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  2. INTRODUCTION Tecnimont KT has prepared a training course for operators in order to prepare the personnel of the Khabarovsk Refinery to the plant operation of the new Sulphur Recovery Section (SRU) with Tail Gas Treating Section (TGT), Amine Regeneration Section (ARU) and Sour Water Stripping Section (SWS). The new Sulphur Recovery Complex is composed of two parallel trains and common facilities, as follows: Common facilities – Unit 230-30X Train #1 – Unit 230-31X Train #2 – Unit 230-32X TGT (common to both Trains), Incinerator – Unit 230-33X Amine Regeneration Section – Unit 230-10X Sour Water Stripping Section – Unit 230-20X

  3. TRAINING COURSE CONTENT • 1. Basis of Design (common) • 2. Process Description (common) 1 day • 3. Process Theory (common) • 4. Main Equipment Description (SRU) • 5. Control system and ESD (SRU) 1 day • 6. Precommissioning, Commissioning and 1st Start-up (SRU) • 7. Normal operation of Sulphur Recovery Unit1 day • 8. Normal operation of Tail Gas Treatment Unit (RAR)

  4. TRAINING COURSE CONTENT • 9. Main Equipment Description (ARU/SWS) • 10. Control system and ESD (ARU/SWS) 1 day • 11. Precommissioning, Commissioning and Start-up (ARU/SWS) • 12. Plant safety and maintenance concept(common) • 13. Trouble shooting (common) • 14. Test Run (common) 1 day • 15. Open discussion (common) • 16. Final assessment and Evaluation test (common)

  5. PLANTDESIGN • The Sulphur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment design is finalised according to the following configuration: • Claus Section (two parallel identical trains) • Degassing Section • Tail Gas Treatment / Amine Recovery (RAR Section) • Incineration Section (common to both trains)


  7. PLANTDESIGN • The selected process configuration is carried out according to the followings: • Claus Section based on modified CLAUS process; • Liquid Sulphur Degassing Section for removing H2S by the produced Undegassed sulphur; • Tail Gas Treatment Section for processing the Claus tail gas, based on RAR (Reduction, Absorption, Recycle) process; • Amine Section with TGT Absorber, for removing H2S on tail gas, and with Amine Regenerator, dedicated for TGT operation, based on the use of MDEA (Methyl- diethanolamine) solution diluted at 50%wt.;

  8. PLANTDESIGN • Incineration Section for oxidation of tail gas coming from TGT Section (or from the Claus Section in case of by-pass of TGT Section). • Amine Regeneration Section will process Rich Amine coming from Hydrocracking Section (HCU) using DEA (Diethanolamine) solution diluted at 25%wt.; • Sour Water Stripping Section will process the Sour Water coming from Hydrotreating Section (DHT), Hydrocracking Section (HCU), TGT and SRU Section;

  9. EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW Valid for each of the TWO PARALLEL trains • Claus Section is composed of: • Amine Acid Gas Scrubber with relevant pumping system • SWS Acid Gas Separator with relevant pumping system • C.A. Blowers • Thermal stage, including waste heat recovery system • 2 Catalytic stages (preheating, reaction, condensation) • Hydraulic seals

  10. EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW The Common parts are: • Degassing Section composed of: • Sulphur Pit, equipped with Degassing Column, Undegassed and Transfer pumps • Sulphur Solidification Package • Incineration Section composed of: • Thermal Incinerator and Burner • Incinerator Stack

  11. EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW The Common parts are: TGT (Tail Gas Treatment) Section composed of: • Tail Gas Heater (electrical) • Hydrogenation Reactor • Tail Gas / Gas Exchanger • Quench Tower, equipped with pumping/filtering/cooling system • Recycle Gas Blower and Preheater

  12. EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW • Amine Section (of TGU) composed of: • Absorber • Rich Amine Pumps • Lean / Rich Amine Heat Exchanger • Lean Amine pumping/cooling/filtering system • Regenerator, equipped with Reboiler and overhead circuit • Amine Drains Drum

  13. EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW • Amine Regeneration (ARU) Sectionis composed of: • Rich Amine Flash Drum with pumping system • Lean Amine pumping/cooling/filtering system • Lean / Rich Amine Heat Exchanger • Regenerator, equipped with Reboiler and overhead circuit • Amine Sump Drum

  14. EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW • Sour Water Stripping (SWS) Sectionis composed of: • Sour Water Feed Surge Drum with pumping system • Stripper Feed / Bottom Exchanger • Sour Water Stripper, equipped with Reboiler and pumparound circuit

