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Storage Rings in the FAIR Project at GSI

Storage Rings in the FAIR Project at GSI. P. Beller November 4, 2004. Physics at the New Storage Rings. Physics at the New Storage Rings. Physics with Rare Isotope Beams Antiproton Physics Atomic Physics with Highly charged Heavy Ions. Required Properties of the Storage Rings.

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Storage Rings in the FAIR Project at GSI

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  1. Storage Rings in the FAIR Project at GSI P. Beller November 4, 2004

  2. Physics at the New Storage Rings Physics at the New Storage Rings • Physics with Rare Isotope Beams • Antiproton Physics • Atomic Physics with Highly charged Heavy Ions Required Properties of the Storage Rings • Stochastic Precooling • Electron Cooling • Accumulation • Fast Deceleration (100 - 500 MeV/u) • Deceleration to Low Energies • Fast/Slow Extraction to Cave • In-Ring Experiments • Isochronous Mass Measurements

  3. The FAIR Project SIS100/300 HESR CR/RESR NESR

  4. Operation Schemes SIS 100 Super-FRS Pbar-target Pbar reinjection CR/RESR Bunch rot., ad. debunching, stoch. precooling NESR Electron cooling, deceleration to E < 30 MeV/u, in-ring-experiments (gas-jet-target, e-A collisions, electron target), fast and slow extraction

  5. The Storage Rings Collector Ring bunch rotation adiabatic debunching fast stochastic cooling isochronous mode from Super-FRS/pbar-Separator to atomic physics cave, HITRAP, FLAIR electron ring NESR e--cooling deceleration RESR pbar accumulation RIB deceleration

  6. Layout of the RESR Lattice Main tasks: Pbar accumulation Fast deceleration of RIBs Circumference 245.5 m Max. bend. power 13 Tm

  7. RESR Beam Envelopes and Dispersion Function

  8. RESR Beam Parameters RI Beam parameters pbar Beam parameters

  9. RESR Cycles pbar Operation: static operation at maximum field level Example for a short RIB cycle RIB Operation approx. 50 % pbar 50 % RIB operation

  10. RESR Magnet Parameters Dipoles Quadrupoles (ESR-type)

  11. Layout of the NESR Lattice Electron ring: Circumference 45.22 m Electron energy 200-500 MeV NESR: Circumference 222.11 m Max. bending power 13 Tm Ramp rate 1 T/s Energy range: Ions 4 – 840 MeV/u Pbar 30 MeV – 3 GeV

  12. Beam Envelopes and Dispersion Function

  13. Separation of Two Uranium Charge States  Momentum resolution (eh = 0.1 mm mrad) 210-4

  14. NESR Beam Parameters Ion (RI or stable) Beam parameters pbar Beam parameters

  15. NESR Cycles (pbar) pbar cycle with deceleration to 30 MeV (approx. 25 % of operating time)

  16. NESR Cycles (RIB/Highly Charged Heavy Ions) approx. 75 % RIB operation / 25 % atomic physics with highly charged ions Example for deceleration to 3 MeV/u and subsequent fast extraction

  17. NESR Magnet Parameters Dipoles Quadrupoles (ESR-type)

  18. Summary of Dipole Ramp Data RESR and NESR Dipoles will be identical! RESR: 50 % of operating time will be static operation at maximum field level (pbar) NESR: more than 25 % of operating time will be operation with low duty cycle (pbar + atomic physics with highly charged heavy ions)

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