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The Orthodox Youth of Argentina

The Orthodox Youth of Argentina. Our Youth is responsible of the christian education of our children . We meet once a year sharing experiences and learning how to improve our job . Meeting in 2008. Meeting in 2010. Meeting in 2011. Meeting in 2012.

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The Orthodox Youth of Argentina

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TheOrthodoxYouth of Argentina

  2. OurYouthisresponsible of thechristianeducation of ourchildren. Wemeet once a yearsharingexperiences and learninghowtoimproveourjob.

  3. Meeting in 2008

  4. Meeting in 2010

  5. Meeting in 2011

  6. Meeting in 2012

  7. They prepared the first book for children in our Archdiocese

  8. Eachsummerwe prepare fortheman Spiritual Retreat…

  9. 2008

  10. 2009

  11. 2010

  12. 2010

  13. 2011

  14. 2011

  15. 2012

  16. 2012

  17. TheOrthodoxYouth in Salta 20 hoursby car from Buenos Aires Twochurches: one in Salta and otherone in Tartagal. OnePriest.

  18. More than 200 children in SundaySchool

  19. Three times a yeartheycollectclothes and foodtogiveforpoorpeoplearoundthecity

  20. They are alsothechoir of theChurch!

  21. Twoyearsagotheystartedthe Scout Movement of theParish

  22. TheOrthodoxYouth in Tucumán 16 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. ThreeChurches: one in the Capital city, one in Villa Mariano Moreno and otherone in Lastenia. OnlyonePriest

  23. They are responsible of allchristianeducation in theParish

  24. Theygivebreakfast and lunch for 100 poorchildrenfromMondayto Friday in a smallMisionoutsidethecity

  25. More than 100 children in theParish living theOrthodoxfaith

  26. TheOrthodoxYouth in Córdoba 8 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch and oneSchoolwith more than 700 students. OnePriestwhois 74 yearsold and a new Priestwhojustarrivedfrom Lebanon

  27. Christian educationforalltheirlife!

  28. Theyimitatethesistem of christianeducationthattheChurchdeveloped in theMiddle East

  29. Theyhave a camp once a monthwithdifferentgroups

  30. Theywelcomed a new Priestwhocamefrom Lebanon toservetheChurch and tohelptheParishPriestwhois 74 yearsold.

  31. TheOrthodoxYouth in Junín 4 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch, oneSchool, onehouseforchildrenwhosseparents are in prison. OnePriest.

  32. 120 children in SundaySchool

  33. Oneschoolwith more than 500 students.

  34. OnePriest (65 yearsold) and hiswife: theyworkfromMondaytoMonday!

  35. TheOrthodoxYouth in Pergamino 3 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch, oneSchool, onePriestfromtheCathedralwhoservesthem once a month.

  36. 100 children in SundaySchool. A lotto do there!

  37. TheParishPriestslept in the Lord threeyearsagobuttheystillworkeveryweekforthechildren!

  38. TheOrthodoxYouth in Mendoza 10 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch and anothercommunity 4 hoursfarfromthe capital city. OnePriestwhois 76 yearsold.

  39. 30 children in SundaySchool and 15 in theYouth. TheParishPriest (76) and hiswifeworkeverySaturdaywithall of them

  40. Once a yeartheypresenttoalltheParishtheirchristmassplay!

  41. And alsotheyhavetheirown camp!

  42. Rightnowthey are working in collectingfoodforhungrypeoplewhogototheChurchtoaskforhelp

  43. TheOrthodoxYouth in Santiago 12 hoursby car from Buenos Aires. OneChurch and one kindergarten underconstruction

  44. 250 children in SundaySchool. 30 peopleworking forthem. OnlyonePriest.

  45. A verybusycommunity, they are workingtohavetheirown kindergarten inordertogettheenoughmoneytosustaintheChurch

  46. 30 people in theYouth. Theyhavetotakecare of every single work in theParish.

  47. TheOrthodoxYouth in Santa Fe FiveChurches, OneSchool , onlyOnePriest.

  48. ThePriest has totakecare of theSchool (600 students) and 5 parishes. 10 people in theYouth. TheygoeverywherewiththePriest and chant in everyLiturgy

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