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CEDRIG Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance

WS Tajikistan: DRR Mainstreaming in Water & Sanitation projects – Naraya Carrasco & Roberto Méndez– February 5 to 7, 2013. CEDRIG Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance Concept of DRR and CCA. Outlook. Global scope of CEDRIG Adaptation concept What is risk

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CEDRIG Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance

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  1. WS Tajikistan: DRR Mainstreaming in Water & Sanitation projects – Naraya Carrasco & Roberto Méndez– February 5 to 7, 2013 CEDRIG Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance Concept of DRR and CCA

  2. Outlook Global scope of CEDRIG Adaptation concept What is risk DRR cycle Sustainability Overlaps between DRR, CC and PCM

  3. Global scope • Reduce existent risks and prevent new risks due to a inappropriate development or external factors (climate change) • Adjust natural and human systems in response to actual or future risks and attenuate negative effects or benefit from potential opportunities

  4. Adaptation concept Extension of the coverage range Source: GTZ 2009 4

  5. What should happen? What can happen? Risk analysis Risk evaluation What is needed to do? Integral planning or measures Risks concept – 3 basic questions

  6. What is risk Is the probability to experiment a loss (, $) in a specific place at a given time Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability

  7. Hazard In a specific place: Type of phenomena, frequency, intensity

  8. Hazards typology Convergence a the level of hydro-meteorological hazards 8

  9. Vulnerabilyty • Physic, economic, social, environmental, institutional • Reduced coping capacities

  10. Risk factors change with time • Hazard: climate change, deforestation, etc. • Vulnerability: population growth, poverty, development, power changes, migration, etc.

  11. Risk evaluation • Possible losses vs possible benefits

  12. Do I accept this? Risk evaluation

  13. Reduce Risks and avoid new risks through structural and non structural measures Reduce the disaster impact through emergency relief and rehabilitation Risk analysis Reduce future losses through adapted reconstruction DRR cycle Prevention Response Recovery

  14. Risk Reduction: measures Avoid hazards Total Risks Inevitable Risks • Avoid hazardous zones • Through land use plans

  15. Risk Reduction: measures Avoid hazards Mitigation of impacts Total Risks Inevitable Risks Remaining Risks • Mitigate the effect of the event: • Reducing hazards • Reducing vulnerabilities

  16. Risk Reduction: measures Avoid hazards Mitigation of impacts Response to adverse effects Risks away of the response Total Risks Inevitable Risks Riesgos restantes Remaining Risks • Reduce the adverse effects through response: • Emergency relief, rehabilitation

  17. Risk transfer Non transferible Risks Risk Reduction: measures Avoid hazards Mitigation of impacts Response to adverse effects Risks away of the response Total Risks Inevitable Risks Riesgos restantes Remaining Risks • Risks distribution to a bigger group • Insurance • Funds

  18. Prevention measures Preparedness measures Risk transfer Non transferible Risks Risk Reduction: measures Avoid hazards Mitigation of impacts Response to adverse effects Tolerated Risks Risks away of the response Total Risks Inevitable Risks Riesgos restantes Remaining Risks Residual Risks

  19. Prevention measures Risk transfer Preparedness measures Non transferible Risks Context in developing countries Avoid hazards Mitigation of impacts Response to adverse effects Risks away of the response Total Risks Inevitable Risks Riesgos restantes Remaining Risks Residual Risks Tolerated Risks

  20. Step I Identification and evaluation of impacts and natural and social vulnerabilities Step II Develop capacities for adaptation Step III Adaptation measures Adaptation concept 21

  21. Economically efficient Environmentally friendly Socially accepted Sustainability • Measures follow sustainability principles

  22. Multi-stacholder and participatif • Governmental institutions • Civil society and NOGs • Private Sector • Science and research • Population (women and men)

  23. Overlaps of DRR and CCA at risk level Copping with climate induced risks E.g. developing early warning systems for flood events Reducing risks from rapid onset geological hazards E.g. developing earthquake-proof infrastructure Adapting to gradual, long-term effects of climate change E.g. developing temperature resistant rice varieties Climate Change Adaptation CCA Disaster Risk Reduction DRR

  24. DRR and CCA in the PCM Preparation of the project/program Project/program Monitoring and Evaluation Project/program Implementation > CEDRIG’s concept 25

  25. Thank you for your attention! www.sdc-drr.net www.sdc-climateandenvironment.net

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