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BRAMPDAC. Brazilian Atomic, Molecular and. Plasma Physics Data Center. BRAMPDAC´s main objectives:. To join as much as possible of the brazilian scientific and technological production in atomic, molecular and plasma physics that may be of interest to nuclear fusion research.

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  1. BRAMPDAC Brazilian Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Data Center

  2. BRAMPDAC´s main objectives: • To join as much as possible of the brazilian scientific and technological production in atomic, molecular and plasma physics that may be of interest to nuclear fusion research • To provide a direct, easy and rapid access to these data via the web • To promote, as much as possible, data exchange between the brazilian atomic, molecular and plasma physics communities

  3. International goals • To offer to the nuclear fusion community, in a global scale, a channel for a direct, easy and rapid access to the brazilian scientific production in AMPP • To strenght the worldwide insertion of brazilian AMPP data into the literature.

  4. A broad-interest data center • Spectroscopic data for atoms (energy levels, transition rates) and molecules (energy levels, rotational, vibrational, ionization and dissociation parameters, transition rates) • Collisional data for electron (ion) – atom (molecule) collisions (elastic, rotational, vibrational and electronic excitation, ionization and dissociation cross sections) • Plasma characterization: data on particle densities and local temperatures

  5. Selected examples of BRAMPDAC´S atomic physics data

  6. TCS for Li ionization by H+ and He2+ Fiori et al., PRA 64, 012705 (2001)

  7. TCS for Li ionization by H+ and He2+ TCS for ionization out of the Li 1s orbital by H^+ impact Authors: M R Fiori, G Jalbert, C E Bielschowsky and W Cravero, Phys. Rev. A 64, 012705 (2001) E(keV) TCS(10^-16 cm^2) 11.080 1.4392(-4) 14.565 6.9272(-4) 26.947 6.7036(-3) 59.151 5.7743(-2) 164.94 1.4652(-1) 475.91 1.0953(-1) 1744.4 4.3164(-2) Fiori et al., PRA 64, 012705 (2001)

  8. TCS for multi-ionization of Ne by He+ Santos et al., PRA 63, 062717 (2001)

  9. TCS for multi-ionization of Ar by He+ Santos et al., PRA 63, 062717 (2001)

  10. TCS for multi-ionization of Kr by He+ Santos et al., PRA 63, 062717 (2001)

  11. TCS for multi-ionization of Xe by He+ Santos et al., PRA 63, 062717 (2001)

  12. Single-ionization cross sections of He by He+ Single-ionization cross sections of He by He^(+) Authors: A. C. F. Santos, W. S. Melo, M. M. Sant´Anna, G. M. Sigaud, and E. C. Montenegro, Phys. Rev. A, 63, 062717 (2001) Energy (MeV) SICS (Mb) 1.00 88 1.25 70 1.50 66 2.00 56 2.50 45 3.00 38 3.50 33 Santos et al., PRA 63, 062717 (2001)

  13. Double-ionization cross sections of Ar by He+ Double-ionization cross sections of Ar by He^(+) Authors: A. C. F. Santos, W. S. Melo, M. M. Sant´Anna, G. M. Sigaud, and E. C. Montenegro, Phys. Rev. A, 63, 062717 (2001) Energy (MeV) DICS (Mb) 1.00 30 1.50 21 2.00 17 2.50 11 3.00 8.5 3.50 9.1 Santos et al., PRA 63, 062717 (2001)

  14. TCS for single electron capturefrom H and H2 by He2+ impact Sant´Anna et al., PRA 61, 052717 (2000)

  15. TCS for single electron capture from H by He2+ TCS for single electron capture from H by He^(2+) Authors: M. M. Sant´Anna, W. S. Melo, A. C. F. Santos, V. L. B. de Jesus, M. B. Shah, G. M. Sigaud, E. C. Montenegro, H. S. Busnengo, S. E. Corchs, R. D. Rivarola, and L. Gulyás, Phys. Rev. A, 61, 052717 (2000) Energy (keV) TCS (10^(-16) cm2) 500 2.83 (-1) 750 5.61 (-2) 1000 1.96 (-2) 1250 1.00 (-2) 1500 4.93 (-3) 1750 2.57 (-3) 2000 1.37 (-3) 2250 8.90 (-4) 2500 5.05 (-4) Sant´Anna et al., PRA 61, 052717 (2000)

