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E. lectronic. B. enefits. T. ransfer. As related to Policy and RAPIDS (Please refer any Policy questions to the Policy Unit and RAPIDS questions to the RAPIDS Help Desk.). NEXT. Lost, Stolen, Damaged Cards. If the Client’s address is correct:

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  1. E lectronic B enefits T ransfer As related to Policy and RAPIDS (Please refer any Policy questions to the Policy Unit and RAPIDS questions to the RAPIDS Help Desk.) NEXT

  2. Lost, Stolen, Damaged Cards • If the Client’s address is correct: • Refer Client to the EBT Helpline to request a replacement EBT card. (DHHR CSC also has this capability.) • If the Client’s address is NOT correct: • The address change must be made in RAPIDS. an address change does not generate a new EBT card. • The Worker must complete AIRQ in RAPIDS to Request a New Card • OR • The Client must be informed to contact the EBT Helpline the following morning to request their replacement card. NOTE: In any of the above instances, if the Client’s EBT card is in danger of misuse, inform them to contact the EBT Helpline immediately to have card deactivated.. NEXT

  3. EBT Information • Changing the Primary Person in RAPIDS will deactivate the FORMER Primary Person’s EBT Card and issue an EBT Card to NEWLY Designated Primary Person. The existing balance will be on the new card. • AIRQ in RAPIDS can be used to request a Replacement Card for an existing EBT Cardholder or to appoint an Authorized Cardholder. • If a Client no longer wishes to have their existing Authorized Cardholder, Legal Guardians and/or Protective Payee, the appropriate RAPIDS screen(s) must be Deleted.(the Client should also immediately call the EBT Helpline to have their AC, LG, or PP’s Card Deactivated) NEXT

  4. MORE EBT Information • EBT Accounts are created and linked based on RAPIDS Case Numbers. Opening a new Case Number in RAPIDS will generate a new EBT account and Card. BALANCES from different Cases CANNOT be combined. • If a Client wants to return benefits that are in their EBT Account, an IFM-EBT-1 form must be completed and taken immediately to a Supervisor or IFM Repayment Investigator. NEVER TAKE THE Client's EBT CARD. • If an EBT Card ends up in the Local Office, it must be treated as a negotiable and immediately taken to the Financial Clerk. (Draft Negotiable Policy is available in each office) NEXT

  5. Inactive- Dormant- Expunged FNS regulations require that States have an aging process for NON USE of benefits in an EBT Account. The 3 Benchmark stages are Inactive, Dormant and Expunged. The Worker receives an Alert and the client receives a RAPIDS generated notification letter at eachbenchmark. The Notification Letter informs the client of their EBT Account Status. The Food Stamps and Cash benefits within an EBT account age separately, ie: A client could have a Dormant FS Account but their Cash Account has not aged and has an active status. This is a maintenance tool for the Case Worker and a security measure for the client. Policy information regarding Inactive/Dormant/Expunged can be found in section 2.2 and 2.17 of the Policy Manual. Please refer any Policy questions to the Policy Unit. NEXT

  6. Inactive Accounts • If a client has not used their EBT account in 45 Days their EBT Account Status will be INACTIVE. The benefits remain in the Client's account and are accessible by the client. Once the client makes a purchase, the account is automatically reset into an ACTIVE ACCOUNT STATUS. The notification letter at this stage explains that if the account is not used by day 180, the account will go into a DORMANT STATUS. NEXT

  7. Dormant Accounts • If a client has not used their EBT account in 180 Days it will become DORMANT. • The benefits remain in the account but ARE NOT accessible to the client, they are "Frozen". • DHHR Customer Service Center or the DHHR Local Office Worker have access to reset a DORMANT Account. • The EBT HELPLINE CANNOT reset a DORMANT Account. • EBT Account Status must be checked and reset, if necessary, by the Local Office Worker when Reopening cases. NEXT

  8. Dormant Accounts, continued • You can check to see if an account is DORMANT by looking at the EDA Status on Balance Inquiry Screen in the EBT System. (02,1, D indicates the ACCOUNT IS DORMANT. BENEFITS CANNOT BE USED Until Reset). • Resetting a DORMANT account is very easy. (It is completed in the EBT Admin System) It is not giving the client additional benefits, only access to benefits they have already been determined eligible. • Resetting a DORMANT Account restarts the "aging" clock at 0 Days. • Remember DHHR Customer Service Center and Local Office have this access. The EBT HELPLINE DOES NOT have this access. NEXT

  9. Expunged Accounts When benefits in an account have not been used for 270 Days, they are EXPUNGED. The benefits will no longer be available to the client, ALL FS and/or Cash benefits, regardless of age deposited will be REMOVED from the account and are not restored. When an account reaches this point in the benefits aging process, the client has already received notifications from the prior stages and the current stage explaining what would happen to the benefits if they did not contact their caseworker. NEXT

  10. Congratulations You have just completed this section of EBT Training. Please proceed to the Quiz section of this course. (To Exit out of Power Point, Click on File, then Exit) If you have EBT Questions, you may contact the EBT Project Office at 304-558-4126 or via GroupWise at WV EBT. FINISH

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