Salvage operations in progress E…Extinguished by pumps used, hose lines, product disposal method R…Reducing to Pumps, specialist appliance F…Incident handover to (person) Command Leadership & Management Section

  26. Subsequent Actions • Hot Debrief on Site • Rehabilitate Crews /re-hydrate /refreshments • Liaise with other services/agencies • Restoration of Services • Review Risk Assessment • Information for OEH report • Information for AIRS report • Scene Security • Terminate Command/ Reduction of appliances • Complete Termination of Fire Duty Book • Media Briefing . Command Leadership & Management Section

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