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The Road to Lexington and Concord

The Road to Lexington and Concord. Militia and Minutemen. The militia is a force of armed civilians whom pledged to defend their community About 1/3 of the Lexington militia were minutemen, militia men ready at a minute’s notice The militia was the beginnings of the Continental Army.

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The Road to Lexington and Concord

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  1. The Road to Lexington and Concord

  2. Militia and Minutemen • The militia is a force of armed civilians whom pledged to defend their community • About 1/3 of the Lexington militia were minutemen, militia men ready at a minute’s notice • The militia was the beginnings of the Continental Army

  3. Boston Tea Party in 1774 Parliament is left angry Parliament punishes MA Coercive Acts are passed Nicknamed the Intolerable Acts General Thomas Gage becomes Governor Other colonies rally by providing money and supplies Committees of Correspondence call a meeting First Continental Congress meets The Intolerable Acts

  4. The First Continental Congress • 1774 • Philadelphia • All but GA send a delegate • Voted against a Grand Council #2 • Two decisions made • GA agrees to these decisions

  5. Between War and Peace • Colonial boycott did not break Parliament • Instead, Parliament increased restrictions and sent more troops to the colonies • Some colonies began to train its own troops • Colonial leaders believed a fight was coming, but would be short-lived with a show of colonial force and Great Britain would back down • No one was thinking a long war would break out

  6. Gage learns of MA militia arms and ammo in Concord Gage orders Samuel Adams and John Hancock to be arrested and troops to destroy the Concord supplies Sons of Liberty were prepared Dawes and Revere spread word One if by land, two if by sea in the Old North Church Dawes travels by land, Revere by water to Charlestown, MA In Lexington, Dawes and Revere team up with Dr. Samuel Prescott Dawes and Revere are stopped by the British, Prescott finishes the job The Midnight Ride

  7. The Midnight Ride

  8. Lexington • April 1775 • 700 British reach Lexington • Encounter 70 minutemen • British order minutemen to drop their weapons • Minutemen refuse • “Shot heard ‘round the world” • 8 minutemen die

  9. British march on for MA militia arms and ammo British destroy militia arms and ammo British encounter 4,000 militia and minutemen Battle occurs British begin to retreat as militia and minutemen kill them 1,000 more British arrive New British troops save the other British troops from destruction as they retreat back to Boston Colonists are forced to choose sides and form a political opinion Loyalist Patriot Neutral Concord

  10. Lexington and Concord

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