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Arbitrary borders drawn w/o respect for tribal divisions splits some tribes while throwing others together. Benefits of Eur. Civ. (schools, RR’s, etc.) offset by suffering & humiliation caused by European rule. Other politicians, not wanting to lose popularity, also support imperialism.

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  1. Arbitrary borders drawn w/o respect for tribal divisions splits some tribes while throwing others together Benefits of Eur. Civ. (schools, RR’s, etc.) offset by suffering & humiliation caused by European rule Other politicians, not wanting to lose popularity, also support imperialism Brit. seizes Egypt to guard its interests in Suez Canal Henry Stanley’s travel account Interest in Afr. Br. conquers Zulus in S. Afr to protect Dutch Boers Early efforts focus on Africa as the main object of imperial expansion despite its relative unimportance to Britain’s economy. Brit. feels powerless to stop these changes & econ. depression in 1873 Hard to compete vs cheap labor & newer factories More complex soc Harder to unite politically FC. 122 EUROPEAN IMPERIAL EXPANSION INTO AFRICA (c.1870-1914) German unific. & Balkan turmoil upset balance of power (FC.119) Social changes brought by Ind.. Rev. (FC.113) Spread of Ind. Rev. outside Britain (FC.116) Several problems for Britain after 1870: Br. Prime min., Benjamin Disraeli proposes imperial expansion which will: Enhance Britain’s internat’l prestige Protect Br’s econ. interests overseas Provide new mkts. & resources Br. conquers Sudan to keep it from blocking Nile R. Leopold II of Belgium seizes & mercilessly exploits the Congo Tensions b/w Br & Boers Boer War Br. takes S. Afr. Improvements in milit. tech. (FC.117) Vaccines vs. trop. diseases (FC.117) Scramble for colonies by other Eur. powers who want to keep up w/Britain  Most of Africa carved up into colonies by 1914 When new lands to colonize are gone  Rising tensions in Eur. helps lead to WWI (FC.126) WWII Eur. weak & natives use Eur. tech. & ideas of to win indep. (FC.151)

  2. Arbitrary borders drawn w/o respect for tribal divisions splits some tribes while throwing others together Benefits of Eur. Civ. (schools, RR’s, etc.) offset by suffering & humiliation caused by European rule Other politicians, not wanting to lose popularity, also support imperialism Brit. seizes Egypt to guard its interests in Suez Canal Henry Stanley’s travel account Interest in Afr. Br. conquers Zulus in S. Afr to protect Dutch Boers Early efforts focus on Africa as the main object of imperial expansion despite its relative unimportance to Britain’s economy. Brit. feels powerless to stop these changes & econ. depression in 1873 Hard to compete vs cheap labor & newer factories More complex soc Harder to unite politically FC. 122 EUROPEAN IMPERIAL EXPANSION INTO AFRICA (c.1870-1914) German unific. & Balkan turmoil upset balance of power (FC.119) Social changes brought by Ind.. Rev. (FC.113) Spread of Ind. Rev. outside Britain (FC.116) Several problems for Britain after 1870: Br. Prime min., Benjamin Disraeli proposes imperial expansion which will: Enhance Britain’s internat’l prestige Protect Br’s econ. interests overseas Provide new mkts. & resources Br. conquers Sudan to keep it from blocking Nile R. Leopold II of Belgium seizes & mercilessly exploits the Congo Tensions b/w Br & Boers Boer War Br. takes S. Afr. Improvements in milit. tech. (FC.117) Vaccines vs. trop. diseases (FC.117) Scramble for colonies by other Eur. powers who want to keep up w/Britain  Most of Africa carved up into colonies by 1914 When new lands to colonize are gone  Rising tensions in Eur. helps lead to WWI (FC.126) WWII Eur. weak & natives use Eur. tech. & ideas of to win indep. (FC.151)

  3. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s Deteriorating envir.  Famines Wars and genocide Scares off new foreign investors

  4. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122)

  5. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122)

  6. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122)

  7. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122)

  8. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122)

  9. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127)

  10. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128)

  11. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches

  12. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches

  13. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches

  14. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches

  15. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches

  16. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136)

  17. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Rising expectations for independence & modernization Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136)

  18. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Rising expectations for independence & modernization Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) Post war econ. Boom for Afr. products(FC.138)

  19. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Rising expectations for independence & modernization Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. Boom for Afr. products(FC.138)

  20. Viewing Khrushchev & the Soviet leadership as revisionists going soft on capitalism, Mao tried to claim leadership of the world communist revolution in the undeveloped nations of Africa & Asia. “Awakened peoples, you will certainly attain the ultimate victory.” (1963)

  21. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Rising expectations for independence & modernization Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Overbearing state intervention in Afr. Econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa Uprisings Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. Boom for Afr. products(FC.138)

  22. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Rising expectations for independence & modernization Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Overbearing state intervention in Afr. Econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa Uprisings Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. Boom for Afr. products(FC.138)

  23. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Rising expectations for independence & modernization Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Overbearing state intervention in Afr. Econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa Uprisings Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. Boom for Afr. products(FC.138)

  24. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Rising expectations for independence & modernization Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Overbearing state intervention in Afr. Econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa Uprisings Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditionsEur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. Boom for Afr. products(FC.138)

  25. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Rising expectations for independence & modernization Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Overbearing state intervention in Afr. Econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa Uprisings Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on themMost col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. Boom for Afr. products(FC.138)

  26. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) Rising expectations for independence & modernization Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Overbearing state intervention in Afr. Econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa Uprisings Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Colon. Govt’s often practice “indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & contact w/rest of globe Drastic pop. decline (e.g., global flu pandemic in 1918) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Col. Schools indoctrinate Africans w/Christian & Eur. ideologies Eur. powers take over Africa (c.1870-1914)Break up old tribes and throw previously hostile ones together (FC.122) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent w/Eur’s (FC.127) Post WWI slump Falling mkts & prices for Afr. goods (FC.128) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) WWII uses Afr. Troops in various fronts (FC.136) Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. Boom for Afr. products(FC.138)

