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23:2 Second New Deal Takes Hold

23:2 Second New Deal Takes Hold. Second New Deal Second Hundred Days. First New Deal-not enough improvement Unemployment still high Production still low Congress passes second wave of legislation. Eleanor Roosevelt. Social reformer Went to see suffering Brought needs back to FDR

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23:2 Second New Deal Takes Hold

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  1. 23:2 Second New Deal Takes Hold

  2. Second New DealSecond Hundred Days • First New Deal-not enough improvement • Unemployment still high • Production still low • Congress passes second wave of legislation

  3. Eleanor Roosevelt • Social reformer • Went to see suffering • Brought needs back to FDR • Helped shape legislation

  4. 1936 Election • Overwhelming Democrat victories • African Americans shift to Democrats • Reflects public support for New Deal

  5. FDRCourt Packing Bill • Democrats control legislative Branch • Democrats control executive Branch • Proposed legislation to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices to 12 • He could appoint the new justices that would support New Deal Programs

  6. Grapes of WrathJohn Steinbeck • Novel expressed the troubling experiences of tenant farmers

  7. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act • pay farmers for cutting production of soil depleting crops • Rewarded farmers for practicing good soil conservation methods

  8. 2nd AAAAgricultural Adjustment Act • Pay farmers to cut production in order to raise prices

  9. Resettlement Administration • Loans to small farmers to buy land

  10. Farm Security AdministrationFSA • $1 billion in loans to help tenant farmers become landowners • established better camps for migrant farmers • Hired photographers to capture difficult conditions

  11. Dorothea Lange • Depression photographer • Migrant Mother

  12. Works Progress Administration WPA • Goal: create as many jobs as quickly as possible • $11 billion to 8 million workers on works projects • Also employed professionals • Much to women, minorities, and young

  13. The federal government commissioned a series of public murals from the artists it employed. William Gropper's "Construction of a Dam" (1939), is characteristic of much of the art of the 1930s, with workers seen in heroic poses, laboring in unison to complete a great public project.

  14. National Youth Administration NYA • Education, jobs, counseling, and recreation • $$$ for high school, college and graduate school students • Work study programs

  15. National Labor Relations ActAKA Wagner Act • Right of workers to join unions and engage in collective bargaining • Prohibited unfair labor practices • Established the National Labor Relations Board

  16. Fair Labor Standards Act • 44/40 hours week • Minimum wage $.25/$.40 • Child labor laws

  17. Social Security AdministrationSSA • Old age insurance at 65 • Unemployment compensation • Dependent children • disabled

  18. Rural Electrification AdministrationREA • 12.6 % rural farms had electricity in 1935 • 1949-90%

  19. 23:3 New Deal AffectsMany Groups

  20. New Deal and Women • Federal government positions • Francis Perkins-Secretary of Labor • Workplace discrimination • Wages • New Deal agencies discriminated

  21. New Deal and African Americans • Federal Government positions • Mary McLeod Bethune-NYA Division of Negro Affairs • “Black Cabinet” • Marian Anderson sings at Lincoln memorial

  22. FDR and Civil Rights • Didn’t want to alienate southern democrats • Poll taxes • Works projects discriminated • Anti lynching laws • Still supported by African Americans as their best bet for the future

  23. New Deal and Mexican Americans • Migrant farmers not protected by laws • $.09/hour

  24. New Deal and Native Americans • 1933 citizenship • John Collier-commissioner of Indian affairs • Indian Reorganization Act 1934 • Assimilation to autonomy • Economic, cultural , political pg. 713

  25. New Deal Coalition • Variety of minorities and labor unionsthat supported Democrats in 1930s and 40s

  26. New Deal and Labor Unions • Wagner Act • FDR “Friend of Labor” • Membership grew

  27. American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial OrganizationsAFL-CIO • AFL-craft based workers: RR engineers/carpenters • CIO-skilled and unskilled of an entire industry like car or steel • Reunited in 1955 AFL-CIO

  28. AFL-CIO Today • Largest Union in the U.S./Canada • 56 member unions (UAW, SAG, ALPA) • 10 million represented

  29. Labor Disputes • Sit down strikes • Memorial Day Massacre

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