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The SolarPaint Project: XFEL Science

A. HNCO. C 6 H 6. B. C. CH 4. H. C. N. O. A. B. The SolarPaint Project: XFEL Science.

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The SolarPaint Project: XFEL Science

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  1. A HNCO C6H6 B C CH4 H C N O A B The SolarPaint Project: XFEL Science X-Ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL) are revolutionary sources of synchrotron light, whose ultrashort, brilliant pulses are expected to reach resolutions of interatomic length scales, extending X-ray microscopy to the femtosecond time domain and single molecule imaging. These ultimate frontiers are currently hampered by several challenging questions concerning sample damage, time-gating imaging and the role of nonlinearity. By combining an original ab-initio approach and KAUST Shaheen supercomputer, Dr. Andrea Fratalocchi (a KAUST fellow) and his team provide a decisive answer to them, settling down the theoretical grounds for present and future researches on XFEL science. (A) (B) Fig. 2. Nonlinear diffraction of an HNCO molecule at (A) wavelength l=0.1nm and (B) l=0.15nm. Fig. 1. Ground state configurations of various molecules, with nuclei displayed as rigid spheres and electron densities with a three-dimensional volumetric renderer.

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