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People,Empowerment and (Indigenous )Knowledge (PEAK)

People,Empowerment and (Indigenous )Knowledge (PEAK). Empowerment of the marginalised groups( including women), and the protection and stability of the ecosystem through People’s Knowledge. Newly carved state Lesser Himalayan regions Women and Dalits

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People,Empowerment and (Indigenous )Knowledge (PEAK)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. People,Empowerment and (Indigenous )Knowledge (PEAK) Empowerment of the marginalised groups( including women), and the protection and stability of the ecosystem through People’s Knowledge

  2. Newly carved state Lesser Himalayan regions Women and Dalits ‘Human Adaptation mechanisms’/people’s knowledge Resource Centre and Community groups Potential and Challenges Status in different sectors/realms Background

  3. Women Repositories Majority of the activities Recognition and Acknowledgement Research/policies/services Unskilled Labourers Dalits Discrimination Disadvantageous Position Repositories Recognition Situation worsened The Groups

  4. Aadhar Resource group Technical support Close partnership with the two grassroot groups CAC and Buniyad Promoting community based strategies based on people’s knowledge for liveli. CAC: women’s empowerment Buniyad:Dalit empowerment The Organisation

  5. Activities Community based Study Community Based Plans Documentation: all sectors Natural resources: forest protection comm.,rules,regulations ,formal structures Food Security: seed banks, agri practices :manure,bio pestic., Crafts: innovations,upgradation(watermills), Health: herbal kit, Folk Art: local theatre group Expeditions,exposure trips, So Far…….

  6. Resource group: Policy advocacy Environment bldg: tech supp (2 gps,others),CNA,Campaign,trips etc Documentation:issue based booklets,process doc,registration Material prep:manuals,modules,posters,newsletter Networking: other networks,org.,academic instt., Advocacy: seminars,conferences, Activities :contd……

  7. Formal/informal decision making strct Overcoming caste barriers Respect to tr.occup. Leadership roles Women:Registering protests with authorities Women: dev process Innovations :nominated M Sc dissertation Fin supp.for activities UNDP study Invitation & pres in intl. Meets Requests for trgs. Outcome

  8. Awareness ,cap.bldg Rights based app. Networking and advocacy Participatory Community based planning Women’s groups Children’s panchayats Community activities: Appraisal,awareness Cons(in /ex situ) Adaptation and dev Policy adv Bldg env Docum Mterial prep ,dissem Networking Advocacy Proposed prog

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