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Competitive exam preparation

In this competitive world, being well prepared is the key to success. In today’s world no matter which field we belong to, we are required to qualify competitive exams to get admissions in universities, for civil services or for any other post in public sector.takshila provides Competitive exam preparation online/offline.

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Competitive exam preparation

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  1. Competitive exam preparation If you are preparing for any competitive exam to qualify for a scholarships or any jobs after graduation you tend to take the help of coaching institutes, online coaching or self study. If you are not interested to pay high fees to the coaching centers, or if there are no proper coaching institutes around, then it will be tough for competitive exam preparation. But this does not mean one cannot succeed in competitive exams without the help of a coaching institute. There are many people who have qualified competitive exams successfully with the help of online coaching. Online coaching are more affordable and reach at any corner of the world. For this we have to buy course and adopt the techniques of coaching institute for exam preparation. we need to have strict time schedule as there is no external monitors. Following are the tips for competitive exams preparation without coaching centers. TIPS TO PREPARE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAM WITH ONLINE COACHING OR SELF STUDIES a) Regular studies everyday: First of all, for competitive exam preparation, we need to have our own time schedules to study because we have no external time table or any one to monitor us. The best times is early mornings before college or office hours and again in the evenings if possible. Regular

  2. studies and practice with videos, books and syllabus is essential while preparing for exam. But do not ignore health, diet and proper rest. b) One needs thorough completion of syllabus: Question paper in competitive exam comes from any part of the syllabus mentioned. So no portion of syllabus can be ignored. Hence it is very important thorough completion of syllabus. c) Multiple and effective revisions: Revise and practice the syllabus as many times as possible. Revision helps to keep you updated with subject and practice helps to memorize better and time maqnagement.This can be done on entire week with each subject on everyday basis. Revision and practice is so important and unless it is useless to cover new chapters. This is particularly useful for English, quantititive apptitude, and reasoning. d) Solving previous exam papers and mock test series: Solving previous exam paper and sample paper is very interesting and also very much required. It helps to evaluate how much you can score in the exam. It helps to answer the questions in calculated time. There are many students who fail to answer all the questions in competitive exam within the calculated time resulting to low score. So to answer all the questions one should practice and more practice sample pares and previous question papers.The technique is to revise the entire syllabus once and then go for answering a previous question paper and solve online sample papers to evaluating your ability. e) Referring internet or new books for more information: Some questions in competitive exams seem to be very new or unexpected. Yet aspirant should solve or answer them to score better than others. So individual need to refer internet for more information. Always there are chances of new or surprising questions in exam. So aspirant need to answer them smartly. f) Make a group: If possible, study in a group. Group study helps in cover vast syllabus in short time if they study properly without chit chat. So group study should be competitive and better understanding by mutual explanation of subjects and clarifying doubts. For competitive exam preparation visit http://www.takshilalearning.com/. We provide online video lectures, previous years question papers, sample papers, mock test series, and many more.

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