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Arches of the foot

Arches of the foot. 1- Medial Longitudinal arch. 2- Lateral longitudinal arch. 3- Transverse arch. The Medial Longitudinal Arch. Posterior Pillar: Calcaneus Top: Talus Anterior pillar: Navicular, 3 cuniforms, med. 3 metatarsals.

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Arches of the foot

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  1. Arches of the foot 1- Medial Longitudinal arch. 2- Lateral longitudinal arch. 3- Transverse arch.

  2. The Medial Longitudinal Arch Posterior Pillar:Calcaneus Top: Talus Anterior pillar: Navicular, 3 cuniforms, med. 3 metatarsals. Functions: 1- Distribution of body weight, 2- Protection of soft structures, 3- Shock absorption. 4- Elastic propulsion during walking or running

  3. The Medial Longitudinal Arch (cont.) Factors keeping med. Long. Arch: 1. Ligaments:Spring lig., deltoid lig., plantar aponeurosis, interosseous ligs., long & short plantar ligs. 2. Muscles:Tibialis post., tibialis ant., flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, short muscles of the big toe. 3. Bony factor:The shape and constitution of the bones keep the foot in the arching position.

  4. The Lateral Longitudinal Arch Posterior Pillar:Calcaneus Top : ------ Anterior pillar:Cuboid, lateral 2 metatarsals. Function: 1- Distribution of body weight, 2- Protection of soft structures, 3- Shock absorption. 4- Support the body weight during standing.

  5. The Lateral Longitudinal Arch (cont.) Factors keeping lat. Long. Arch: 1. Ligaments:plantar aponeurosis, interosseous ligs., long & short plantar ligs. 2. Muscles:Peroneus longus & brevis. Flexor digitorum longus. Short muscles of the little toe. 3. Bony factor:The shape and constitution of the bones keep the foot in the arching position

  6. The Transverse Arch Formed by:1- Bases of the metatarsal bones 2- Cuboid 3- The 3 cuniforms. (incomplete arch)

  7. Factors keeping the Transverse Arch: • Bony Factor: Intermediate and lateral cuniforms are wedge- shaped. 2. Ligaments: Deep transverse lig. interosseous ligs. (dorsal and planter) 3. Muscles: - Peroneus longus & brevis, - Transverse head of adductor hallucis, - Slips of tibialis posterior

  8. Anomalies: 1- Flat foot (pes planus):Rotatation of the calcaneus ----► evertion of the plantar surface, slipping down of the talus and navicular -----► lenthening of the medial longitudinal arch and abduction of the forefoot. Cause: Excess weight on the medial side of the foot due to malalignment of bones, relaxation of ligaments, or muscular imbalance. 2- Talipes equinovarus:Plantar flexion, inversion, and adduction of the foot. 3- Talipes calcaneovulgus:Dorsiflexion, eversion, and abduction 4- Sprain:Tear of the ligaments of the ankle ---►severe disability

  9. Thank You Good Luck

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