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Vocabulary Level E

Vocabulary Level E. Unit 7. abhor. Connotation: Negative Etymology: mid-15c., from L. abhorrere "shrink back in terror," from ab- "away" + horrere "tremble at, shudder". amend. Connotation: Neutral

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Vocabulary Level E

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  1. Vocabulary Level E • Unit 7

  2. abhor Connotation: Negative Etymology: mid-15c., from L. abhorrere "shrink back in terror," from ab- "away" + horrere "tremble at, shudder"

  3. amend Connotation: Neutral Etymology:(12c.),fromL.emendare "to correct, free from fault," from ex- "out" + menda"fault, blemish"

  4. buffet Connotation: Negative Etymology: early 13c., from O.Fr. bufet "slap, punch," dim. of bufe "a blow, puff of wind,"probablyechoicofthesoundofsomething soft beinghit.

  5. Connotation: Negative Etymology: mid-15c., "gaping void," from L. chaos, from Gk. khaos "abyss, that which gapes wide open, is vast and empty" chaos

  6. commodious Connotation: Positive Etymology: 1423, "beneficial, convenient," from M.L. commodiosus "convenient, useful"

  7. corrosive Connotation: Negative Etymology: late 14c., from Fr. corrosif (14c.), from corroder, corrode

  8. discern Connotation: Neutral Etymology: late 14c., from O.Fr. discerner "distinguish, separate" (by sifting), from L. discernere, from dis- "off, away" + cernere "distinguish, separate, sift"

  9. extant Connotation: Neutral Etymology: 1545, "standing out above a surface," from L. extantem, prp. of extare "stand out, be visible, exist," from ex- "out" + stare "to stand"

  10. implicate Connotation: Negative Etymology: early 15c., from L. implicare "involve, entangle, connect closely," from in- "in" + plicare "to fold"

  11. inter Connotation: Neutral Etymology: from L. in- "in" + terra "earth"

  12. martinet Connotation: Negative Etymology: reputedly from the name of Col. Jean Martinet, a drillmaster of the Fr. army during the reign of Louis XIV.

  13. obviate Connotation: Positive Etymology: from L.L. obviatus, pp. of obviare "act contrary to, go against"

  14. renegade Connotation: Negative Etymology: from Sp. renegado, originally "Christian turned Muslim," from M.L. renegare "deny"

  15. reprehensible Connotation: Negative Etymology: mid-14c., from L. reprehendere "seize, restrain," lit. "pull back," from re- "back" + prehendere "to grasp, seize"

  16. somber Connotation: Negative Etymology: 1760 from Fr. sombre "dark, gloomy," from L.L. subumbrare "to shadow," from sub "under" + umbra "shade, shadow"

  17. squalid Connotation: Negative Etymology: 1591, from M.Fr. squalide, from L. squalidus "rough, coated with dirt, filthy," related to squales "filth," squalus "filthy," squalare "be covered with a rough, scaly layer, be coated with dirt, be filthy"

  18. turbulent Connotation: Negative Etymology: from L. turbulentus "full of commotion, restless," from turba "turmoil, crowd"

  19. vociferous Connotation: Negative Etymology: 1610s, from L. vociferari "to shout, yell," from vox "voice" + root of ferre "to carry"

  20. voluminous Connotation: Neutral Etymology: 1610s, from L.L. voluminosus, from L. volumen "volume"

  21. waive Connotation: Neutral Etymology: c.1300, from Anglo-Fr. weyver "to abandon, waive," O.Fr. weyver, guever "to abandon, give back"

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