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Who Wants to be a ...

Who Wants to be a. Conservationist?!. Conservation Education.

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Who Wants to be a ...

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who Wants to be a... Conservationist?!

  2. Conservation Education This presentation is designed to be used in classroom situations to test student awareness for issues related to conservation and the environment. It is modeled after the popular game show, but obviously involves no money. The rules are essentially the same. The challenge is to keep students calm...

  3. Lifelines…These work the same way they do on the TV show... • 50/50 (eliminate 2 wrong answers) • Phone a friend/teacher/soil scientist (player can ask one friend, the teacher, or the accompanying NRCS/SWCD professional who is in the room) • Poll the Class (take a quick survey of all students in the room--majority rules)

  4. A.) Concrete B.) Soil C.) Mucous D.) Tapioca What substance found on the earth’s surface supports life?

  5. A.) Canola B.) Alcohol C.) Ethanol D.) Mountain Dew Made from U.S. grown corn, this substance is used in gasoline...

  6. A.) Locust B.) Antelope C.) Horses D.) Buffalo A large number of these creatures inhabited Illinois before it was settled...

  7. A.) Patriots B.) Republicans C.) Conservationists D.) Geologists Private landowners who protect soil and water are called...

  8. A.) Irrigation B.) Respiration C.) Absorption D.) Circulation In dry areas of the U.S., farmers supply crops with water using...

  9. A.) 1850’s B.) 1930’s C.) 1970’s D.) 1990’s During what period did the U.S. experience the “Dust Bowl Days”?

  10. A.) Lewis and Clark’s expedition B.) Rotation of the Earth C.) Meteor collisions D.) Glacier deposits Soils were formed as a result of...

  11. A.) The government B.) Bill Gates C.) Private landowners D.) Large corporations Who owns most of the land in the United States?

  12. A.) Carbon B.) Phosphorous C.) Nitrogen D.) Argon Which of these chemical elements are NOT found in soil?

  13. A.) 50% B.) 20% C.) 75% B.) 10% What percent of Earth’s surface is covered with water/ice?

  14. A.) Distance to ocean B.) Vegetative cover C.) Water velocity D.) Slope Which factor does NOT affect soil erosion?

  15. A.) plastic bags B.) Baby diapers C.) Road de-icer D.) Radio antenna Which items CANNOT be made from corn?

  16. A.) Lawn turfgrass B.) Corn plant C.) Prairie grass D.) Petunia Which plant has the deepest root system?

  17. A.) India B.) France C.) USA D.) South Africa What country pays the most money for food?

  18. A.) Auto industry B.) Computer industry C.) Agriculture D.) MacDonalds What industry is our nation’s largest employer?

  19. A.) Milk B.) Water C.) Rootbeer D.) Coffee Without this, neither man nor animal can survive...

  20. A.) Corn B.) Grapes C. Soybeans D.) Pineapples What crop is NOT grown in Illinois?

  21. A.) Bacteria B.) Microorganisms C.) Earthworms D.) All of the above Which organisms are typically found in soil?

  22. A.) Meteor crash on earth B.) Asteroid collision C.) Water erosion D.) Egyptian laborers The Grand Canyon was formed by...

  23. A.) Grass B.) Trees C.) Shopping malls D.) Homes What are some countries destroying in order to grow more food?

  24. A.) Recycling waste products B.) Car pooling C.) Using less lawn chemicals D.) All of the above Americans can help the environment by doing what?

  25. A.) Excess chemicals B.) Sediment C.) Road salt D.) Bluegill Which of these is NOT a pollutant found in rivers & streams?

  26. A.) Overweight city dwellers B.) Homeless people C.) Farms located near cities D.) Cities with acid rain “Urban Sprawl” is a problem that affects...

  27. A.) Bring you coffee or tea on airplanes B.) Care for the land C.) Drive buses across the country D.) Raise money for charity Stewards are people who...

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