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Decision making as a model

Decision making as a model . 6. A little bit of Bayesian statistics. Opdracht 5.1. Helling: .657, sd s = 1.52 sd n. Intercept .831. A z = .756. Opdracht 5.2. slope .643 Intercept 1.267 A z = .857.

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Decision making as a model

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  1. Decision making as a model 6. A little bit of Bayesian statistics

  2. Opdracht 5.1 Helling: .657, sds = 1.52 sdn Intercept .831 Az = .756

  3. Opdracht 5.2 slope .643 Intercept 1.267 Az = .857

  4. N.B. a course on Bayesians statistics is impossible in one lecture • You might study: • -Bolstad, W.M. (2007). Introduction to Bayesian statistics, 2nd ed. Hoboken N.J. : Wiley. • Gill, J.(2002). Bayesian methods: A social and behavioral approach. Boca Raton Fl: Chapman & Hall. Or consult Herbert Hoijtink Irene Klugkist (M&T)

  5. Classical statistics vs Bayesian statistics Probability: confidence/strength of belief based on all available prior and actual evidence θ Stochastic Inference based on likelihood: p(data|θ) and prior: p(θ) Probability: limit of long run relative frequency Fixed unknown parameters (like θ) Inference based on likelihood: p(data|θ) Confidence Interval Credible Interval p(….≤ x̅≤….|μ= x̅)≠p(….≤ μ ≤….| x̅)

  6. L(θ|D)•pdf(θ) pdf(θ|D) = ∞------------------------ L(θ|D)•pdf(θ) dθ -∞ ∫ Bayesian statistics Given data D, what can be said about the probability of posible values of some unknown quantity θ? NB.: θ is supposed to be a random variable! p(D|θi)•p(θi) p(θi|D) = --------------------- Σj p(D|θj)•p(θj) From p(Y|X) to continous function: pdf(y|X) pdf of y for some X L(x|Y) likelihood function of x for some Y Continous distributions: (normalization constant)

  7. Γ(a) = e-y ya-1dy (a>0) 0 ∫ A fair coin? Beta(a,b): Three possibilities: Three priors K∙xa-1∙(1-x)b-1 Γ(a+b) K = ----------- , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 Γ(a)Γ(b) Γ(a) = (a-1)! (a integer) beta(20,20) beta(1,1) Probability of “Head” beta(.5,.5) We will throw the coin several times

  8. N HR(1-H)N-R R L(H|RinN)= L(θ|D)•pdf(θ) pdf(θ|D) = ∞------------------------ L(θ|D)•pdf(θ) dθ -∞ ∫ pdf(θ|D) L(θ|D) • pdf(θ) pdf(H|RinN) L(H|RinN) • pdf(H) 3 different priors: Binomial: NB: function of H, not R!

  9. Likelihood (binomial) 1x head: N=R=1; N HR(1-H)N-R R N HR(1-H)N-R R N HR(1-H)N-R R Prior (beta) Posterior (beta) L=H K1∙H19∙(1-H)19 ∙ = K1∙H20∙(1-H)19 = K2∙H1∙(1-H)0 K2∙H0∙(1-H)0 ∙ = K3∙H.5∙(1-H)-.5 K3∙H-.5∙(1-H)-.5 ∙ beta(20,20) beta(.5,.5) beta(1,1)

  10. posterior Likelihood function 1: head 1: head 2. tail

  11. 1: head 2. tail 3: tail 1: head 2. tail 3: tail 4: head

  12. 1: head 2. tail 3: tail 4: head 5: head 10x (6 heads)

  13. 20x (9 heads) 40x (18 heads)

  14. 80x (38 heads) 160x (69 heads) Is that fair?

  15. 320x (120 heads) 640x (249 heads) obviously not!

  16. Narrow priors distributions have strong influence on the posterior distribution With lots of data the prior distribution does not make much difference anymore (although narrow priors retain their influence longer) With fewer data the prior distribution does make a lot of difference, so you have to have good reasons for your prior distribution This was anuntypicalcase: the blueline prior was quitereasonableforcoin-likeobjects, butthis “coin” was a computer simulation (with H=.40)

  17. Essential: Suitable likelihoods and priors Priors must be well founded or reasonable, especially when informative (small sd) Likelihood function must be good model of data (or data producing process) Priors and likelihood functions preferably conjugate (of same family, so that product is tractible)

  18. (D – μ)2(μ – mp)2- ----------- ----------1 2σD2 12σp2--------- e • -------- eσD√2πσp√2π Simple case: infer μ from observation D (from normal distribution known variance σD) pdf(μ|D) L(μ|D) • pdf(μ) (normal prior: mp,σp) (or something like: g(μ|D) f(D|μ) • g(μ) ) Lengthy derivation results in normal distribution with: mp D---- + ----σp2σD21 mean: --------------and variance: ------------1 1 1 1 ---- + ---- ---- + ----σp2σD2 σp2σD2

