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Anticipating and matching demand and supply of skills in ETF partner countries

Anticipating and matching demand and supply of skills in ETF partner countries. Lizzi Feiler, labour market specialist European Training Foundation. Content. The knowledge continuum: forecasting is not enough The challenges

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Anticipating and matching demand and supply of skills in ETF partner countries

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  1. Anticipating and matching demand and supply of skills in ETF partner countries Lizzi Feiler, labour market specialist European Training Foundation

  2. Content • The knowledge continuum: forecasting is not enough • The challenges • ETF innovation and learning project 2011-2013: anticipation and matching in transition and developing countries • - Project outcome 2012 • - Key findings from stock taking • - Planned activities 2013 LFE, Sarajevo, 12.7.2012

  3. The knowledge continuum: a coherent approach to anticipation and matching LFE, Sarajevo, 12.7.2012

  4. The challenges • Labour market shocks led to high youth unemployment • Weak labour market information systems • Transition economies experience rapid change of skills demands because of shifts from agriculture and manufacturing to services, privatisation and foreign direct investment • The future is uncertain…. there are also external factors • Dominance of micro and small enterprises and a large informal economy create additional challenges LFE, Sarajevo, 12.7.2012

  5. The challenges …since it is a „mission impossible“ to achieve quick fixes of current skills mismatches with education reforms, anticipation of future skills needs is requested LFE, Sarajevo, 12.7.2012

  6. Project outcome 2012 Stocktaking of current practices: 10 country reports Synthesis reports Specific conditions in transition economies and development countries How to measure mismatch: a comparison of methods and interpetations LFE, Sarajevo, 12.7.2012

  7. Exploring current and future demands – what countries do (examples) HR – Croatia, TR – Turkey, UA – Ukraine, KG - Kyrgyzstan

  8. Conclusions and key findings from stock taking • A robust database for the labour market and the E&T system is a key pre-condition for valid anticipation and effective matching • A mix of approaches and continuous methodological improvement (but at the same time continuity and consistency!) is needed • Credibility: combination of informal knowledge and research findings. Publication of research is not enough to convince decision makers

  9. Conclusions and key findings from stock taking • Anticipation aims at shaping the future, hence needs to be imbedded in a macroeconomic vision and strategy • Strong PES capacities are important for better matching • Active role of employers in anticipation and matching (recruitment, work based learning, adaptation to change, …) • Micro and small enterprises might need specific support

  10. Planned activities 2012/2013 Elaborating a compendium of guides: 1. Skills Mismatch Analyses  will build on the project work in 2011 and enable users to choose the right and most relevant methodology 2. Macro Level Anticipation will test and adopt the Cedefop methodology on skills forecast in 1-2 ETF pilot countries, taking into account the availability of data and resources 3. Anticipation and Matching of Skills at Sector Level will cover qualitative and quantitative sector based aspects of skills demands analyses 4. Transition Studies will look into methodologies and objectives of transition and tracer studies, to track and follow individuals on the labour market LFE, Sarajevo, 12.7.2012

  11. Planned activities 2012/2013 5. Supply Analyses will cover methodologies used for the assessment of capacity, efficiency and relevance of training providers 6. Enterprise Surveys will cover various types of enterprise surveys as a tool for qualitative and quantitative skills needs assessment 7. Anticipation and Matching of Skills at Regional Level will cover the key elements of sub-national demand analysis and specific methodologies and approaches used at regional (e.g. local) level 8. Intermediary Agencies and Tools in Matching will look into roles and modus operandi of intermediary bodies such as PES or career guidance services in matching people´s skills with jobs LFE, Sarajevo, 12.7.2012

  12. Lizzi Feiler LFE@etf.europa.eu

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