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H eart rate variability and chronic obstructive bronchitis

H eart rate variability and chronic obstructive bronchitis. Y. N. Pasko , M. I. Yabluchansky Kharkiv National University named by V.N. Karazin. H eart rate variability. Provide a method of the control a nd condition of regulation of organism’s systems

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H eart rate variability and chronic obstructive bronchitis

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  1. Heart rate variability and chronic obstructive bronchitis Y. N. Pasko, M. I. Yabluchansky Kharkiv National University named by V.N. Karazin

  2. Heart rate variability Provide a method of the control andcondition of regulation of organism’s systems HRV is the tool of rating regulation of disordersbydifferent diseases

  3. Chronic obstructive bronchitis Desease, in mechanisms and manifestations of which an important role belongs to disorders of systems regulation The HRV method is tested at chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB) and showed its the diagnostic importance The correlation in HRV parameters and degree of weight COB was not studied

  4. The research purpose To establish possible connection of parameters HRV with a degree of weight COB for increasing of diagnostics quality and efficiency of therapy of disease

  5. The researched contingent 21 patients with an average and heavy degree of weight COB 14 patients of an average degree of weight COB 7 patients of a heavy degree of weight COB Age researched 52 + 5 years Duration COB 7,8 + 2,3 years

  6. The researched contingent Criteriaof inclusion: Primary COB Age: 20-65 years Changes by spirometry Changes on radiograph (emphysema) The complaints (breathlessness, cough) The long experience of the smoker

  7. The researched contingent • Age < 20 up to > 65 • Other diseases of respiratory system • asthma • тuberculosis • cancer lungs • Occupational diseases • Cardiovascular pathology • Diffuse systemic diseases of a connecting tissue • Gastrointestinal diseases • Diseases of kidneys Criteriaof exception:

  8. Design of research

  9. Respiratory criteria distributing by investigated groups

  10. Investigated parameters of heart rate variability VLF LF HF TF - a total frequency VLF - a very low frequency LF - a low frequency HF - ahigh frequency

  11. Technology of researchheart rate variability • 12 hours prior to research were cancelled • Medicines • Coffee • Alcohol • The analysis of data was processedwith the help of diagnostic system "Cardiolab-2000" The 5-minute intervals electrocardiography were investigated The measurements were executed in two positions In rest In at orthostasis

  12. Structure of HRVspectrum in groups COB in rest TP and all itscomponentsincreasing in rest authentically higher in the first group of the patients The LF/HF relation is much higher in the second group of the patients Group 1 Group 2

  13. Structure of HRVspectrum in groups COB in active test In rest group 1 The reaction in at orthostasis in both groups of the patients is shown by decrease ТР in all frequency ranges, HF range decreasing rate is more markable In at orthostasis group 1 In rest group 2 In at orthostasis group 2 HF LF TP

  14. Variation LF/HFin subgroups COB in active test In rest group 1 Increasing of LF/HF in at orthostasis at the expensecontribution LF%, in rest higher values of parameter in group 2, and stronger reaction in active test in group 1 In at orthostasis group 1 In rest group 2 In at orthostasis group 2 1 gr 2 gr

  15. Conclusions • There is a certain mutual relation between weight COB and changes of parameters HRV • COB of heavy degree differentiate by lower ТР and capacity all its components • COB of average degree of weight differentiate by higher ТР and capacity all its components • The correlationLF/HF initially is higher and also is characterized by smaller orthostatic growth by COB heavy in comparison with COB of average degree of weight • The reaction at orthostasis by COB of heavy and average degree of weight is qualitatively adequate and also is shown by decreaseТР in all frequency ranges with increase of the relative contribution LF% and increase LF\HF, however is quantatively deficientlybyCOB of a heavy degree • The existence of correlationsin weight COB and parameters HRV is the good basis for continuing of research and search on its basis of new methods of diagnostics, prediction and increase of efficiency of COB therapy

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