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G.O.D.I.S Complex: “Gaurdian of Defense, Intelligence & Surveillance”

G.O.D.I.S Complex: “Gaurdian of Defense, Intelligence & Surveillance”. Project Advisor: Dr. James Lang Team Leader: Dan Dalton Chief Engineer: Eugene Mahmoud Propulsion Specialist: Caitlin Smythe. Motivation: Northrop Grumman-Bird of Prey. U.S. Patent: 5984231. June 19th, 1998.

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G.O.D.I.S Complex: “Gaurdian of Defense, Intelligence & Surveillance”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. G.O.D.I.S Complex:“Gaurdian of Defense, Intelligence & Surveillance” Project Advisor: Dr. James Lang Team Leader: Dan Dalton Chief Engineer: Eugene Mahmoud Propulsion Specialist: Caitlin Smythe

  2. Motivation:Northrop Grumman-Bird of Prey U.S. Patent: 5984231 June 19th, 1998 Image from: www.area51zone.com

  3. Mission Profiles & Prioritization Preliminary Vehicle Configurations Downselect Criteria GODIS Configuration GODIS Performance Aerodynamics, Stability & Control Engine Integration Weights & Sub-systems Cost and Supportability Conclusion Outline of Presentation

  4. Mission Profiles Mission#1 Mission #2

  5. Mission #3 Mission #4 Mission #5

  6. Mission Priorities Mission #1 Mission #2 Mission #4 With Fallouts: Mission #3 Mission #5

  7. Configuration#3 High-Speed Fighter Configuration#2 High-Altitude Bomber Configuration#1 Endurance/Performance Vehicle Configurations Configuration#6 Crowd Control Configuration#5 Low-Altitude Bomber Configuration#4 Dolphin

  8. Significant Factors in Design Preliminary Research on Supersonic Performance and High-Technology Subsonic UAV Concepts: Dolphin (Config. #4), Low Alt. Bomber (Config #5), Crowd Control (Config #6) Mission 5: De-prioritized Comparative Study Conducted to Determine Missions Prioritization and Optimal Compatibility Mission Priorities: Counter Air & High-Altitude Interdiction JLFANG Concepts: Endurance/Performance (Config. #1) High-Speed Fighter (Config. #2) High-Altitude Bomber (Config #3) G.O.D.I.S COMPLEX “Gaurdian of Defense, Intelligence, and Surveillance”

  9. GODIS configuration

  10. Max. Mach Number @ Military Thrust = 1.61M Specific Excess Thrust: 1-g Max. Thrust = 903 feet/sec 5-g Max. Thrust = 674 feet/sec Maximum Sustained Turn = 15.73 deg/sec Maximum Sustained Loading = 9.0+ Max. Instantaneous Turn Rate = 20.64 deg/sec Maneuver Weight Performance(G.O.D.I.S. Complex alpha @ 0.9 Mach, 15000 feet)

  11. 1-g Specific Excess Power(G.O.D.I.S Complex alpha at Maneuver Weight)

  12. Area = 760 ft2 Aspect Ratio = 5.45 Sweep angle (L.E.) = -28° (extended), 50° (swept) Taper Ratio = 0.14 (extended), 0.05 (swept) t/c = 0.14 (extended), 0.04 (swept) Wing Root : NACA 64210.68 Wing Tip : NACA 64209.80 L/Dmax subsonic = 15 CL,max subsonic = 1.43 CDo subsonic = 0.016 Mcrit = 0.88 Aerodynamics

  13. Canard (control) NACA 65A009 airfoil 50 degree sweep taper ratio = 0.4 aspect ratio = 4 Control Surfaces subsonic: 2 flaperons per wing: First: (near tip) chord = 5.0 ft; span = 19.3 ft Second: (closer to root) chord = 5.7 ft; span = 16.1 ft supersonic: 2 flaperons on rear: chord = 4.8 ft span = 6 ft Aerodynamics (continued)

  14. Due to variable forward swept wings, Switchblade requires an active flight control system (AFCS) Switchblade will have “relaxed static stability” (i.e. - a negative static margin) The AFCS will maintain center of gravity (c.g.) positioning as well as canard, flaperon, and thrust vectoring interaction to achieve unparalleled performance regardless of mission type Stability & Control

  15. Missions 1, 2 & 4 Afterburning turbofan Tmax (s.l.) = 45886 lb* Dmax = 3.63 ft* Missions 3 & 5 High-Bypass Turbofan Tmax (s.l.) = 17030 lb* Dmax = 2.37 ft* External compression 2-D ramp with 3-shock inlet Diffuser Length = 19 ft* External Length = 2.1 ft* 3-D Thrust Vectoring Nozzle Exit Area = 4.35 ft * * per engine, nozzle, or inlet Engine IntegrationTwo engines per module

  16. Weight Estimates & Center of Gravity Travel Counter Air Missions/High-Altitude Interdiction: Complex alpha Propulsion: Afterburning Low Bypass Turbofan Engine Empty Weight = 37,675 lbs Internal Payload = 4,000 lbs Internal Fuel = 26,730 lbs Maximum Mach number = 1.6 Maximum Thrust = 91,663 lbs Engine Weight = 9,959 lbs (2) Maritime Strike/ISR-Attack: Complex beta Propulsion: High Bypass Turbofan Engine Empty Weight = 32,410.5 lbs Internal Payload = 4,000 lbs Internal Fuel = 25,830 lbs Maximum Mach number = 1.1 Maximum Thrust = 34,061 lbs Engine Weight = 3,918 lbs (2) C. G. Travel

  17. Flyaway + RDT&E planes produced FA+RDT&E (per airplane) 50 $190 million 100 $120 million 500 $51 million Lifecycle Costs planes produced Total LCC 50$17 billion 500 $33 billion Cost and Supportability Cost • Supportability • modular engines • variable sweep • engine height • thrust vectoring system

  18. Aerodynamics Center of Gravity Travel Stability and Controls Inlet Configuration & Propulsion System Subsystem Weights and Cost Sustained Loading Conclusion: Future Work Needed

  19. Thank You To Our Invited Guests!Enjoy your UC San Diego Visit. Image from: www.3d-attic.com

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