  15. FEEDSTOCKS to Sulphur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment • The Sulphur Recovery Unit shall treat the following main streams: • Amine Acid Gas, coming from Amine Recovery Section (ARU) • SWS Gas, coming from Sour Water Stripping Section (SWS) • Moreover, other feeds sources are listed: • Hydrogen make-up, is injected in the TGT section; • Recycled acid gas, produced in the Amine Regenerator, is sent back to Claus and joined with amine acid gas stream;

  16. FEEDSTOCKS to Sulphur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment Claus Section There are two common acid gas headers (SWS AG header and AAG header), which feed Claus trains. Each SRU train shall be also able to operate with amine acid gas from amine unit only (without gas from sour water stripper). On the other hand, gas from sour water stripper can be routed to SRU train, only when SRU train is operating with amine acid gas.

  17. FEEDSTOCKS to Sulphur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment Incinerator Section Normally, the Incinerator section shall be able to process: - Claus tail gas - Sweep Air from Sulphur Pit TGT by-pass operation: the Incinerator section shall be also able to operate with TGT section by-passed (direct oxidation of Claus tail gas).

  18. FEEDSTOCKS to Amine Recovery and SWS Sections The Amine Regeneration Section(ARU) shall treat the rich amine streams generated in Summer Diesel EOR operation case in the Hydrocracking Section (HCU). The Sour Water Stripping Section(SWS) shall treat the sour water streams generated in SRU and TGT Sections, in theHCUSection and in the Hydrotrating Section(DHT).

  19. The products/effluents of Sulphur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment Units are: Degassed Liquid Sulphur from Sulphur Degassing and Storage Drum Sour Water from Amine Acid Gas Scrubber (continuous flow), by means of pump Sour Condensate from Sour Water Stripper Acid Gas Separator (discontinuous flow), by means of pump MDEA condensate from Amine Acid Gas Separator (discontinuous flow), by means of pump inside MDEA Drain Drum Sour Water from Quench Tower (continuous flow) Flue Gas from Stack of Thermal Incinerator to atmosphere PRODUCTS & EFFLUENTS - overall

  20. FEEDSTOCKS & PRODUCTS – overall balance Amine Acid Gas Flue Gas Sulphur Recovery & Tail Gas Treatment SWS Acid Gas Liquid sulphur Acid Gas Recycle Process Waters Hydrogen make-up

  21. The products/effluents of Amine Recovery and Sour Water Stripping Sections are: Amine Acid Gas containing H2S a high concentration (91.37% mol) that will be treated in the SRU for final conversion to sulphur. Lean amine solution (DEA) to HCU Section. Sour Water Stripped Acid Gas Separator containing H2S (36.38% mol) that will be treated in the SRU for final conversion to sulphur. Stripped Water used as wash water in the Hydrocracking / Hydrotrating Sections. PRODUCTS & EFFLUENTS - overall

  22. The overall capacity of SRU/TGT Unit corresponds in terms of Sulphur Production: 40 t/d of liquid sulphur production by both trains at design condition (20 t/d for each train) and SRU/TGT catalysts at start of run conditions (Design Case - SOR) 12 t/d of liquid sulphur production by both trains at turndown operation (6 t/d for each train) and SRU/TGT catalysts at start of run conditions (Turndown Case) CAPACITY - overall

  23. The Sulphur Recovery Efficiency (SRE) for Claus section is defined as follows: where: SIN = total sulphur contained in feedstock to Claus section; SOUT = total sulphur contained in tail gas from Claus to TGT section. SULPHUR RECOVERY EFFICIENCY – Claus section • Generally, the SRE% efficiency in the Claus section is limited up to about 95.2%, while the TGT section allows the OSRE% to reach the expected value of 99.8% (at SOR). • The figure of 95.2% (as SRE% efficiency) is referred to the catalysts at start of condition (SOR phase) in the Claus Section.

  24. OVERALL SULPHUR RECOVERY EFFICIENCY – each train Sulphur Recovery Efficiency = 99.8% at Start of Run Condition (with TGT on stream, expected value at SOR) When the TGT section is normally operating with Claus tail gas, Overall Sulphur Recovery Efficiency is verified by the measure of the total sulphur contained in tail gas from Absorber. Overall SRE (%) for the whole Sulphur Recovery SRU+TGT is defined as follows: where: SIN = total sulphur contained in feedstock to SRU+TGT SOUT = total sulphur contained in tail gas from Absorber.

  25. RomeViale Castello della Magliana 7500148 - ItalyPh. +39 06 602161Fax +39 06 65793002info@tecnimontkt.it – www.tecnimontkt.it


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