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Checks and Balances

Checks and Balances. Separation of Powers. The Constitution created a separation of powers. Spread out government power between 3 branches. Created to make sure government did not become too powerful (like a monarchy). 3 Branches of Government. Legislative: Make the Laws

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Checks and Balances

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Checks and Balances

  2. Separation of Powers The Constitution created a separation of powers. Spread out government power between 3 branches. Created to make sure government did not become too powerful (like a monarchy).

  3. 3 Branches of Government Legislative: Make the Laws Executive: Enforce the Laws Judicial: Judge the Laws

  4. Checks and Balances The national government is split into branches Each branch can check and balance the power of the other branches

  5. Checks and Balances: Legislative Can change the Constitution Can impeach (remove) Supreme Court justices Can pass laws without president’s approval Can impeach (remove) the president

  6. Checks and Balances: Executive Can veto (refuse to approve) laws Can pick Supreme Court justices

  7. Checks and Balances: Judicial Can declare laws unconstitutional Can declare actions of the president unconstitutional

  8. Checks and Balances Worksheet Work in partners to complete the worksheet You will have 20 minutes to complete the assignment together Use your partner work voices

  9. Individual Rights in the Constitution Dual sovereignty, federalism, and Majority rule

  10. Federalism The national government controls the whole country The states have a right to control themselves too National government can’t make states do certain things

  11. Enumerated (Federal) Powers • Declare war • Maintain armed forces • Regulate interstate and foreign trade • Admit new states • Establish Post Offices • Set standard weights and measures • Coin money • Establish Foreign Policy • Make all laws necessary and proper for carrying out powers (Elastic Clause).

  12. Reserved (State) Powers • Establish and Maintain Schools • Establish local governments • Set corporate laws • Regulate business within the state • Make Marriage laws • Provide for public safety • Assume other powers not given to the federal government nor prohibited to the states.

  13. Shared Powers • Maintain Law and Order • Levy Taxes • Borrow Money • Charter Banks • Establish Courts • Provide for public welfare

  14. Popular Sovereignty Constitution is a social contract with the people to create a government “We the people” begins the Constitution and 6 goals for the government are stated

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