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Transfer of Learning

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Transfer of Learning

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Transfer of Learning Moving from classroom training to job performance

    2. Presentation Overview This presentation is designed for: Supervisors Administrators Field Program Specialists Training coordinators

    3. Presentation Overview The purpose of this presentation is to help managers enhance their ability to: promote staff members’ readiness to learn create and sustain a constructive learning environment in their work unit use transfer of learning strategies to promote staff members’ job performance

    4. Presentation Overview This presentation includes the following topics: Transfer of learning definition Key players in the transfer of learning process and their roles Supervisory responses that promote transfer of learning Strategies to promote transfer of learning

    5. Transfer of Learning "That almost magical link between classroom performance and something which is supposed to happen in the real world" - J. M. Swinney.

    6. What is Transfer of Learning? Transfer of learning is the application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes acquired in a training setting to the job. This encompasses what happens in agencies, before, during and after staff attend training to either support or undermine the likelihood that what is learned will actually be applied and result in improved job performance.

    7. Organizations expend a large amount of staff time and money on formal training programs every year. In order to maximize the investment in training, everyone involved in the training process and the entire organization needs to be concerned about the transfer issue.

    8. As a supervisor/manager you play a major role in helping to promote the transfer of learning. Your responses to the trainee and your attitude about the training can either help or hurt this process.

    9. Supervisory Responses In order for transfer of learning to be successful, supervisors must assume an "encouraging" and a "requiring” response to staff development activities.

    10. Taking a “preventing,” “discouraging” or even “neutral” position to professional development activities results in barriers to the transfer of learning process.

    11. Training Partnership The three primary players in the transfer of learning effort are the trainees, the trainer, and management. This is referred to as the training partnership.

    12. Each of the primary partners has a specific role to play and actions to take, or not take, before, during, and after training occurs. These actions will affect the likelihood that transfer will occur. In fact, as a result of research, we can rank the significance of each combination of role player and time period on a scale of 1 to 9.

    13. Transfer of Learning Matrix

    15. Transfer of Learning Strategies So, what are some things that management (supervisors, administrators, Field Program Specialists, and Training Coordinators) can do to promote transfer of learning? Let’s look at strategies for before, during, and after training.

    16. Management Actions BEFORE Training

    17. Management Actions DURING Training

    18. Management Actions AFTER Training

    19. Just For Fun Just for fun, let’s take a little quiz about transfer of learning to wrap up this presentation.

    20. True or False? Transfer of Learning is primarily an issue of concern when people are learning technical skills.

    21. False Transfer of learning is relevant to all kinds of knowledge and skills.

    22. True or False? Whether adults transfer their learning is their business, not the agency’s business

    23. Mostly False It’s true that we can’t force people to use new learning, but what is the point of organization-sponsored development, if the organization can’t expect to receive a return on its training investment?

    24. True or False? If participants are happy or satisfied at the end of a training course, it usually means that they will use the skills that they’ve learned.

    25. False Research indicates there is no significant relationship between: - perceptions of enjoyment of a training and performance - perceptions of the instructor’s effectiveness and performance - perceptions of the amount learned and performance

    26. References and Recommended Readings Broad, M.L. & Newstrom, J.W. (1992). Transfer of training: Action-packed strategies to ensure high payoff from training investments. New York: Addison-Wesley. Caffarella, R.S. (2002). Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide for educators, trainers, and staff developers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Zenger, J., Folkman, J., & Sherwin, R. (2005, Jan.). The promise of phase 3. T+D Magazine, 30-34. Gregoire, T.K., Propp, J. & Poertner, J. (1998). The supervisor's role in the transfer of training. Administration in Social Work (22), 1-18. Websites: http://humanresources.about.com/od/trainingtransfer/a/training_work_2.htm

    27. Training Request Interested in having a “live” presentation on transfer of learning? We can provide a short training session for supervisors and administrators at your location. Contact: Amy Mobley ammobley@dhr.state.ga.us

    28. A Closing Word We hope you found this brief overview of transfer of learning helpful. For more strategies, check out the Professional Excellence Resource Library on the Education and Training Services website. Here you will find tools for supervisors related to specific Professional Excellence courses. This will be updated periodically as new courses and aids are developed. http://www.dfcs.dhr.georgia.gov/portal/site/DHR-DFCS/menuitem.8237042e9dbda3aa50c8798dd03036a0/?vgnextoid=9d8e375cbf34d110VgnVCM100000bf01010aRCRD&vgnextchannel=58b629c8facb0110VgnVCM100000bf01010aRCRD

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