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Practical Session – Defining Learning Outcomes

Practical Session – Defining Learning Outcomes. 6. Evaluation. 5. Synthesis. 4. Analysis. 3. Application. 2. Comprehension. 1. Knowledge. Dr. Carole Stephan and al. : Nursing. Demonstrate basic nursing skills and practice in a controlled environment.

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Practical Session – Defining Learning Outcomes

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  1. Practical Session – Defining Learning Outcomes

  2. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge • Dr. Carole Stephan and al. : Nursing Demonstrate basic nursing skillsand practice in a controlled environment Apply Computer-Assisted Instructionand DELC Competencies Understand Physical and Physiologicalpatient Management Acquire Basic Nursing Skills Relate Patient Handling to an Ethical/Legal Framework Identify A systematic Frameworkfor Nursing Decision-Making Define the fundamental concepts ofnursing in practice Describe the mechanisms of disease Describe History of Professional Nursing

  3. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge • Dr. Mona Nehme et al.: Nursing Appliquer les méthodes de prévention et de contrôle des infections Démontrer une aptitude psychomotricedes soins de base (savoir-faire) Reconnaitre les besoins et les problèmes des patients Identifier un cadre de reference Reconnaitre les concepts fondamentauxdes pratiques infirmiers Connaitre les méthodes de préventionet de contrôle des infections Comprendre les règles éthiquesqui régissent la profession Définir le rôle de l’infirmer(ère)professionnel(le)

  4. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge Critique lesson plans developed according to different learning theories • Dr. Kamel Dallal et al.: Learning Theories Design lesson plans incorporating hands-onminds-on activities based on variouslearning theories Compare and contrast the rolesof the educators and students in the different learning theories Classify the advantages of thedifferent learning theories Explain the impact of the interactiveclassroom on student achievement State the different learningtheories and the essential componentsof each

  5. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge Determine the role of evaluators in the learning process Propose an applicable learning theorythat is suitable in the classroomenvironment Examine the impact of the interaction • Dr. Racha Khansa et al.: Learning Theories Formulate a lesson plan using oneof the learning theories Justify a learning process as negotiatedamong colleagues Differentiate between the various learning theories used in classroom Identify the different learning theoriesthat could be used in classroom

  6. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge Evaluate strengths and weaknessesof different theories • Dr. Saadallah Halmi et al.: Learning Theories Integrate different theories to createan interactive learning environment Draw conclusions of different theories Implement the different learningtheories in a classroom Summarize the different theories Identify the various theories relatedto the learning process

  7. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge Critique the comprehensivenessof each learning theory Assess the validity of certain theoriesfor specific situations • Dr. Shady Fraiha et al.: Learning Theories Combine two or more theories for understanding complex situations Analyze the behavior of learnersusing different theories Apply learning theories indifferent situations Differentiate between the tenantsof learning theories Summarize the essential learning theories Discover what is brain based learningin the classroom

  8. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge Critiquer une théorie d’apprentissage • Antoine Yazigi et al.: Learning Theories Différencier les théories d’apprentissageen fonction de:rôle de l’enseignement et de l’étudiant Différencier les théories d’apprentissageen fonction de:cadre épistémologique Différencier les théories d’apprentissageen fonction de:la gestion de la classe Situer les théories d’apprentissagepar rapport à la contextualisation historiques et culturelles Identifier les diverses caractéristiquesdes théories d’apprentissage

  9. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge • Dr. Bassam Hussein et al.: Applied Thermodynamics Differentiate reversible and irreversibleprocesses Classify the different applicationsof thermodynamics, namely refrigeratorsreal heat engines, fuels and batteries Analyze the environmental impacts ofthermodynamics applications Apply chemical potential on batteriesand fuel cells Illustrate the process of compressionof gazes Explain the function of heat enginesand refrigerators Define the underlying concepts ofthermodynamics State the law of thermodynamics

  10. 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension 1. Knowledge • Dr. Rania Karam et al.: Business Management Examine the effectiveness of The management process throughthe control function Distinguish between different approachesof D.M. and P.S. Represent the organization in termsof structure/departments Classify the environment asinternal & external Distinguish between leaders and managers and their roles Explain the planning function andits different levels Explain Management and itsprocesses

  11. What Existed • Students should be able to:

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