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Indonesian Science and Technology Indicator

Indonesian Science and Technology Indicator. Country Report Presented in: 2011 South East Asian Regional Workshop On Science, Technology, and Innovation Indicators Hanoi, Vietnam, December 5-8, 2011. Nani Grace Berliana Simamora. I ndonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

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Indonesian Science and Technology Indicator

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  1. IndonesianScience and Technology Indicator Country Report Presented in: 2011 South East Asian Regional Workshop On Science, Technology, and Innovation Indicators Hanoi, Vietnam, December 5-8, 2011 Nani Grace Berliana Simamora Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Center for Science and Technology Development Studies (PAPPIPTEK)

  2. CONTENTS Indonesian Science and Technology Indicator Our Future Plans General Issues in Conducting Surveys Collecting R&D Statistics 4 1 3 2 R&D Survey in Manufacturing Industry R&D Survey in Higher Education a b 5 1

  3. Indonesian S&T Indicator

  4. INDONESIAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INDICATOR Main Indicator Insert R&D Survey Data: Government, Manufacturing Industri & Higher Education (2010) Main Indicator + Supplement Insert R&D Survey Data: Government (2006), Manufacturing Industry (2008), Higher Educatio(2007), Biotechnology (2008), Public Perseption of Science and Technology (2008) Main Indicator Insert R&D Survey Data: Government , Manufacturing Industry Higher Education (2006) MAIN INDICATOR Economy and Technology Intensity S&T in Government Sector S&T in Manufacturing Industry Sector Provisioning Educated Manpower and S&T Activities in Universities Outputs of S&T Activities Main Indicator Insert R&D Survey Data: Government (2005), Manufacturing Industry (1999-2000), Higher Education (2005) Main Indicator (secondary data)

  5. S&T ISSUES Public Perseption of Science and Technology R&D Activities in Manufacturing Industri R&D activities in Higher Education THE UTILIZATION OF INDONESIAN S&T INDICATOR National Development Planning Agency (RPJP, RPJMN) Ministry of Research and Technology (Strategic Planning 2009-2014) ( Innovation in ) Manufacturing Industry SECTOR The International Agency: Unesco The Map of R&D Biotechnology R&D activities in Government

  6. CONDUCTING THE SURVEY COLLECTING R&D STATISTICS Manufacturing Industry Sector  R&D Activities Survey  Innovation Survey  R&D Activities Survey Higher Education Sector Government Sector Business enterprise (exc. manufacturing industry) & Private non profit sector NO Data base to develop the population


  8. R&D Survey in Manufacturing Industry

  9. SCOPE OF THE SURVEY The enterprise (public and private) with classified into the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) • Medium and large scale manufacturing enterprise (definition by BPS-statistic Indonesia) • Medium scale  20 – 99 workforce • Large scale  100 or more

  10. CENSUS SURVEY 27000 Manufacturing Census by Statistics Indonesia 1,228 companies (return rate 40%) • R&D survey 2006 • Secondary data from: • Ministry of Research and Technology • Indonesian Chamber for Commerce and Industries • Ministry of Trading and Industry 3.013 Companies performing R&D activity

  11. RESPOND RATE BY ISIC 3,013 samples 1,581 firm (RespondsRate 52.5%) perform R&D activity: 375 (12%)

  12. MAIN FINDINGS - EXPENDITURE Estimation3): R & D Expenditure in 2009: IDR 800 Billions Intramural expendituresR & D expenditures are used to finance activitiesR & D performed by the company Extramural expendituresR & D expenditure are used to finance activities R&D performed by others Based on statistical calculation (confidence interval + variance of ISIC) Source: R&D activities survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2010

  13. MAIN FINDINGS – R&D PERSONNEL The Majority of R&D personnel in manufacturingindustry had diploma degrees. R&D personnel with natural science and engineering background, mostly worked in the field of production engineering & R&D unit. Source: R&D activities survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2010

  14. R&D Survey in Higher Education

  15. COVERAGE • Covers: • R&D Expenditure • R&D Personnel Response Rate: 87%

  16. UNIVERSITY COVERAGE Syah Kuala Malikussaleh Medan State Sumatera Utara Riau • Sam Ratulangi • Manado State Padang State Mulawarman Tanjungpura Andalas Trunojoyo Jambi Khairun Gorontalo State Palangkaraya Tadulako Sriwijaya Bengkulu Lambung Mangkurat Papua State Lampung • Indonesia • Jakarta State • Diponegoro • Semarang State • Jend Soedirman • Sebelas maret Haluoleo • Hasanudin • Makasar State SultanAgeng Tirtayasa Pattimura Cenderawasih Bogor Agricultural • ITB • Padjadjaran • UPI • Ganesha • Udayana • Gadjah Mada • Yogyakarta State • 10 November • Airlangga • Surabaya State • Brawijaya • Jember • Malang state • Mataram • Nusa Cendana Sources: R&D survey in Higher Education, 2009

  17. MAIN FINDINGS: EXPENDITURE BY SOURCE • In terms of its sources, most R&D expenditures originated from domestic sources which reached 95,75%. • Most of this fund came from Directorate General of Higher Education 65,53%. Sources: R&D survey in Higher Education, 2009c

  18. MAIN FINDINGS: EXPENDITURE BY TYPE The Majority of R&D expenditure was allocated for applied research (56.70%), the remaining were for experimental development (20,40%) and basic research (22,90%) Sources: R&D survey in Higher Education, 2009

  19. MAIN FINDINGS: R&D PERSONNEL Total: 42,083 R&D personnel Sources: R&D survey in Higher Education, 2009

  20. CONTRIBUTOR: S&T INDICATOR TEAM, PAPPIPTEK - INDONESIA Expenditure for R&D • GrossExpenditure on R&D (GERD) • GERD as percentage of GDP • Contributions of Government and Private Sector of GDP

  21. GROSS EXPENDITURE ON R&D (GERD) National GERD and GERD/GDP Ratio, 2009 Note: 1) Based on R&D Survey in University Sector, 2010 2) Based on R&D Survey in Industry Sector, 2010 3) Based on R&D Survey in Government Sector, 2008* * the estimates with an average growth rate Goverment R&D budget since 2005-2008. Shows that the breakdowon of R&D expenditure by sector in 2009. Government and Higher Education were the highest R&D expenditure with ratio of GERD 0,04% for Government and 0,03% for Higher Education. Manufacturing industry was a lowest Source: R&D survey in University sector (2009), Industry sector (2010), and Government sector (2006)

  22. CONTRIBUTOR: S&T INDICATOR TEAM, PAPPIPTEK - INDONESIA Human Resources Involved in R&D • R&D Personnel • Researcher by Sector – Headcount • Researcher by Sector – FTE

  23. R&D PERSONNEL Source: Estimation from R&D survey in University sector (2009), Industry sector (2008), and Government sector (2006)

  24. RESEARCHERS BY SECTOR - FTE • Full-Time-Equivalent measuring assumption: • In Higher Educationbased on “TridharmaPerguruanTinggi” (lecturers have three main duty: Education, Research, and Community Service (FTE=1/3)) • In Manufacturing IndustryIt is assumed that the researchers conducting R&D at all hours of work • In Govermentbased on survey in government sector Source: Estimation from R&D survey in University sector (2009), Industry sector (2008), and Government sector (2006)

  25. General Issues in Conducting Surveys



  28. Thank You Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Center for Science and Technology Development Studies (PAPPIPTEK)

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