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4 th Grade WASL Warm Up Questions

4 th Grade WASL Warm Up Questions. Taken from PASD. Number Sense. Geometry. Probability and Statistics . Measurement. Algebraic Thinking. Logic. Strategies.

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4 th Grade WASL Warm Up Questions

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  1. 4th Grade WASL Warm Up Questions Taken from PASD Number Sense Geometry Probability and Statistics Measurement Algebraic Thinking Logic Strategies

  2. Place any of the four operation signs between the nine figures so that they equal 100. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100 Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answers vary

  3. The city bus left the terminal and picked up 5 people at the first stop. At the second stop, 2 people got off and 4 people got on. At the third stop, 3 people got off and 5 got on. How many passengers were now on the bus? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 9 people

  4. The new city of Graphville is laid out on a grid. There are 87 avenues that all run from north to south. There are 63 streets that all run from east to west. The avenues intersect the streets, and there is a traffic light at each intersection. How many traffic light are there? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 5,481 traffic lights

  5. How many times does the digit nine appear in the numbers from 1 to 100? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 20

  6. Julie was reading a book that had 128 pages in it. Figure out how many number sixes there were in all the page numbers. Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 23

  7. Briana was looking through her math book and discovered that after page 44 the next page was 51. How many pages were torn out of the book? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures Answer: 6 pages

  8. What numbers less than 100 make eight when the digits are added together? (example 17 is a solution because 1+7=8) Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. 17,26,35,44,53,62,71,80

  9. Farmer Ruth raises cows and geese. One day she looks out into her field and sees some of each kind of animal. Altogether she sees 20 feet. How many cows and how many geese does she see? Give all possible answers. Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: (several answers)

  10. Richard was collecting shells on the beach. He gave 5 shells to Robin and 3 shells to Sarah. He has 8 shells left. How many did he collect? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or picture Answer: 16

  11. There are 30 children standing in a straight line in Mrs. Johnson's third-grade class. Every 4th child is wearing glasses. Every 3rd child is a boy. Every 2nd child is wearing a red shirt. What can you say about the 12th, 18th, and 24th children? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: the 12th and 24th children are boys with red shirts wearing glasses, the 18th child is a boy with a red shirt

  12. Linda wants to clean her fish tank. She is putting her fish into a bowl. She picked up three fish in a net, but one jumped back into the tank. She put the two fish into the bowl. Then she put the remaining five fish into the bowl. How many fish does Linda have? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 7

  13. Tanya has 55 cents in her pocket in nickels and dimes. What is the smallest number of coins she can have? What are they? What is the largest number of coins she can have? What are they? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: smallest number of coins is 6 (5 dimes and 1 nickel); largest number of coins is 10 (1 dime and 9 nickels)

  14. Stuart's dog Barney wagged his tail. Barney had never seen so many dogs at once. Stuart counted up all the dogs at the dog show: the number is greater than 195; the number is less than 300; if you count by l0s you say its name; it can by divided evenly by 3 and 9. How many dogs did Stuart count? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 270

  15. Conrad was scared as he knocked on the door. A low voice said, "Before I open the door you must name the secret number." Here are some clues: it is greater than 275; it is less than 325; if you count by 5s you say its name; it can be divided evenly by 3 and 9. What is the secret number? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 315

  16. Yolanda and Mary are playing a game with a timer and three dice. Each player rolls three dice and uses the three numerals rolled to make 3-digit numbers. A numeral can only be used once in a number. Each number is worth 10 points. Mary rolls 3, 6, and 5. How many points can she earn? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 60

  17. The magic show was almost over. Mario was getting ready to do his famous banner trick. He pulled banners made out of flags from a top hat. First he pulled out a banner made up of 14 flags. Next he pulled out a banner made up of 23 flags. The third banner was made up of 18 flags, and the fourth banner was made up of 27 flags. The fifth banner was made up of 22 flags. Mario stopped his banner trick when there were more than 50 flags in the banner. How many banners did Mario pull out of the hat? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, Answer: 16 banners

  18. Sara asked, "Where do you see the fraction 23/30 most often?" Can you answer Sara's question? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: on a calendar

  19. How many three-digit numbers contain only the digits 5 and 6? What are they? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 6 numbers

  20. There are 23 students in the class. All but 9 went outside for recess. How many students stayed inside? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 9 students

  21. Use the numbers 2, 5, and 3. What is the least number you can get if you multiply two of the numbers and add the third to the product? What is the greatest number you can get? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: least 11; greatest 17

  22. Make up a word problem that has 42 as its solution. Explain how someone could solve the problem. Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: How many legs on seven insects?

  23. I am a number between 31 and 41. I am a multiple of 3. I am an even number. What number am I? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 36

  24. Sam had $12. Then he spent one fourth of the money on a book. How much money did Sam have left? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: $9 left

  25. Write a word problem that can be solved by finding 45 divided by 2. Then solve your problem. Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: How many bicycles can be made with 45 wheels?