  16. TCS for single electron capture from H2 by He2+ TCS for single electron capture from H2 by He^(2+) Authors: M. M. Sant´Anna, W. S. Melo, A. C. F. Santos, V. L. B. de Jesus, M. B. Shah, G. M. Sigaud, E. C. Montenegro, H. S. Busnengo, S. E. Corchs, R. D. Rivarola, and L. Gulyás, Phys. Rev. A, 61, 052717 (2000) Energy (keV) TCS (10^(-16) cm2) 500 7.37 (-1) 750 2.02 (-1) 1000 5.96 (-2) 1250 2.68 (-2) 1500 1.09 (-2) 1750 5.24 (-3) 2000 3.21 (-3) 2250 1.95 (-3) 2500 1.03 (-3) 2750 7.50 (-4) Sant´Anna et al., PRA 61, 052717 (2000)

  17. Selected examples of BRAMPDAC´S molecular physics data

  18. DCS for vibrational excitation of H2 by electron impact v=0 → v´=0 v=0 → v´=1 Mazon et al., PRA 64, 042705 (2001)

  19. DCS for vibrational excitation of H2 by electron impact Differential cross sections for (v=0 --> v´=1) vibrational excitation of H2 by 2.5 eV electron impact Authors: K T Mazon, R Fujiwara and M.-T. Lee, Phys. Rev A 64, 42705 (2001) Ang(deg) DCS(10^(-16) cm^2/sr) 0.2423 6.8263(+0) 2.9871 5.0799(+0) 5.9481 2.7946(+0) 8.9126 1.5272(+0) 1.1884 2.2359(+0) 1.4922 4.0821(+0) 1.7956 5.0301(+0) Mazon et al., PRA 64, 042705 (2001)

  20. DCS for vibrational excitation of H2 by electron impact v=0 → v´=2 v=0 → v´=3 Mazon et al., PRA 64, 042705 (2001)

  21. DCS for vibrational excitation of H2 by electron impact Differential cross sections for (v=0 --> v´=3) vibrational excitation of H2 by 3.5 eV electron impact Authors: K T Mazon, R Fujiwara and M.-T. Lee, Phys. Rev A 64, 42705 (2001) Ang(deg) DCS(10^(-16) cm^2/sr) 0.30009 4.5628(+0) 30.252 3.8383(+0) 59.505 2.3953(+0) 89.453 1.5989(+0) 89.453 1.5989(+0) 117.54 2.3119(+0) 147.64 3.7789(+0) 179.65 4.5989(+0) Mazon et al., PRA 64, 042705 (2001)

  22. ICS for electronic excitation of H2 by electron impact X1Σg+ → b3Σu+ X1Σg+ → c3Πu X1Σg+ → a3Σg+ Machado et al., PRA 63, 032707 (2001)

  23. ICS for electronic excitation of H2 by electron impact X1Σg+ → b3Σu+ ICS for the X^1\Sigma_g^+ --> b^3\Sigma_u^+ excitation of H2 by electron impact Authors: A. M. Machado, M. M. Fujimoto, A. M. A. Taveira, L. M. Brescansin and M. -T. Lee, Phys. Rev. A 63. 032707 (2001) E(eV) ICS(10^-16 cm^2) 15.0 1.41(+0) 17.5 1.22(+0) 20.0 1.07(+0) 25.1 8.05(-1) 30.2 5.70(-1) 35.3 4.06(-1) 40.0 3.09(-1) Machado et al., PRA 63, 032707 (2001)

  24. DCS for electronic excitation of H2 by electron impact X1Σg+ → b3Σu+ X1Σg+ → c3Πu X1Σg+ → a3Σg+ Machado et al., PRA 63, 032707 (2001)

  25. ICS for vibronic excitation of H2 by electron impact X1Σg+ (v=0)→C1Πu (v´=0,1,2,3) Lee et al., J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 394, 127 (1997)

