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Section A

Section A. Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads. Preparation. Getting the Message Direction: Answer the following questions according to the text. 1.Why fads are common in the United States? 2.What’s the difference between a fad and a trend?

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  1. Section A Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads

  2. Preparation Getting the Message Direction: Answer the following questions according to the text. 1.Why fads are common in the United States? 2.What’s the difference between a fad and a trend? 3.Why do people like to follow the latest fashions? 4.Why does the elderly woman in the TV advertisement became popular? 5.What kind of country are fad common in?

  3. Reading Through • Main Idea Our lifestyle is changing all the time and there are different trends and fads at different times. Not only clothing and hairstyle, but also whole way of living are changing rapidly. But why do fads change so quickly? For some people, they just want to make money while for others, they simply want to take part in new and original activities. In spite of the difference between a fad and a trend, fads exist in every country. And no one knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next.

  4. trend fad tendency club furniture actor hero politician appear groovy awesome foolish vain creative advertisement complain beef magazine fame cause desire area teenager economy Britain Japan additional frequent New Words

  5. Phrases and Expressions • more than just • in style • out of date • get away from • in/out of fashion • and the like • pay attention to • come and go • make money

  6. Detailed Study of Text A 1. These days, lifestyles have a tendency to change so fast.(para.1) 2. It is more than just clothing and hairstyle that are in style one year and out of date the next.(para.1) 3. One year, people wear hats and blue jeans;they drink white wine and eat at Japanese restaurants: for exercise they run several miles a day. The next year, however, everything has changed.(para.2) 4. Almost nothing in modern life gets away from the influence of fashion(para3) 5. actors, sports heroes, well-known artists, politicians and the like.(para.4)

  7. 6. But Americans also pay a lot of attention to people who have no special ability at all. (para.4) 7. What causes such fads come and go ? (para.5) 8. they simply want to be part of something new and creative.(para.5) 9. Fads are not limited to the United States, however. (para.6) 10. It’s sometimes difficult to see the difference between a fad and a trend. (para.7) 11.A social trend, however, survives a long time and becomes a true part of modern culture. (para.7) 12. Who knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next?(para.8)

  8. have a tendency有……趋势 e.g. Unhappy parents have a tendency to bring up unhappy children. 不幸福的父母养育的子女也往往不幸福。 She has a natural tendency toward caution. 她天生比较谨慎。

  9. more than just不仅仅;不只是 e.g. This plan is more than just his personal dream; it’s the great ambition held by us all. 这项计划不只是他个人的梦想,而是我们共同拥有的远大理想。 Surbival depends on more than just right trestment. 要活下来光靠正确的治疗还不够。

  10. to be in style时髦;流行out of date过时的;不用的 Notice on the two phrases: contrary to “be in style”, “out of date” means not popular or not used any more. e.g. This kind of internet game was in style last year, but it has gone out of fashion this year. 这种网络游戏去年还很流行,可今年就过时了。 The rose is going to remain the most popular flower because love is never out of date. 玫瑰花永远是最受欢迎的花,因为爱情永远不会过时。

  11. 译文:曾几何时,人们戴帽子,穿牛仔裤……。但到了第二年,所有的一切都变了:妇女们穿长裙……。译文:曾几何时,人们戴帽子,穿牛仔裤……。但到了第二年,所有的一切都变了:妇女们穿长裙……。 句型结构 One year, people do something. The next year, however, something / everything has changed: people do something different. (下滑线字可替换) 曾几何时,人们做某事。但到了第二年,所有的一切变了:人们开始做别的事。

  12. to get away from逃避;逃离 句型结构 Almost nothing / nobody in modern life/ society / world gets away from the influence / impact / effect of sth.: sth. / sb. and even sth. / sb. else does sth.(下划线字可替换) 在…..中,几乎没有……能逃过的影响:甚至…… e.g. For some students, listening to music provides them a chance to get away from the pressure of school work. 对于一些学生,听音乐可以使他们从学习的压力中解脱出来。 Playing tennis allows me to get away from my work enviroment. 打网球可以使我从我的工作氛围中解脱出来。

  13. and the like诸如此类;等等 e.g. In general, young people in colleges enjoy watching such programs as news, sports, music and the like. 总的来说,大学里的年轻人喜欢观看新闻、体育、音乐等诸如此类的节目。 A furniture store sells beds, tables, chairs and the like. 家具店出售床、桌子、椅子等东西。

  14. pay attention to留心;注意. e.g. It’s always important for teachers to pay close attention to what the students actually need in their learning. 老师应该特别注意学生们学习中的实际需求,这一点永远都很重要。 It is always important for doctors to pay attention to what the patients say.

  15. come and go来来去去;忽隐忽现;变化无常 e.g. Fashions come and go, but honesty as the best policy in making friends will never change. 潮流变来变去,但是诚实作为交友的良策却永远也不会改变。 Fashions come and go, but this style has always been popular. 潮流变来变去, 但是这种款式却始终受到欢迎。

  16. to be part of sth.new and creative成为具有创造性的新事物的一部分 e.g. For those who enjoy learning, learning, in fact, has become part of their meaningful lives. 对于那些热爱学习的人来说,学习事实上已经成为他们有意义的生活的一部分。 Creative: adj. Producing new and original ideas and things. e.g. Creative people must be able to imagine objects, people and scenes. 有创造力的人必须能够想象出某种事物、人物及场景。

  17. be limited to…限定于……;限制于……. Meaning: However, fads exist not only in the United States, but also in pther countries. e.g. Fashion is not just limited to young people; actually old people also have their own fashions. 时尚不是年轻人的专利,实际上,老年人也有他们时尚的东西。

  18. to see the difference between分辨;区分. e.g. Parents should not only give pupils knowledge but also help them see the difference between right and wrong. 父母不仅应该给孩子们传授知识,更应该帮助他们明辨是非。

  19. survive a long time长久存在 e.g. Compared with some pop songs, the classic songs survive a long time and are still popular with people of all ages. 和一些流行歌曲相比,经典老歌经久不衰,现在仍然受到不同年龄人们的喜爱。 Survive: vi.Continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to death. I can’t survive on $30 a week. 每星期30美元我没法生活。 Vt. Continue to live or exist after Only special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert. 只有特殊的植物才能在可怕的沙漠气候中存活下来。

  20. Meaning: It is hard to tell what changes in lifestyle will happen next. Notice: This is rhetorical question: a rhetorical question is only a question in form and actually is a very strong affirmative or negative statement. It does not require an answer. So the above question simply means: “No one knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next.”

  21. Summary • All types of fads come and go, around us. What is in style today may go out of date next month because the change is so fast. Some people, especially teenagers are busy following fads. In today’s society, almost everyone is influenced by fashion to some degree.

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