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The leader in high-quality online academic and test prep tutoring

The leader in high-quality online academic and test prep tutoring Academic Advisors, local to your school and community The only full-time, professional tutors in the business. Deliver live, online instruction with the best tutors in the world

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The leader in high-quality online academic and test prep tutoring

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  1. The leader in high-quality online academic and test preptutoring • Academic Advisors, local to your school andcommunity • The only full-time, professional tutors in thebusiness • Deliver live, online instruction with the best tutors in theworld • Partner with schools & families as they navigate testing andacademics • Improve scores, lower stress, and empower more-confidentstudents We've worked with over 1,000,000students all across thecountry! • We work with students in all 50 states and over 40countries

  2. jean.stroud@revolutionprep.com 818-217-0951 Jean Stroud, Academic Advisor

  3. Testing can be a force for good, notevil Set a plan to achieve yourgoals Should you take the SAT, ACT, orboth? What makes the SAT and ACT so difficult, yet socoachable? Do you need to also prepare for SAT SubjectTests? Maximize your scores by having a GrowthMindset Pick the preparation option that is right foryou

  4. AdmissionWeight

  5. SAT 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Average ScoreIncrease 8 16 24 32 Hours ofInstruction 40 48

  6. Average TimeSpent

  7. AdmissionWeight

  8. Take the most challenging courses and dowell • Make sure that schoolwork is your top priority • Get the resources and help you need to be successful

  9. Choose yourtime Our tutors are available when you need them – after school andlater every night of theweek Rock yourassignment! Whether it’s homework or aquiz or test, you will rock it with HomeworkHelp! Experts are available in everymajor subject in grades6-12 Log in and join your friendsin a livevideoconference. Our Best Tutors are standingby when you need it! 7 Days/week in any majorsubject! Choose yoursubject

  10. Work with your counselor and parents to set your schoollist • Google “admitted student profile” to identify interquartile ranges for GPA and test scores • Visit colleges that interestyou Source: UCLA AdmissionOffice

  11. Develop a long-term testing plan with your dedicated Revolution Prep Academic Advisor • Increase scores and decrease stress by mapping out the test dates that work best foryou • Plan to prepare for months, nothours

  12. Do you need to spend more timeimproving your math or reading/writingskills? • Do you need to work on fundamental skill building before focusing on the ACT orSAT? • Are you on the pathway to being preparedto do college-levelschoolwork?


  14. Commended: Top 4% nationally (96th percentile nationally – 212) (~1400 scaledscore) Semi-Finalist: Top 1% instate PSAT Cutoffs byState High(222-223) Middle-High(220-221) Middle(217-219) Middle-Low(214-216) Low(211-213) (99 percentile in thestate) th Fun fact: Semi-finalist scores rangefrom 211 (West Virginia) to 223 (NewJersey) Selection Index: Test Score x2 (Selection Index range:48-228)

  15. 1,600,000 Junior testTakers 1,200,000 800,000 400,000 0 PSATJuniors Commended Scholarships

  16. Most students score similarly on bothexams • Don’t rely on a “combo test” to indicate your testpreference • Take two full-length exams or comparePSAT • and ACTscores • Revolution Prep can send you an ACT orSAT • exam

  17. A high GPA does not guarantee • a competitive standardized testscore • The tests know what you want todo, • and use it againstyou • With preparation and coaching, you can overcome thesetraps

  18. SATQuestion What is the sum of all integers from 1 to 100 ? The fraction 7/13 is equivalent to 0.538461. What is the digit in the 304th decimal place of 0.538461? 1 3 4 5 8 A)4000 B) 4050 C) 5000 D)5050 ACTQuestion

  19. Algebra Equations Geometry Essay Composition Grammar Punctuation Rhetoric ReadingSpeed Understanding MainIdeas Wordin Context Interpreting Data Reading Chartsand Graphs Word Problems

  20. Students are not accustomedto • taking four-hourexams • Taking full-length practice exams is an essential part of building mental endurance • Use official exams from the College Board andACT

  21. Unlike a test in school, you can take theACT and SAT multipletimes • Most students score higher the secondtime they take the ACT andSAT • Review your results from the first sitting withan • expert to build a plan forsuccess

  22. The right tutor challenges, inspires,and motivates • The right tutor is a full-timeprofessional • The right tutor increases test scores,improves • grades, and decreasesstress

  23. “For many years, the College Board said that test prep couldn’t significantly boost scores on the SAT exam. Now, suddenly, the organization is saying that, in fact, coaching can helpimprove scores.” -The Washington Post,5/9/2017

  24. What’s the deal with test optionalschools? When should I the take the ACT or SATfor the firsttime? How many times should I take the ACTor SAT? What is Score Choice? Should I useit? What is Superscoring? How manyschools Superscoreexams? How much can I really expect to increasemy scores?

  25. Subject Tests can be powerful toolsfor • students applying to competitivecolleges • Hour-long, multiple choiceexams • 200-800 scorerange • Offered on SAT dates (withexceptions) • Can take up to three tests in oneday

  26. Literature USHistory WorldHistory Math Level1 Math Level2 Chinese withListening French French withListening German German with Listening Korean with Listening Japanese withListening Italian Latin ModernHebrew Spanish Spanish withListening BiologyE/M Chemistry Physics

  27. Subject Tests are a chance to measure yourself against students applying to the most-competitivecolleges • Subject Tests assess in-depth subject expertise • Revolution Prep can send you a practiceexam • to getstarted

  28. If you need to take Subject Tests, build them into your long-term testingplan • Students can be prepared to take Subject Tests as early as freshman or sophomoreyear • Take AP Exams and Subject Tests around the same time

  29. Avoidschallenges • Gives upeasily • Sees effort as fruitless, orworse! • Feels threatened by the success ofothers • Says “I’m just not good atthat.”

  30. Embraceschallenge • Persists in the face ofsetbacks • Sees efforts as the path tomastery • Learns fromcriticism • Says “I’m not good yet, but I can getbetter”

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