  26. GOS for vibronic bands in the CO molecule Rocha et al., PRA 57, 4394 (1998)

  27. Fragmentation of water by heavy ions H Luna and E C Montenegro, PRL 94, 043201 (2005)

  28. Fragmentation of water by heavy ions TCS for production of H2O^+ from fragmentation of H2O by C^(3+) impact Authors: H Luna and E C Montenegro, Phys Rev Lett 94, 043201 (2005) E(keV/amu) TCS(10^(-18) cm^2) 81.250 4.4789(+2) 126.56 3.8451(+2) 168.75 1.9859(+2) 209.38 1.0141(+2) 251.50 1.0986(+2) 293.75 1.3944(+2) H Luna and E C Montenegro, PRL 94, 043201 (2005)

  29. Fragmentation of water by heavy ions TCS for production of H^+ from water fragmentation induced by the ionization channel, by O^(5+) impact Authors: H Luna and E C Montenegro, Phys Rev Lett 94, 043201 (2005) E(keV/amu) TCS(10^(-18) cm^2) 62.680 1.0791(+2) 125.37 2.5036(+2) 155.22 2.8921(+2) H Luna and E C Montenegro, PRL 94, 043201 (2005)

  30. TCS for e--C2H4 scattering Brescansin et al., JPB 37, 471 (2004)

  31. TCS for e--C2H4 scattering Total cross sections for e^- - C2H4 scattering Authors: L M Brescansin, P Rawat, I Iga, M G P Homem, M.-T. Lee and L E Machado, J. Phys. B: At Mol Opt Phys 37, 471 (2004) E(eV) TCS(10^(-16) cm^2) 10.137 3.0337(+1) 16.569 2.7708(+1) 32.340 2.0629(+1) 54.321 1.6382(+1) 93.768 1.2135(+1) 195.94 7.6854(+0) 495.65 4.0449(+0) Brescansin et al., JPB 37, 471 (2004)

  32. TACS for e--C2H4 scattering Total absorption cross sections for e^- - C2H4 scattering Authors: L M Brescansin, P Rawat, I Iga, M G P Homem, M.-T. Lee L E Machado, J. Phys. B: At Mol Opt Phys 37, 471 (2004) E(eV) TACS(10^(-16) cm^2) 10.000 1,3333(-1) 17.262 1,3333(+0) 31.901 3,8667(+0) 55.068 5,1556(+0) 92.497 5,0667(+0) 185.53 3,2889(+0) 495.65 1,2889(+0) Brescansin et al., JPB 37, 471 (2004)

  33. Selected examples of BRAMPDAC´S plasma physics data

  34. Particle confinement in plasmas Daltrini and Machida, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 053508 (2005)

  35. ICS for superelastic e--H2 scattering Sartoriet al., PRA 55, 3243 (1997)

  36. Transition rates for molecular excitation Ki→f(T): • μ: electron-molecule reduced mass • σ: cross section for the i→f transition • f(E) : electron energy distribution function Sartori et al., PRA 58, 2857 (1998)

  37. Transition rates for electronic excitation of H2 Sartori et al., PRA 58, 2857 (1998)

  38. Electron energy distribution function in an H2 column Amorim et al., Chem. Phys. 246, 275 (1999)

  39. Fast neutral Li beam as a probe of the edge region in ETE Oliveira et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3471 (2004)

  40. BRAMPDAC: present status • More than 1000 electronic data files prepared, catalogued and stored • Extensive and diversified data in the area of electron-molecule collisions • Also diversified (not so extensive) data on electron (ion)-atom collisions and on atomic and molecular spectroscopy • Still a very small amount of plasma physics data.

  41. BRAMPDAC: near-future developments • More agressive “in loco” search for spectroscopy and plasma physics data. • Talks in national meetings on theoretical chemistry and plasma physics to strengthen BRAMPDAC in these areas • BRAMPDAC on the web: not yet available. A site for BRAMPDAC, to be set as a mirror site of IAEA data basis site, is expected for soon.

  42. Acknowledgments • Evandro M S Ribeiro, Andréa M M Ribeiro and Maíra Machado, BRAMPDAC´s team • Centro Universitário Central Paulista, UNICEP, São Carlos, SP, Brazil • Brazilian agencies CNPq and FAPESP

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