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Water in Emergencies

Water in Emergencies. Session 11D Context Specific Scenarios (4 of 4) Arid and Semi-Arid Environments (ASALs). Water in Emergencies in the ASALs. Exercise: Identify the particular challenges to water provision in emergencies in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs or ‘drylands’)?.

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Water in Emergencies

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  1. Water in Emergencies Session 11D Context Specific Scenarios (4 of 4) Arid and Semi-Arid Environments (ASALs) W11D

  2. Water in Emergencies in the ASALs Exercise: • Identify the particular challenges to water provision in emergencies in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs or ‘drylands’)? S House / AAH-US Underground tank (birkad), Kenya W11D

  3. Complexity of the Drylands • Increasing frequency of the cycle of droughts in the ASALs • Coping capacity reducing – destitute communities on edges of towns • Traditionally complex systems of management of water & pasture • Management systems are changing • Complex land rights, land tenure systems W11D

  4. Complexity of the Drylands • Conflicts over water and pasture – between pastoral societies & between pastoral & agricultural communities • Increasing use of firearms • Climate change, environmental destruction • Power in pastoral societies & gender divisions • Pastoralism & pastoralist institutions in transition • Care needed not to create dependency W11D

  5. Dryland Technologies S House / WaterAid S House / UNICEF Artificial rock catchment, Kenya Underground tank (birkad), Ethiopia W11D

  6. Dryland Technologies S House / WaterAid S House / AAH-US Managed water pan by the Karmor Women’s Group, northern Kenya Pond, Tanzania W11D

  7. Dryland Technologies S House / WaterAid Sub-surface dam, Kenya S House / WaterAid Traditional Maasai well, Tanzania W11D

  8. MITIGATION Normal Stage Drought Early Warning System (EWS) RecoveryStage Alert/Alarm Stage RECONSTRUCTION PREPAREDNESS Emergency Stage RELIEF Drought Management Cycle Arid Lands Resource Management project II, Office of the President, Kenya W11D

  9. Good Practice Working in the Drylands • Focus on drought cycle management • Time to understand the context, communities & dynamics • Employ staff with background from the drylands • Specific attention on gender and the needs and priorities of women • Prioritise appropriate dryland technologies – minimise use of mechanised boreholes • Consider alternatives to community management – women’s groups, private ownership W11D

  10. Good Practice Working in the Drylands • Work with others to consider water for animals in an emergency context: • Ministry of Agriculture; • Pastoral network organisations & institutions; • Organisations who support livelihoods & animals • Be aware of: • Complexity of the drylands; traditional land & water management, ownership, use & patterns • Combination of needs for animals – food, water, salt • Importance of animals to pastoral societies - nutrition, health, well-being, spiritual / cultural needs, capacity to recover • Risks of changing migration patterns from mechanised boreholes & potential negative impacts - environment & conflicts W11D

  11. Very useful resources… • IIRR, ACACIA & CordAid (2004) on ‘Drought Cycle Management; A toolkit for the drylands of the Greater Horn’: Book or CD purchased from: http://www.mamud.com/iirr_africa_pubs.htm • Nissen-Petersen, E et al (2006) a series of detailed publications on technologies for the drylands, funded by DANIDA on: • Water Surveys and Designs; • Water from Dry Riverbeds; • Water from Roads; • Water from Rock Outcrops; • Water from Roofs; • Water from Small and Dams Free hardcopy ordered or downloaded free from the website: www.waterforaridland.com W11D

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