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Tips for Swimming Pool and SPA Safety - Schill Grounds Management

If you have a pool or spa, or if you plan to spend time in one this summer, itu2019s imperative youu2019re aware of the dangers and know how to handle them. At SGM safety is our top priority and the safety of your customers and loved ones should not be left up to chance.

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Tips for Swimming Pool and SPA Safety - Schill Grounds Management

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  1. S??M??N? P??L S??E?? R??E? Eventhoughtheysometimesseemrestrictive, swimmingpoolrulesexistforareason. They ensurethehealthandsafetyofallpoolvisitors. PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL RULES Usenon-slipmaterialsonpool deck, divingboardandladders. 1. Markwaterdepthsconspicuously anduseasafetyfloatlinewhere thebottomslopedeepens. 2. Beforedivingorsliding, checkto besureotherswimmersareout oftheway. 3. Keeprescuedevicesandfirstaid suppliesnearby. 4. Neverswimaftereating, drinking alcohol, ortakingmedications. 5. Neverleavechildrenunattended inornearwater 6. Kidsshouldlearntofloator swimassoonastheyareable. 7. Thereshouldbea fence atleast 4 feethigharoundallsidesofthe poolwithalockedgatetokeep childrenoutwhenthereisno supervision. 8. Lawnfurniture, trees, andshrubs shouldnotbecloseenoughto provideaneasyboostoverthe fence. 9. www.schilllandscaping.com

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