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Early American Government The Administrations of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison

Early American Government The Administrations of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison. George Washington 1789-1797. Washington’s Mount Vernon Virginia. Washington’s Oath of Office. Washington statue outside Federal Hall New York.

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Early American Government The Administrations of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Early American GovernmentThe Administrations of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison

  2. George Washington1789-1797

  3. Washington’s Mount VernonVirginia

  4. Washington’s Oath of Office

  5. Washington statue outsideFederal Hall New York

  6. Jefferson and HamiltonSec. of State Sec. of the Treasury

  7. The Federalist & The Anti-Federalist

  8. Hamilton’s Report on the Public Credit Funding Assumption National Bank Excise Tax on Whiskey

  9. The French Revolution of 1789

  10. The fall of Louis XVI

  11. Political factions favor different countriesFederalist favor EnglandAnti-Federalists (Dem-Republicans) favor France

  12. The unpopular Jay’s Treaty

  13. What of the Native Americans?

  14. Thomas Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain

  15. The Whiskey Rebellion demonstrates the power of the new government

  16. Washington reviewing troops ready to suppress the rebellion

  17. Washington’s Farewell1796 • Avoid political factions • Avoid “entangling foreign alliances” • Friendly to all countries

  18. The Presidency of John Adams1797-1801

  19. Election of 1796Adams over Jefferson

  20. The XYZ Affair“Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute” John Marshall

  21. The Alien and Sedition Acts 1798

  22. A fight in Congress over the Sedition Act

  23. Kentucky and Virginia ResolutionsCan states nullify federal law?

  24. T. Jefferson and J. Madison

  25. The Peaceful RevolutionThe 1800 Election of Democratic Republican Thomas Jefferson • “Smaller Federal Government • Reduced Government Spending • Smaller Military/Spending • Broader participation in Government

  26. President Thomas Jefferson1801-1809

  27. Jefferson’s MontecelloVirginia

  28. Election of 1800

  29. Louisiana Purchase Treaty • Solving the “Constitutional Dilemma” • 1803 • $15 Million • Doubles the size of the US

  30. Livingston, Monroe & Talleyrand

  31. Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte of France

  32. Revolt in Haiti

  33. Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke

  34. Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke and Sacagawea

  35. Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806

  36. The End of Slave Importation1808

  37. Jefferson’s second term is plagued by foreign affairs problems

  38. The Barbary Pirates

  39. The shores of Tripoli

  40. The Embargo Act of 1807

  41. Troubled relations with England and France (Quasi-War)

  42. The death of Alexander HamiltonWeehawken, N.J. 1804

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