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Financial Liaison Meeting

Financial Liaison Meeting. November, 2008. Role of the Liaison. Be the primary financial contact (connecting link) between the Business Office and the college or college-level unit Facilitate enhanced communication and feedback to Business Office of immediate needs and concerns in unit

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Financial Liaison Meeting

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  1. Financial Liaison Meeting November, 2008

  2. Role of the Liaison • Be the primary financial contact (connecting link) between the Business Office and the college or college-level unit • Facilitate enhanced communication and feedback to Business Office of immediate needs and concerns in unit • Participate in quarterly meetings where new financial concepts, policies & procedures will be discussed • Assist the Business Office with suggestions for streamlining and automating systems within Banner • Disseminate financial information, new policies, procedures and reporting tools back to unit

  3. AGENDA ITEMS • Budget Services-carryover, roll date, transfers and give back • Reporting -reserves, new base report • Maintenance of Banner Queues • Xtender Update • Q&A • Future Meeting topics???

  4. BUDGET SERVICES OFFICE • Web Page www.auburn.edu/budget • One-Time, Temporary Funded Give Backs • 2008 Carryover • Budget Transfers

  5. Reserve Reporting

  6. Reserve Reporting Data Collection Extract BC1 transactions for Unrestricted funds (10x001 – 10x003) no cost shares Extract year end fund balances by org hierarchy for gifts, expendable endowments, unexpended plant funds and R&R plant funds Compare Reserves by Unit to Prior Year Information Provided to Administration, College Deans, Provost & Vice Presidents

  7. Summary Data Available to Provost, EVP, Business Office – Total Reserve

  8. Summary Data - Comparison of Current Year Unrestricted to Prior Years

  9. More Summary Data – Comparing Other Reserve Balances to Prior Years

  10. DATA by COLLEGE Provided to Dean & Financial Liaison-Unrestricted by FOAP

  11. DATA by COLLEGE Provided to Dean & Financial Liaison-Other Unrestricted by Fund

  12. Reports Key Reports for Monthly Use: FGRBDSC – Budget Status Report (YTD accumulation by account within Fund/Org) Available on demand or in e~Print FGRODTA – Daily Transactions (monthly detailed transactions excluding payroll distribution) Available on demand for extended periods or monthly reporting in e~Print Grant Inception to Date (C&G reporting FRRGITD…) Payroll Distribution Reports (e~Print) DISCUSSION FOR TODAY: New Base Budget Reports Future 045 Replacement What’s Missing??

  13. E~Print New Budget Report • Three reports focusing on Base Budgets • Base Report without Benefits • Base Report Labor Only • Base Report Operational Accts Only • Reports are sorted using the Organizational Hierarchy in Banner • Can extract entire University, division, executive level, or college • Summary data is by college, executive level and division

  14. Review of Organizational Hierarchy A = Chart 1 = Division level 10 = Executive Level 100 = College or Major Unit 1000 = School 10000 = Department 100000 = Data Entryable Org

  15. E~Print Repository 3 Reports

  16. Drill down on most current report. View just your area by using Magnifying glass or entire report using PDF.

  17. Note drop down box: allows user to extract data by college, executive level or division

  18. Select College, Executive Level or Division as Required (example: selected Executive Level 12)

  19. Reports In Process: • GL versus SL Comparison - -Status: Budget Services finalizing report accuracy • Purpose: Report will allow Budget Office to identify funds where GL & SL do/do not • match. Specific fund types are identified in report comparison. Some • operating ledger balances should not match general ledger fund • balances. (Example would be auxiliaries. Operational budget is there • as guideline. Not intended to match as they do not want entire asset • pool available for current year spending.) • Funds identified for comparison reporting are contracts & grants (2A-2D), • restricted gifts, scholarships and fellowships (2G-2R), athletic auxiliaries (3C), • plant funds (9A-9J) and ACES Appropriations (2F). • Budget Office will run routinely to identify areas out-of-balance and • work with Controller’s Office, Bursar’s Office or department to correct.

  20. Reports In Process continued: Departmental Operating Summary (FRS 045 replacement) Report is about 80% complete. Will be available to users monthly in e~Print. Users will be able to extract data using Organizational Hierarchy (College, School or Department). Report will provide users with summary report of all fund-org combinations. Quick access to the available balances and fund balances by fund type. All unrestricted information will be summarized within a department, followed by contract & grant FRIGITD available balance & GL fund balance. Restricted funds, plant funds (including R&R) will follow. Report looks beyond just the operational ledger available balances.

  21. Other Report Needs If you have reporting needs, please provide a detailed sketch or marked up report lay out that can be forwarded to me for review (I will get with specific Business Office area to see if a report is already available or if there is consensus on need). Remember Banner has numerous ways to get to your data. If this is something you require routinely, perhaps an automated report could be created.

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