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Argo Status Argo TC, M. Belbeoch

Argo Status Argo TC, M. Belbeoch. DBCP #27 September 2011 Geneva, Switzerland. Argo is the best cooperative effort in the history of oceanography. 12 nations maintain the global array and 20 more fill regional gaps. However more international cooperation is required !.

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Argo Status Argo TC, M. Belbeoch

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  1. ArgoStatusArgo TC, M. Belbeoch DBCP #27September 2011Geneva, Switzerland

  2. Argoisthe best cooperative effort in the history of oceanography 12 nations maintain the global array and 20 more fill regional gaps

  3. However more international cooperationisrequired! 54% maintained by the USA … Growing involvement of Europe is crucial We need further South American countries participation

  4. Some nations have difficulties to sustain or augment their contribution USA contribution has probably reached a limit and is slightly decreasing for the first time EuroArgo is starting to be fruitful with a number of new comers, and historical Argo countries that are still progressing. To be noted the substantial Australian contribution Asia keeps to assure its part Brazil has just funded floats (and drifters)

  5. There is no competitionbetweenArgo teams, all are doingtheir besthowever …

  6. Argoisalmostcomplete, and approachingitsinititaltarget Some floats are not sending good data Some are beached or probably “blocked” under the seasonal ice Some are bumping each others in marginal seas … 90% of the array is fulfilling the original AST design (improving, with 85% last year)

  7. After a drop in 2009/2010, Argois back to itstarget • Can we reasonably reach 4000 floats for an “expanded Argo” including high latitudes and main marginal seas

  8. But thereisstill the 2009 deploymentdeficit to address

  9. Argooveralldensity looks good…

  10. Including in the SouthernOcean

  11. But floats are gettingold A large part of the Pacific Ocean will need to be coveredas well as the SW Atlantic and NE/W Indian and SO

  12. Argo Planning all groups plan their deployments via the central JCOMMOPS interfacewith TC backup … almost all.

  13. Argo Planning: large deploymentsanticipated in 2011 Cooperationeven more important … and optimize them gradually according to network density/age, colleagues plans, via a specific scoring system (avoid overlap, share opportunities, etc)

  14. Argo Data Stream: All profiles

  15. Argo Data Stream: DelayedModestatusArgo is a dynamic dataset DM Operators replace gradually netCDF profiles at GDACs/Internet 03/2010: 76% achieved09/2011: 80% (of 835 00 profiles)

  16. Argo Data Stream: DM Status

  17. Delays: GTS distribution meets operational requirements

  18. Delays: GTS distribution meets operational requirements

  19. Delays: GDACs distribution - some progress made ? (~80h in 03/2010) The AIC flagged delays at GDACs that have been partially solvedInternet distribution is not yet fully real time

  20. Harmonizing sampling strategies is “challenging ”

  21. But drift/profile depths and cycle times are rather homogeneous

  22. But drift/profile depths and cycle times are rather homogeneous

  23. But drift/profile depths and cycle times are rather homogeneous

  24. Float reliability has finally reached manufacturers spec. for most of float models

  25. Float technology improving, new sensors are being tested, … Iridium slowly adopted (~25% / year in 2011) Argos 3 being tested at sea

  26. Float technology improving, new sensors are being tested,

  27. Float technology improving, new sensors are being tested,

  28. Argo Information Centre news • The AIC is funded on a yearly basis via voluntary contributions from Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, the United Kingdom and the United States. To be noted that Japan (via JAMSTEC) started provide funds for the AIC in 2011. • Argo Steering Team members strongly requested the TC to ensure a regular maintenance of the float database (as every single float is checked by the TC), crucial for implementation planning. • “EEZ warning system” developed and operational see ftp.jcommops.org/Argo/eez • The AST encouraged the TC to finalize the float donation contracts with the IOC to properly transfer float responsibility between two Member States or to UNESCO. • JCOMMOPS has also started to sell some services, to cover some functioning expenses and develop some activities. In that line, the AST agreed to have the official Argo sticker (small or large size) sold to manufacturers for a symbolical amount of 3€/unit. It is a way as well to officially label a platform and make sure JCOMMOPS is in touch with the operator. A charter should be provided along with the sticker so that operator is aware of services provided by JCOMMOPS and duties of participating in the programme. • Iridium SBD decoding (for RT locations) being developed: sbd@jcommops.org • Temperature and Salinity overlays (using the Scripps Argo based Atlas) were tested and added to the Google Earth application as well as a quality control feedback system. • The AIC is preparing an audit on Argo metadata to harmonize metadata files content (Argo GDACs, JCOMMOPS, GTS Codes), and add crucial metadata not yet handled by the Argo netCDF format.

  29. Argo outreach capacity improving Google Earthhttp://argo.jcommops.org/argo.kmlBBC World News / UNESCO program Argo Atlas (TT-CB)

  30. Conclusion • The number of countries involved in Argo keeps growing • There is a clear deficit from 2009 of 300 units. Will this be caught up in 2011/2012 ? Argo will have to do better than ever . • Progress is clear regarding the “efficiency” of the arrayThe CoreArgo array needs to be defined more accurately for better monitoring • Delayed mode data management is approaching 90% of completion • Delays in data availability at the GDACs has been solved • Argo continues analyzing effects of pressure bias • Float lifetime keeps improving • New generation of telecoms seems ready on all float models • Plans for deep Argo initiated - 3000m • Anyone can explore world oceans from their desktop

  31. It is still a challenge to maintain Argo and more international cooperation is required to secure the core array and will be crucial to expand it. • Expansion of Argo to high latitudes, marginal seas, bio-argo will requires clear commitments for • floats • ship time • resources for data management • resources for the infrastructure • Argo/DBCP: • Operations (deployments) • Cooperation (donor programmes, TT-CB) • JCOMMOPS

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