  26. A window in Helen's house is made up of 12 small panes of glass. While playing baseball, she accidentally broke 4 of the panes. What fraction of the panes were not broken? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 2/3 of the panes

  27. Jim bought a bunch of grapes. He ate one half of the grapes. Then his friend Gary ate one fourth of the remaining grapes. There were 6 grapes left. How many grapes were in the bunch to begin with? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 16 grapes

  28. Judy needs 5 pounds of flour to bake some cookies. She has three partially filled bags of flour. They contain one and one fourth pounds, two and one fourth pound, and three fourths pound. Does Judy have enough flour to bake the cookies? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: no - not enough flour to bake the cookies

  29. Kim, Judy, and Mary decided to equally share the cost of a present for their friend. Kim spent $7, Judy spent $3, and Mary spent $2. How much did each person pay the others so that everyone spent the same amount? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: Mary gives Kim 2 dollars; Judy gives Kim 1 dollar

  30. Ed jogs every third day, Ned jogs every 4th day, and Fred jogs every 6th day. If they all jogged today, when will they all jog on the same day again? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 12 days from now Click Below to Return to Main Menu:

  31. A map of a National Forest in Alaska has a scale of one inch for every 75 miles. The perimeter of the forest is 7,125 miles. How many inches would represent the perimeter on the map? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 95 inches

  32. How many times does X occur in the diagram below? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Answer: 120

  33. How many times does the letter X occur in the diagram below? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. XXX XXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Answer: 71

  34. How many times does the letter X appear in the diagram at the right? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX Answer: 36

  35. There are two rectangles whose dimensions are whole numbers and whose area and perimeter are the same number. Find them. Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 4x4 and 3X6

  36. For Gilda's party, the Hoagie House prepared a huge sub sandwich on a 7-foot long Italian roll. Gilda wants to feed 16 friends. How many cuts must she make? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 15

  37. Candy delivers packages. Today she started on the first floor and went up 7 Floors. Then she went down 3 floors, and then up 16 floors. She went up 2 more floors to the top floor of the building. How many floors were in this building? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 23

  38. Sasha's family is having a big reunion on July 4. They borrowed tables and are setting them up outside. They can put three chairs on each side of the tables. If they set up 8 tables in a long row, with the tables together on one side, how many family members can sit down to eat? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 54

  39. Penny works in the Package Palace. It is Penny's job to stamp the sides of packages that are not touching the floor and not touching another package. Today there are 25 packages on the floor. Penny put the packages in 5 stacks, and the sides of the stacks touch. How many sides of packages must Penny stamp? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 65

  40. Alice watched an ant hunting for food. The ant was traveling in a straight line toward a crumb on the floor. Suddenly it turned around and crawled 9 inches back to Alice's shoe. Another ant joined it and together they hurried 11 inches back toward the crumb. The two ants stopped and came back 2 inches toward Alice's shoe. Finally they turned around and raced 5 inches to the crumb. How far was the crumb from Alice's shoe? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 14 inches

  41. Sandy and Mario are going into Tuneville Center to hear a band play. They can get in through two different entrances. Each entrance goes into a lobby that has a snack bar in it. There are five doors going from the lobby into the room where the band will play. How many different paths can Sandy and Mario take to get from outside Tuneville Center to their seats in the band room? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 10

  42. The Wizard at Windows is washing all the windows in the building at 946 Third Street. There are 9 floors in the building and 12 offices on each floor, 6 offices across the back of the building and 6 offices across the front of the building. The outside wall of each office has 2 windows. How many windows does the Wizard have to wash? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 180

  43. Describe a square and a rectangle. How are they alike? How are they different? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: alike (4 sides, opposite sides equal and parallel ,all angles equal); different (rectangles may have 2 longer sides)

  44. Suppose that you are facing west. If you turn left three times, then twice to the right, what direction is behind you? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: South

  45. Ryan made 9 cuts in a board to divide it into equal 5-inch-long pieces. How long was the board? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 50 inches

  46. Ellen leaves school and walks 25 blocks south. Then she turns east and walks 16 blocks. Then she turns north and walks 15 blocks. Then she turns west and walks 16 blocks. Is she north, south, east, or west of the school and how far? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: South 10 blocks

  47. Jake plans to make 12 cuts in a board. There will be a 10-inch interval between cuts. How long is the board? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 130 inches

  48. Mary, Dave, Kim and Mike are sitting around a table. Kim is sitting across from Mary. Mary is sitting at Dave's right. Where is each person sitting? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: (clockwise) Kim, Mike, Mary, Dave Click Below to Return to Main Menu:

  49. If Anna rolled one di 120 times, what fraction of the time should it come up a five? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 20/120 or any fraction equal to 1/6

  50. Lane read 5 books during his spring break. In order, he read books that were the following lengths: 125 pages, 278 pages, 97 pages, 114 pages, and 346 pages. What was the range of pages that he read? Write to help explain your best thinking using words, numbers, or pictures. Answer: 249 pages

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