  19. mp D---- + ----σp2σD21 mean: --------------and variance: ------------1 1 1 1 ---- + ---- ---- + ----σp2σD2 σp2σD2 Add fractions, multiply numerator and denominator by σp2σD2 : σD2mp + σp2D σp2σD2 mean: ------------------- and variance: -------------- σD2+ σp2σD2 + σp2

  20. If there are n independent observations D1, D2, D3……Dn mp nmD ---- + ---- σp2σD2 1 mean: --------------- and variance: ------------ 1 n 1 n ---- + ---- ---- + ---- σp2σD2 σp2σD2

  21. mp nmD---- + ----σp2σD21 mean: ---------------and variance:---------------1 n 1 n ---- + ---- ---- + ----σp2σD2 σp2σD2 Add fractions, multiply numerator and denominator by σp2σD2 : σD 2mp + σp2nmDσp2σD2mean: ----------------------- and variance: --------------- σD2+ nσp2σD2 + nσp2 • Weighing by inverse of variances • Small variance prior weighs heavily • Large n swamps prior • More data: posterior variance decreases

  22. Example of Bayesian statistics at UU (approach Hoijtink c.s.) Bayesian “AN(C)OVA” In stead of: “is there a significant difference between groups – and if so which? ” “how much support from data to specific informative models?” Global description! For more information see: Klugkist,I., Laudy,O. & Hoijtink, H. (2005). Inequality constrained analysis of variance: A Bayesian approach. Psychological Methods, 10, 477-493.

  23. Model selection according to Bayes Factor: remember? p(A|B) p(B|A) p(A) ------------- = ------------- • -------- p(¬A|B) p(B|¬A) p(¬A) posterior odds = likelihood ratio • prior odds (Bayes Factor) BF = posterior odds / prior odds Bayes Factor in general: extent to which data support one model better/worse than other model: p(D|M1) BF12 = ----------- p(D|M2)

  24. μ2 μ1 μ2 μ2 μ1 μ1 Example 1: four groups. three models (constraints on valuesμ’s): M1: ( μ1,μ2 ) > ( μ3,μ4 ) M2:μ1 < μ2 < μ3 , μ4 M3: μ1 < μ2 , μ3 ≈μ4 against encompassing model without constraints: M0: μ1, μ2 , μ3, μ4 For explanatory purpose simpler example 2: two groups: M1: μ1 > μ2 M2: μ1 ≈ μ2 M0: μ1 , μ2

  25. specify diffuse prior for M0 Compute posterior (≈likelihood) for encompassing model (M0)-given data

  26. μ2 μ1 μ2 μ1 For every model estimate proportion of encompassing prior (1/c) and of posterior (1/d) satisfying constrictions implied by that model. Works with simulated sampling. For M0 : 1/c0 = 1/d0 = 1 For M1 : 1/c1 = .5 (viewed from above:) (e.g.) 1/d1 = .99 For M2 : 1/c2 = .02 and 1/d2 = .003

  27. Select model by Bayes Factors: In general: p(D|M)∙p(M) p(M|D)∙p(D) p(M|D) = -----------------  p(D|M) = ---------------- p(D) p(M) p(M1|D)∙p(D) p(M1|D) 1 ------------------ ---------- ------ p(D|M1) p(M1) p(M0|D) d1 ----------- = ------------------------ = ----------------- = ------------- p(D|M0) p(M0|D)∙p(D) p(M1) 1 ----------------- ------- ------ p(M0) p(M0) c1 1/dm BFm0 = ---------- 1/cm Bayes factor takes complexity (size of parameter space) in to account of model by denominator 1/c

  28. Assuming the prior probability of all models (including the comassing model) are equal, the Posterior Model Probability (PMP) can be computed from Bayes factors: p(D|Mi)•p(Mi) PMPi = p(Mi|D) = ---------------------- ∑p(D|Mj)•p(Mj) j Equal model p(D|Mi) = --------------priors: ∑p(D|Mj) j p(D|Mi)/p(D|M0) = ---------------------- ∑p(D|Mj)/p(D|M0) j BFi0 = ------------ ∑BFj0 j

  29. Our example: BF10= .99/.5 = 1.98 BF20= .003/.02 = .15 PMP1 = 1.98/(1.98 +.15 + 1) = .63 PMP2 = .15/(1.98 + .15 + 1) = .05 PMP0 = 1 /(1.98 + .15 + 1) = .32 M1 is clearly superior.

  30. Example 1 (four groups) would require four-dimensional drawings, but can be computed by means of software by Hoijtink &co. (2- 8 groups and 0-2 covariates!)

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