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Mobile Technology Training

Mobile Technology Training. Tech-a-la-Carte. Using ReadyTalk. Chat & raise hand All lines are muted If you lose your internet connection, reconnect using the link emailed to you. If you lose your phone connection, re-dial the phone number and re-join .

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Mobile Technology Training

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  1. Mobile Technology Training Tech-a-la-Carte

  2. Using ReadyTalk • Chat & raise hand • All lines are muted • If you lose your internet connection, reconnect using the link emailed to you. • If you lose your phone connection, re-dial the phone number and re-join. • ReadyTalk support: 800-843-9166

  3. You are being recorded… • This seminar will be available on the TechSoup website along with past webinar presentations: http://www.techsoupforlibraries.org/events/archive • You will receive a link to this presentation, material and links. • Twitter hashtag: #techsoup

  4. Mobile Technology Training: Tech-a-la-Carte

  5. Presenters Brenda Hough Facilitator Irene Romsa Special Guest Assisting with chat: Shab Sigman and Sarah Washburn

  6. Agenda • Who is TechSoup? • Who is TechSoup for Libraries? • What are the Edge Benchmarks? • Tech-a-la-Carte • Q&A from Participants

  7. Who is TechSoup? • TechSoup is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. • As of June 2012, TechSoup served more than 183,000 organizations, distributed more than 9.7 million technology donations, and enabled nonprofit recipients to save more than $3.1 billion in IT expenses in 40 countries around the world. We have 52 donor partners including Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, and Symantec, and there are currently 469 technology donations available through the TechSoup catalog.

  8. Who is TechSoup for Libraries?

  9. The Edge Initiative - an effort driven by a coalition of leading library and government organizations - is developing benchmarks that will help libraries evaluate and continually improve their public technology services for communities. libraryedge.org

  10. Benchmark 8: The library engages in technology outreach by maintaining mobile training equipment for library sponsored technology training in partner facilities. libraryedge.org

  11. Agenda • Who is TechSoup? • Who is TechSoup for Libraries? • What are the Edge Benchmarks? • Tech-a-la-Carte • Q&A from Participants

  12. Tech-a-la-Carte going the extra mile… (literally!) Alba Williams, Bilingual Instructor Presented by: Irene Romsa, Outreach Services Manager Poudre River Public Library District Presented to: TechSoup, November 14, 2012

  13. Who are We? Formerly a city library Became a District in 2006 supported with a 3-mill property tax More than 180,000 people 1,800 square-mile 3 libraries

  14. Does your organization currently offer computer literacy? Yes (in English only) Yes (in English & other languages) Sometimes No Question computer literacy : familiarity with computers and how they work, especially a nontechnical understanding of microcomputers and of the role computers play in modern society. Dictionary.com

  15. Does your organization currently offer computer literacy? Yes (in English only) Yes (in English & other languages) Sometimes No Question computer literacy : familiarity with computers and how they work, especially a nontechnical understanding of microcomputers and of the role computers play in modern society. Dictionary.com

  16. The Outreach Department Created in September 2011 to deliver offsite library services to the underserved 3 FTE Main program areas:

  17. More area to cover - No new libraries or bookmobile Some participants feel left behind in large classes Library Spanish computer classes with low participation and retention Our locations and schedule are inconvenient for many The situation by 2011

  18. Who are the underserved? Those who can’t access library services due to distance, language barriers, and/or limited mobility homebound students immigrants outlying communities seniors low-income un·der·served : provided with inadequate service Merriam-Webster

  19. Who does outreach at your agency? Any Librarian/staff can do it No one Outreach staff/department Some combination of the above!? Question out·reach : the extending of services or assistance beyond current or usual limits <an outreach program> Merriam-Webster

  20. Who does outreach at your agency? Any Librarian/staff can do it No one Outreach staff/department Some combination of the above!? Question out·reach : the extending of services or assistance beyond current or usual limits <an outreach program> Merriam-Webster

  21. tailored computer classes through a small, mobile computer lab which has the flexibility to rapidly respond to particular needs (content, location, time, and day) of target population The concept

  22. How? Former & potential participants Fellow librarians Vendors Potential funders Other agencies Ask / Sell Portability + Flexibility + Safety + Sustainability

  23. How? BTOP grant (equipment) FOL (hourly staff funding) Management team IT Department (procurement) The right instructor Line up resources Portability + Flexibility + Safety + Sustainability

  24. Have you heard of BTOP ? Yes, I’m a BTOP recipient Somewhat No, how do you eat that? Question Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) :an approximately $4 billion grant program to help bridge the technological divide; create jobs; and improve education, health care, and public safety. Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. ntia.gov

  25. Have you heard of BTOP ? Yes, I’m a BTOP recipient Somewhat No, how do you eat that? Question Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) :an approximately $4 billion grant program to help bridge the technological divide; create jobs; and improve education, health care, and public safety. Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. ntia.gov

  26. Start Up Cost$

  27. Ongoing Expense$ Estimated Monthly expenses

  28. How? Start small (pilot) Referrals & screening Look for opportunities to grow / serve Assess & track Report & share Launch Portability + Flexibility + Safety + Sustainability

  29. Talking about tracking… Feb-Sep 2012: 53 classes 208 participants 90% satisfaction SORT… Outcomes DEMOGRAPHICS

  30. Their faces…

  31. What else can you do? Festivals Remote library card sign up After school programs, Classrooms, businesses, groups Respond to emergencies!

  32. Do you think this is a model you could apply in the next 6-18 months? Yes Not sure No Question Mobile Learning :the exploitation of ubiquitous handheld technologies, together with wireless and mobile phone networks, to facilitate, support, enhance and extend the reach of teaching and learning. M-learning.org

  33. Do you think this is a model you could apply in the next 6-18 months? Yes Not sure No Question Mobile Learning :the exploitation of ubiquitous handheld technologies, together with wireless and mobile phone networks, to facilitate, support, enhance and extend the reach of teaching and learning. M-learning.org

  34. How? What Next? The wireless communication revolution is bringing fundamental changes to telecommunications and computing. Wide-area cellular systems and wireless LANs promise to make integrated networks a reality and provide fully distributed and ubiquitous mobile computing and communications, thus bringing an end to the tyranny of geography. Sigmobile.com Portability + Flexibility + Safety + Sustainability

  35. Resources: • Poudre River Public Library District • Other mobile lab examples • Library Edge

  36. Please share your questions and ideas:

  37. December 4th– Tech-Savvy Staff – Penny Talbert and Stephanie Zimmerman, Pennsylvania Please join us for our next benchmark webinar!

  38. Thank you to our Webinar Sponsor! ReadyTalk offers dedicated product demos for TechSoup organizations 4 times per week. For more information:pages.readytalk.com/techsoup.html

  39. Please take a moment to fill out the evaluation.

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