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Unit 2 Throwback Review

Unit 2 Throwback Review . New Republic Through Reconstruction . Which legislation established the procedures for the orderly expansion of the United States? . the Northwest Ordinance (1787). What was the effect of the Lewis and Clark Expedition? . It encouraged westward expansion.

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Unit 2 Throwback Review

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  1. Unit 2 Throwback Review New Republic Through Reconstruction

  2. Which legislation established the procedures for the orderly expansion of the United States?

  3. the Northwest Ordinance (1787)

  4. What was the effect of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

  5. It encouraged westward expansion

  6. Which event led to the largest amount of land gained in the history of the United States?

  7. the Louisiana Purchase

  8. Of what significance were railroads and canals in the 1830s?

  9. they encouraged westward movement

  10. What did the Homestead Act allow people to do?

  11. get assistance from the government to build a house in a new state

  12. The concept of Manifest Destiny meant it was providential that American settlers • a. • build railraods to encourage trade between regions • c. • establish river towns to encourage the use of steam power • b. • settle the U.S. from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean • d. • ban slavery in all new states entering the Union

  13. settle the U.S. from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean

  14. Who led reform of America’s public school system in the 1800s?

  15. Horace Mann

  16. What characterized Jacksonian Democracy? • a. • abolition of slavery • c. • expansion of the powers of the presidency • b. • strengthening of states’ rights • d. • elimination of the spoils system.

  17. strengthening of states’ rights

  18. Who said this, and what was he/she referring to? • “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

  19. Abraham Lincoln / regional sectionalism threatened to push the nation to the brink of war

  20. Southern states believed they had the right to self-govern to protect their • a. • economic interests • c. • right to freedom of speech • b. • voting rights in Congress • d. • trade relations within the United States

  21. economic interests

  22. The Compromise of 1850 conflicted with the Missouri Compromise because • a. • It restricted slavery to states below the Mason-Dixon Line. • c. • It allowed states to determine their slave status • b. • It assured that Congress would maintain a balance of free and slave states. • d. • It called for an end to slavery by the beginning of the 20th century.

  23. It allowed states to determine their slave status

  24. Disagreement over which political policy fueled the Nullification Crisis?

  25. tariffs

  26. What was the result of the slave rebellion of Nat Turner?

  27. greater restrictions on slaves

  28. Why was the Emanicpation Proclamation limited in its scope?

  29. It only applied to enslaved people living under the Confederacy

  30. How did the Civil War affect the economy of the South?

  31. It destryoed its infrastructure and farm fields, and resulted in a shortage of goods

  32. The first battle of the Civil War occurred at

  33. Bull Run (Manassas)

  34. What was a result of the Civil War? • a. • The federal government was weakened • c. • The Union was preserved • b. • Slavery was allowed to extend to the West • d. • The Confederacy remained a separate nation.

  35. The Union was preserved

  36. How did the Reconstruction plans of the Radical Republicans differ from those of Andrew Johnson?

  37. The Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South

  38. In 1877, President Hayes told an audience, “Your rights and interests would be safer if this great mass of intelligent white men were left alone by the general government.” Which of the followig is a summary of his quote? • a. • Northern politicians need to take greater control of Southern state governments • c. • Southern congressmen should not be allowed back into Congress • b. • Southern leaders would be more effective if they are left alone by the federal government. • d. • Former Confederate leaders should be universally pardoned by Congress

  39. Southern leaders would be more effective if they are left alone by the federal government.

  40. Why did the House of Representatives vote to impeach President Johnson?

  41. Johnson was not supportive of Radical Republicans

  42. The purpose of the 13th Amendment was

  43. to abolish slavery

  44. What was the most far-reaching provision of the Northwest Ordinance? • a. • It encouraged education • c. • It established a method for statehood • b. • It limited the number of states carved from the Northwest Territory • d. • It listed religion, morality, and knowledge as necessary for good government

  45. It established a method for statehood

  46. Why was Lincoln’s Emanipation Proclamation important?

  47. It established a moral cause for the war

  48. What was the effect of the black codes?

  49. They created a new form of slavery after the Civil War

  50. According to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, whether a state was free or slave would be determined by

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