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Meeting the Identified Needs of Migrant Students

Meeting the Identified Needs of Migrant Students. Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program State Conference August 15, 2013. Federal and State Requirements. Elementary and Secondary Education Act – Section 1301, Part C, Education of Migratory Children

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Meeting the Identified Needs of Migrant Students

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  1. Meeting the Identified Needs of Migrant Students Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program State Conference August 15, 2013

  2. Federal and State Requirements • Elementary and Secondary Education Act – Section 1301, Part C, Education of Migratory Children • Government Performance and Results Act • Comprehensive Needs Assessment • State Service Delivery Plan 2012-2015

  3. Federal and State Goals • High standards for all children • Coordination and collaboration with other education and support programs • Determining eligibility through on-going identification and recruitment • Identifying and serving Priority for Service migrant students • Parent input into the decision-making process

  4. State Service Delivery Plan2013-2015 • Reading • Writing • Math • Science • English language proficiency

  5. State Service Delivery Plan2013-2015 • Out-of-School Youth • Health support • Nutrition and social services • Professional development • Family literacy • On-line (technology) opportunities (credit retrieval/completion) • Transition from high school to postsecondary education or employment

  6. Supplement Not Supplant What does "supplement, not supplant" mean? "Supplement, not supplant" is the phrase used to describe the requirement that MEP funds may be used only to supplement the level of funds that would, in the absence of MEP funds, be made available from non-Federal sources for the education of children participating in MEP projects. SEAs and local operating agencies may not use MEP funds to supplant (i.e., replace) non-Federal funds. [Also known as “in addition to.”] Office of Migrant Education, Non-regulatory Guidance, 2010

  7. + (in addition to) Bowl of cereal (Basic Education) Orange juice, fruit (Title I A, LAP, State Bilingual) Vitamins (Title I C, Migrant Education)

  8. Remember when…. • A skater could pretty much be guaranteed an Olympic medal if they successfully executed a “double sow cow” followed by a “triple axel”?

  9. Baby Boomer 1946-1964 Millennials or Generation Y 1977-2000 Generation Z or Silent Generation 2001-present Generation X 1965-1976 Preparing children for their futures

  10. Analyzing Student Data

  11. Non-migrant all in district All students in the state

  12. State Service Delivery Plan Reading: • The % gap in meeting state reading standards will be reduced by 1/5 over next three years 2012-2015.

  13. Gap by Strands - Reading

  14. State Service Delivery Plan Writing • The % gap in meeting state writing standards will be reduced by 1/5 over next three years 2012-2015.

  15. Gap by Strands - Writing

  16. State Service Delivery Plan Math: • The % gap in meeting state math standards will be reduced by 1/5 over next three years 2012-2015.

  17. Gap by Strands - Math

  18. State Service Delivery Plan Science: • The % gap in meeting state science standards will be reduced by 1/5 over next three years 2012-2015.

  19. Gap by Strands - Science

  20. State Bilingual Program Dual Language

  21. iGrants Form Package 206

  22. Credit Retrieval


  24. Analyzing Needs of PK • Limited data in MSIS • Data trends for preschool aged migrant students as they continue K-12 education • WaKIDS data analysis

  25. WaKIDS OSPI Report Card

  26. WaKIDS OSPI Report Card

  27. Out-of-School Youth 2,121 students ages 16-21 Enrolled in the MSIS database

  28. Out-of-School Youth 280 migrant students ages 16-21 were recovered during the 2012-13 school year.

  29. Parent Involvement • Parent Advisory Council – plan, implement, evaluate program annually. • Assist migrant parents in understanding high school and beyond (graduation requirements). • Provide opportunities for parents to learn about credit retrieval options for their child. • Promote family literacy activities not currently addressed with other resources. • Create accessible opportunities for migrant parents to participate in activities that will strengthen academic support in the home.

  30. iGrants Form Package 206 Parent Involvement Page 4

  31. Program Staff and FTEs • Recruiter (1:600 FTE) 150/600 = .25 FTE (520 hrs. @ 2080 hrs.) • Records Clerk (1:800 FTE) 150/800 = .1875 FTE (390 hrs. @ 2080 hrs.) • Graduation Specialist (1:50 FTE) 8/50 = .16 FTE (172 hrs. @ 1080 hrs.) • Student Advocate (1:150 FTE) 50/150 = .333 FTE (359 hrs. @ 1080 hrs.) All positions noted above should follow state developed job descriptions.

  32. Identification and Recruitment Plan A migrant student recruitment plan is in place that includes the following items: • Mapping recruitment boundaries • Process to ensure staff are fully trained in recruitment requirements and receive on-going training. • Annual plan identifying peak recruitment periods, locations to be targeted, and process to conduct program revalidations. • Process to assess quality control to ensure consistency in identifying eligible migrant students. • Process to evaluate achievement of plan and I/R efforts.

  33. Supporting Other Activities • Health – coordinating student selection, parent permission, date(s) for physicals • PAC meeting/general parent meetings • Supporting recruiting and registration for student events (Needs to occur outside recruiter, records clerk, MGS/MSA designated time but could be same staff person[s])

  34. Reporting Services in MSIS • Supplemental Minutes Logs • Reading • Math • Science • Writing • Support Services • Referred Services • PAC Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation

  35. MATH

  36. Reading

  37. Science

  38. Writing

  39. Referred Services • Cannot be MEP-funded • Cannot be school or district based services that the child is already entitled to receive (e.g., Title I Part A services, Title III services). • Are educational or educationally-related (supportive) services that migrant children would not have received without the efforts of MEP-funded personnel. • The child must actually receive the service in order for it to be counted as a referral. • An eligible migrant child must be the direct recipient of the referred service. Examples of referred services that a child might receive as a result of MEP efforts include: GED or pre-GED classes, Adult basic education classes, parenting classes (for eligible youth), computer literacy classes, job training programs, early childhood classes, nutrition and health education workshops, health and dental screenings, and food and clothing assistance.

  40. Referred Services

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