  27. Decolonization Before 1950 1950-59 1960-69 After 1970

  28. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together

  29. Traditional ethnic boundaries of Africa

  30. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s

  31. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s

  32. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s

  33. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s

  34. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s

  35. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s Deteriorating envir.  Famines

  36. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s Deteriorating envir.  Famines Wars and genocide

  37. FC 151. COLONIAL AND POST COLONIAL AFRICA (c.1870-2000) a Eur’s (c.1870-1914)Break up some tribes & throw other previously hostile ones together (FC.122) 1870-1920s: Colonies run more by private investors than Eur. govt’s: Col. Gov’suse“indirect rule” through local tribal chiefs Misrule & outside contactDrastic pop. decl. (e.g., flu pandemic in 1918) Col. Schools indoctrinate Afr’sw/Chr. & Eur. ideologies Post WWI slumpMkts& prices for Afr. Goods fall (FC.131) WWI involves Afr. troops Rising discontent (FC.127) Colon. powers cut involvement in Afr. colon’s (c.1920-45) Eur. govt’s cut budgets for Afr. Colon.admin’s Sell off many colon. Assets to pay war debts WWII (FC.136) WWII (FC.136) Missionary soc’s close many schools & churches White settlers are subsidized & take land from Afr. farmers Trend toward socialistic managed econ’s (FC.138) Post war econ. boom for Afr. products(FC.138) Rising desire & expectations for indep., but Eur. powers renew interest in Afr. Col’s “2nd Colon. Invasion” (1945-60) : Overbearing state intervention in Afr. econ’s: More intensive agr. & irrig White settlers seize more lands & est. Apartheid in S. Africa  Uprisings Programs that are over-managed & inappropriate for Afr. conditions Eur. countries give up on them Most col’s get ind. in 1960s but according to arbitrary Eur. boundaries that divide some tribes & throw previously hostile ones together New African nations face severe problems largely as legacy of colonialism: Soc. stability disrupted by pop. explos., diseases like AIDS & moderniz. w/nothing to replace trad. tribal structures & values Old colon. bound’s No nat’lcohesionCorrupt dictators W. corp’s still own Afr. resources  No $ for Afrec’s Deteriorating envir.  Famines Wars and genocide Scares off new foreign investors

  38. African wars & their duration since independence

  39. African governments & their duration

  40. African genocide: Biafra

  41. Biafra: a microcosm of post-colonial Africa. While it’s dangerous to generalize about Africa based on one or two examples, what happened in Nigeria in the 1960s reflects to a large extent problems that affected the continent as a whole. Nigeria, like most sub-Saharan colonies that became “nations”, was an artificial construct made up of a random collection of peoples who happened to live within the conveniently marked boundaries established by the colonial power, in this case Britain. Whatever ethnic divisions existed during the colonial period were overshadowed by the common desire for independence according to whatever boundaries that might mean. Below: Nigerians celebrate their newly won independence in 1960

  42. The Nigeria that won its independence in 1960 was a very loosely federated collection of three main ethnic areas consisting of the Muslim Hausa and Fulani in the north, the Yoruba in the southwest, and the Ibo in the oil-rich southeast. Probably because of oil, the British had developed the southeast more. As a result, the Ibo were better educated, holding positions as merchants, teachers, and soldiers who were scattered across Nigeria in their various trades. To other ethnic groups, they represented Nigerian nationalism and modernization. Being the upper class, they were also widely resented by other groups as being part of a conspiracy to make Nigeria a nation in their image and for their benefit.

  43. Given the ramshackle nature of Nigeria, its experiment with democracy collapsed in 1966 in a series of three military coups, the first two headed by Ibo officers, the last one by major general YakubuGawon, who was not Ibo. This last coup helped trigger an anti-Ibo vendetta across the nation. In the north, the poorer Hausa turned on their Ibo neighbors, slaughtering 40,000 of them. One eye-witness, OluOguibe, saw “whole families set ablaze by their neighbours in the middle of the night, children hacked to death in their sleep, women violated by men who only the previous day would have doffed their hats to them,…some men burnt at the stake, some decapitated, others hounded through the streets and stoned, while their adversaries gambled for their clothes.” To the Western press and public, ignoring and/or ignorant of the colonial forces that set these events into motion, these massacres were just proof of African savagery.

  44. Meanwhile, some two million other Ibo fled to their native lands in the southeast, and a Colonel EmekaOjukwu unilaterally declared the southeast as the independent nation of Biafra. Gawon wasn’t about to let an oil rich area such as that break away, so he invaded. The Biafrans were able to defeat Gawon’s forces, but not before they had damaged much of the country’s agriculture. Therefore, Gawon decided to starve Biafra into submission by seizing the delta of the Niger River & cutting off vital supplies inland.

  45. What starvation and Gawon’s soldiers didn’t accomplish, other ethnic groups did while the soldiers watched them massacre the Ibo population.

  46. In December 1968, the Red Cross reported that 14,000 Biafrans, mostly women and children, were dying each day.

  47. The outside world wringed its hands in horror, but did nothing to help. Britain, which got 10% of its oil from Biafra, supported Gawon and supplied him with weapons to secure their oil supply. France, under the pretext of humanitarianism, supported Biafra hoping the breakup of Nigeria would help its smaller former colonies in the region. Both sides hired professional mercenaries, mainly from Europe, who also committed atrocities under the cover of it being war. All these measures did nothing but prolong Biafra’s agony.

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