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IMO activities on control of GHG emissions from ships

IMO activities on control of GHG emissions from ships. Eivind S. Vagslid Head, Chemical and Air Pollution Prevention Section Marine Environment Division - IMO. International Maritime Organization (IMO). Safe, secure and efficient shipping on cleaner oceans!.

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IMO activities on control of GHG emissions from ships

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  1. IMO activities on control of GHG emissions from ships Eivind S. Vagslid Head, Chemical and Air Pollution Prevention Section Marine Environment Division - IMO

  2. International Maritime Organization (IMO) Safe, secure and efficient shipping on cleaner oceans! • The IMO Convention was adopted in 1948 and IMO first met in 1959 • A specialized agency of the UN • 169 Member States • Develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory framework for shipping • Safety, environment, legal matters, technical co-operation, security and the efficiency of shipping  

  3. Ship emissions one of the last major ship pollutants to be regulated Work started at IMO in the late 1980’s Annex VI adopted in 1997, in force in May 2005, revised 2005 – 2008 Revised Annex VI in force 1 July 2010 • Prohibits ODS in line with the Montreal Protocol • Regulates exhaust gas: NOx & SOx (PM), and cargo vapours from tankers (VOC) • Energy Efficiency or CO2 emissions not covered

  4. Resolution A.963(23) • IMO Policies and Practices Related to the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships, adopted by Assembly 23 in December 2003 • IMO’s GHG Work has three distinct routes: • A.963(23) requests MEPC to: • develop a work plan with timetable – (technical/operational culminated at MEPC 59, the work plan for MBIs culminates at MEPC 62 (Assembly 27)) • establishment of GHG baseline and develop CO2 • indexing methodology Technical - mainly applicable to new ships - EEDI, Operational - applicable to all ships in operation – SEEMP and EEOI, and Market-based Measures (MBM) – carbon price for shipping, incentive, may generate funds.

  5. Second IMO GHG Study 2009 Tank Tank Tank Tank Bulk Bulk Bulk Bulk General Cargo General Cargo General Cargo General Cargo Container Container Container Container RoRo RoRo RoRo RoRo /Vehicle /Vehicle /Vehicle /Vehicle Deep sea ships Deep sea ships Ocean going Ropax Ropax Ropax Ropax Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise Regional ships Regional ships Coastwise Other Other Other 0 0 0 50 50 50 100 100 100 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 CO CO CO emissions (million tons / yr) emissions (million tons / yr) emissions (million tons / yr) 2 2 2 2007 shipping CO2 emissions 870 million tons • Future CO2 emissions: • Significant increase predicted – 200 300% by 2050 in the absence of regulations • Demand is the primary driver • Technical and operational efficiency measures can provide significant improvements but will not be able to provide real reductions if demand continues

  6. Distribution of the world fleet March 2008 ships above 400 GT Article 1(b) of the IMO Convention Encourage removal of discriminatory actions …. promote the availability of shipping without discrimination …… not be based on measures designed to restrict the freedom of shipping of all flags ….; Lloyd’s Register Fairplay

  7. Reduction by Annex I flags only

  8. Potential reductions of CO2 emissions

  9. Energy Efficiency Design Index - EEDI Requires a minimum efficiency level (grams CO2/tonne-mile) Will stimulate continued technology development Complex formula to accommodate most ship types and sizes Enables comparison of ships able to move the same cargo 10% reduction for ships built between 2015 – 2020 20% reduction for ships built between 2020 – 2025 30% reduction for ships built between 2025 – 2030

  10. 190 – 240 million tonnes CO2 reduced annually compared with BAU by 2030

  11. Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan - SEEMP • Onboard management tool to include: • Improved voyage planning (Weather routeing/Just in time) • Speed and power optimization • Optimized ship handling(ballast/trim/use of rudder and autopilot) • Improved fleet management • Improved cargo handling • Energy management

  12. Fuel Consumption in Operation Actual Fuel Consumption Index = Cargo Onboard x (Distance traveled) Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator - EEOI • An efficiency indicator for all ships (new and existing) obtained from fuel consumption, voyage (miles) and cargo data (tonnes)

  13. EEDI and SEEMP Effects Scenario: A1B Low uptake 4000 EEDI 10% Technical measures 3500 SEEMP 11% Operational measures Alternative fuels 3000 2500 2000 Mt CO2 1500 1000 500 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

  14. EEDI and SEEMP Effects Scenario: A1B Optimistic 4000 Technical measures 3500 Operational measures EEDI 39% Alternative fuels 3000 2500 SEEMP 28% 2000 Mt CO2 1500 1000 MBM 500 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

  15. MEPC 61 – 27 September to 1 October Further progress made on all three elements of IMO’s GHG work Technical and operational measures Intersessional meeting on energy efficiency measures (June/July 2010) Regulatory text on EEDI and SEEMP finalized Adoption by MEPC 62 (July 2010)? In force 1 January 2013? Market-based measures Report by MBM Expert Group Intersessional meeting in March/April 2011

  16. The Bali Plan of Action • Emissions from international shipping not covered separately but under “Mitigation” in the Bali Plan of Action. • The negotiations under the Bali Action Plan, should culminate at COP 15 (December 2009). • The mandate was extended to December 2010 with a view to the adoption of a post-2012 regime. • BAP is considering how all types of emissions will be treated in the future, including ship emissions. • Will ship emissions still be left to IMO? • UNFCCC 2-tracks: AWG-KP and AWG-LCA

  17. Shipping under UNFCCC Consultations in Copenhagen and throughout 2010 were constructive and fruitful but have not lead to a single agreed text as there are three challenging obstacles: • Should a reduction target be set for international shipping, and if so, what should the target be and should it be set by UNFCCC or IMO? • Should the new UNFCCC treaty state how revenues from a market-based instrument under IMO should be distributed and used (climate change purposes in developing countries)? • How should the balance between the basics principles under the two conventions be expressed in the new treaty text (UNFCCC and its fundamental CBDR principle, and on the other hand, the IMO constitutive Convention with its non discriminatory approach)?

  18. Thank you for your attention! For more information please see: www.imo.org 19

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