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Clear workshops

Clear workshops. Access to cultural heritage : People, wishes , needs and tools. CLEAR-Aim and objectives. Promote accessibility to Cultural Heritage as a leverage for enlargement of tourism market - promoting new jobs profiles - showing facts and figures on the market

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Clear workshops

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  1. Clearworkshops Access to cultural heritage: People, wishes, needs and tools

  2. CLEAR-Aim and objectives Promoteaccessibilityto Cultural Heritage as a leverageforenlargementoftourism market - promotingnewjobsprofiles - showingfacts and figures on the market - spreading information and exchanging best practices

  3. The workshops • Toprovideaninternational audience with a joint practicalexperience • Usingan e learningplatform and a distancelearningcourse

  4. The weightofwords Accessibility: • (of a place) abletobereachedor entered • abletobeeasilyobtainedor used • easilyunderstoodor appreciated People Reaching and Experiencing and Enjoying a favourableenvironment

  5. People and Environment UN Convention on the RightsofPersonswithDisabilities Personswithdisabilities include thosewhohavelong-termphysical, mental, intellectual or sensoryimpairmentswhich in interactionwithvariousbarriersmayhindertheir full and effectiveparticipation in society on anequalbasiswithothers.

  6. The workshops • Marketing accessible tourism: issues, best practices and resources • Policies: Including issues related to accessibility to CVs in local & regional policies • Accessibility checklists (How to check if a CV is accessible to All) • The “for all” concept • Best Practices on the 5 types of accessibility to CVs

  7. People:Customers Workshop 1: • marketing theories applied to the field of accessible tourism • crucial issuesto focus on in implementing inclusive tourism • Best practices (images and case histories)

  8. Tools:Laws and Policies Workshop 2: • overview of the policies and goals of the EU • Overview of the NON-EU Policies and laws • Examples of laws or declaration about accessibility in the partner countries

  9. Tools:Techniques Workshop 3 • Attempt to define the meaning of accessibility to CV • Outline of what shall be checked, where and why • Provision of a sample tool (check list)

  10. Tools:Principles Workshop 4: • The principles of Design for all and the Cultural Heritage • Opportunities arising from web accessibility • For all solutions improving accessibility for disabled people

  11. People & Environment Workshop5 • Best practices for PRM and elders • Best practices for people with sensorial disabilities • Best practices for people with intellective/cognitive disabilities and hidden disabilities

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