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Elicit (verb): to cause something to be revealed

Elicit (verb): to cause something to be revealed . Antidote (noun): A cure for a poison or unpleasant effect. Disparage (verb): to speak about someone else’s accomplishments with negative comments. Edifying (adjective): instructive; enlightening.

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Elicit (verb): to cause something to be revealed

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Elicit (verb): to cause something to be revealed

  2. Antidote (noun): A cure for a poison or unpleasant effect

  3. Disparage (verb): to speak about someone else’s accomplishments with negative comments

  4. Edifying (adjective): instructive; enlightening

  5. impregnable (adj): incapable of being captured or opened with force

  6. Levity (adj): a light hearted or humorous attitude toward something which should be taken seriously

  7. Atrophy (verb or a noun): to waste away from lack of use

  8. Placate (verb): to lesson a person’s anger by giving in to demands of the person

  9. Insolvent (adj): not having enough money to pay your bills

  10. Belligerent (adjective): aggressive; eager to fight

  11. Admonish (verb): to gently but firmly warn of a fault or a danger

  12. Conscientious (adjective): done carefully and thoroughly with a concern for what is right

  13. Mediocre (adj): in the middle; neither good or bad EX: Grade of “C”

  14. Irascible (adj): hot-tempered; easily angered

  15. Deteriorate (verb): to grow worse

  16. Strut (verb): to walk with self-importance

  17. Ecstatic (adj.):Feeling intense joy, happiness

  18. Fallible (adj): able to make a mistake or error

  19. Insatiable (adj): cannot be satisfied; very greedy

  20. Garner (verb): to collect; to gather

  21. Brawny (adjective): strong; muscular

  22. Vigorous (adj): strong and healthy in body and mind

  23. Scrupulous (adj): careful attention to doing things correctly and properly

  24. Incoherent (adj): unable to express one’s thoughts clearly

  25. Despondent (adjective): depressed; very sad

  26. Versatile (adj): capable in a number of fields or skills

  27. Elusive (adjective): hard to describe; escaping one’s understanding or meaning

  28. Insinuate (verb): to convey indirectly

  29. Congential(adjective): existing since birth; born with something

  30. Vilify (verb): to attack someone’s reputation by saying evil things

  31. Impassive (adj): showing no emotion

  32. Heterogeneous (adj): mixed group consisting of people or things unlike one another

  33. Languid (adj): lacking energy, liveliness or vigor

  34. Delectable (adjective): very pleasing; delicious

  35. Mobile-(adj): able to move easily from place to place

  36. Articulate (adjective and/or a verb): spoken clearly and distinctly

  37. Philistine (noun): an uncultured person

  38. Solicit (verb): to approach someone to buy something from you

  39. Arbitrary (adjective): based on random choice or personal judgment rather than reason

  40. Virulent (adj): extremely poisonous; full of hate

  41. Jeopardize (verb): to put someone,something or self in danger or open to loss

  42. Squander (verb): to spend extravagantly or wastefully

  43. Flaunt (verb): to show off something proudly to impress others

  44. Listliss (adj): lacking energy

  45. Pervade (verb): to be present throughout every part of something

  46. Nullify (verb): to cancel something; to make something invalid XXXXXX XXXXXXX

  47. Stagnant (adj): not flowing; motionless

  48. Complacent (adjective): self-satisfied; smug

  49. Hierarchy (noun): a body of officials or people organized in order of rank

  50. Emaciated (adjective): physically wasted away-very, very thin

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